1-10 of 11 Results

Egoscue — Eliminate Pain with Postural Therapy?

Egoscue is a postural therapy designed to eliminate chronic pain without drugs or surgery. Founded by Pete Egoscue in 1978, the Egoscue Method focuses on a series of gentle stretches and exercises to correct misalignments in the musculoskeletal system of the body. The core belief behind Egoscue is that pain, whether acute or chronic, is…

Lower Back Pain Relief: 6 Recommended Remedies

It's estimated that up to 80 percent of adults experience persistent symptoms of lower back pain at some point in their lives, and about 31 million Americans struggle with the condition at any given time. That leaves many searching for lower back pain relief. Given its extremely high prevalence rate — whether due to a…

Harder to Be Happy with Forward Head Posture? Exercises to Correct It

Thanks in no small part to a reliance on and addiction to technology, a sedentary lifestyle has become the norm. As a result, good posture has never been more important, but unfortunately, our obsession with smartphones has made many of us develop forward head posture instead. When you're hunched over, your back, neck and shoulders…

SI Joint Pain and Sacroiliitis: Causes, Natural Treatments and Exercises

Sacroiliac joint dysfunction, also commonly called SI joint pain, is a condition that causes upper leg and lower back pain. Studies show that low back and/or upper leg pains due to conditions like disc diseases, overuse, age-related degeneration of joints and inflammation are very common, affecting millions of people every year. In fact, in people over…

5 Natural Herniated Disc Treatment Options

 [Below is my transcript of my video about herniated disc treatment, along with supplemental information on the topic.] Back pain is something a very large number of people have to deal with at one point or another. In fact, there are some 31 million people in the U.S. alone who suffer from lower back…

Pinched Nerve Symptoms, Locations & Treatments

A pinched nerve is a common source of pain among the elderly, people who perform a lot of repetitive movements, those with arthritis and anyone struggling with obesity. Although they sometimes heal on their own, pinched nerves can cause significant disability and sometimes even permanent nerve damage when left untreated. Determining how many people actually have…

Natural Treatment for Runner’s Knee (Hint, Surgery Is Almost Always Unnecessary)

Patellofemoral pain syndrome, commonly just called "runner's knee," has been found to be one of the leading exercise-related injuries in adults — even more common than other running injuries like iliotibial band friction syndrome, plantar fasciitis, meniscal injuries of the knee and tibial stress syndrome. Although for some adults knee pains only start when they first…

5 Postural Restoration Benefits: Lower Pain While Improving Performance

As children, we tend to use both sides of our bodies much more easily compared to when we're adults. As we age, we gradually start to favor one side of the body, forming muscular patterns as we repeatedly strengthen our dominant side. The result is that over time — when we do this over, and over,…

7 Natural Sprained Ankle Treatments to Get You Back on Your Feet Again

It's estimated that some 25,000 people sprain their ankle every single day, according to the American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society. (1) What are some of the reasons that someone might suffer from an ankle sprain? Ankle injuries can affect people of all ages. They are commonly caused by things like repetitive overuse and poor posture…

6 Natural Tennis Elbow Remedies for ‘Pain-Free’ Status

Tennis elbow is a painful condition that affects athletes most often, especially those that use their arms frequently and in repetitive ways, like tennis players and golfers. Tennis elbow (the common name for the condition known as lateral epicondylitis) is caused by inflammation around the elbow, which causes stiffness, swelling, joint pain and trouble moving…