91-100 of 132 Results

Grapeseed Oil: Is It Healthy or Not?

If you’re not sure which oils to buy these days and which to skip, you’re definitely not alone. The world of cooking oils can be really confusing — with all the talk about different methods for “pressing” the oils, ideal cooking temperatures, various smoke points and so on — and grapeseed oil doesn't make this…

Cauliflower Rice with Cilantro and Lime

I don't know about you, but there are lots of times when a meal just requires a side like rice to soak up flavors or set off a special dish, like my seared grass-fed steak or beef short ribs. While it tastes good, white rice has nearly no nutritional value — who needs those empty calories? That's what…

Shiitake Mushrooms: 9 Scientifically Proven Benefits You Need to Know About

For hundreds of years, shiitake mushrooms have been a popular food source in Asia. In fact, they're the second most popular and the third most widely cultivated edible mushroom in the world. Today, shiitakes can be found in most grocery stores because of their meaty and versatile flavor, but did you know that they're packed…

What Is Shortening? Uses, Side Effects & Healthy Alternatives

Prior to the creation of processed fats like margarine and hydrogenated vegetable oils, lard (fat rendered from pigs/pork) was the original "shortening" used to make baked goods and fried foods that had a crumbly texture. Then, starting in the early 1900s, hydrogenated vegetable oils began replacing animal fats and other quality cooking oils because of…

Moon Milk: Does This Trendy Drink Help You Sleep?

Who doesn't want to beat insomnia, experience deep sleep with vivid dreams and then wake up feeling refreshed? If you're one of millions of adults who struggle to get a good night's sleep, you may be curious about whether moon milk — a trendy variation of turmeric tea — can help solve your problem. Made…

10 Bad Mood Foods, Plus Healthy Swaps to Make

Some things seem specifically designed to put you in a bad mood, like parking tickets or 40-minute wait times when you call customer service. But there is another rotten mood culprit out there: the bad mood foods that you’re eating. Does Poor Nutrition Contribute to Bad Moods? Think about how you feel after inhaling a…

Threonine: The Amino Acid Needed for Collagen Production

Chances are you haven't heard much about threonine, but this amino acid is involved in a range of biological processes. It's best known for its role in forming the foundation of connective tissues like collagen and elastin. It also helps regulate digestion, mood and muscle growth. Essential amino acids like threonine are the building blocks of…

What Is the Pegan Diet? Benefits, Downsides & How to Follow It

The pegan diet is one of the newest trends to emerge in the health scene. This vegan diet-paleo diet hybrid eating plan promises quick weight loss, better blood sugar control and decreased inflammation, with tons of pegan diet reviews available online hailing its ease and effectiveness. On the other hand, some claim that the diet…

The Plant Paradox Diet: A Review of Why It Works (But Also Its Risks)

Since its debut in 2017, the Plant Paradox diet has received plenty of attention — both good and bad — from dieters and nutrition experts alike. Even celebrities have joined in on the buzz; in fact, Kelly Clarkson attributed her massive weight loss to this controversial diet plan after dropping 37 pounds in a year.…

Rice Bran Oil: Versatile Healthy Fat or Inflammatory Cooking Oil?

Rice bran oil is considered a key ingredient around the globe and is commonly used for cooking, skin care, hair growth and more. However, while some favor it for its neutral flavor, versatility and high smoke point, others claim that it's inflammatory, highly processed and downright unhealthy. So is rice bran oil good or bad…