1521-1530 of 1562 Results

Does Yoga Count as Exercise? Scientists Weigh In

If you caught wind of a recent study, you may be asking yourself, "Does yoga count as exercise?" If you've been unrolling your yoga mat each day as a way to meet your recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise, the answer may be no, depending on the type of yoga you practice. Researchers found that a…

5 Weird Ways to Stop an Infection (or Prevent One in the First Place)

No one likes getting sick or, even worse, contracting an infection. What with doctor's visits with long waits, the overprescription of  antibiotics that lead to superbugs and generally feeling awful, most of us probably agree that preventing infections in the first place is better than trying to cure them later. While you may know about eating chicken…

Atrazine: the Most Common Toxic Contaminant in Our Water

Almost all of us go out of the way to avoid harmful toxins and poisons: We wouldn’t leave bleach near a toddler, for instance, and most of know about the dangers of Monsanto Roundup. But what if the toxin is something that’s quite hard to escape … and we’re consuming it unwittingly, without knowing exactly what…

The Best Natural Cleaning Products to Limit Your Toxin Exposure

While cleaning products are meant to clean, their impact on your health may be a little more than you bargained for within your home and body. Many of us were raised to use some of the most hazardous products on the planet and not think anything of it, but we should give it a second thought…

Improve Your Homocysteine Levels to Protect Your Heart

Never heard of homocysteine before and wondering what causes someone to have elevated homocysteine levels? Homocysteine is a specific type of amino acid that's created in the body during metabolic processes, as opposed to consumed in food. It's produced in the body as a byproduct of methylation, the process of producing an essential protein called…

20 Smoothie Bowl Recipes — the Trend Both Kids and Adults Love!

Smoothies are one of my favorite meals. They're portable, tasty and so simple to make! But have you enjoyed a smoothie bowl yet? These smoothies tend to be thicker than the usual recipes and are served in a bowl, making them more suitable to enjoy with a spoon instead of a glass. And they're a…

FDA Bans Triclosan & 18 Other Antibacterial Soap Ingredients

With mountains of data suggesting the antibacterial soap chemical triclosan is a toxic ripoff and completely unnecessary for everyday use, the Food and Drug Administration finally announced it's banning the ingredient in consumer hand and body washes. As the FDA bans triclosan and related antibacterial soap chemicals, manufacturers have one year to remove it and 18…

The Best Houseplants that Remove Pollution (They’re Pretty, Too!)

You may find this hard to believe, but chances are your indoor air is worse than the outdoor air you breathe. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, it's often 2 to 5 times worse. (Sometimes, it's 100 times worse. Yikes!) But take a deep breath, because expensive air filtration and ventilation systems aren't your only options when it…

18 Green Bean Recipes, Including Stir Fries & Salads!

Most people don't mind nutrition-rich green beans, but they aren't particularly inspiring. Many of us have flashbacks of canned green beans served at Thanksgiving, limp, overcooked string beans that have been steamed out of all flavor, or beans that taste delicious because they've been drowned in butter. It's a shame, because this budget-friendly food actually…

DIY Makeup Setting Spray with Lavender Oil

While I don’t wear makeup unless on national television, my wife Chelsea keeps me well informed about what's great and what’s not. One of the complaints she seems to have is when her makeup tends to smear or wear off too quickly, especially due to the humid weather. With our busy lifestyles, it's hard to…