1561-1570 of 1638 Results

Nutrigenomics: Does Food Influence How Our Genes Behave?

“It’s in my genes” is a phrase most of us have uttered at one time or another. For some it might equate to eating a lot of fatty foods without ever gaining an ounce, while for others it might mean an increased risk to a certain disease because it “runs in the family.” But what…

Age-Defying DIY Blush with Beets & Lavender Oil

Blush, sometimes called rouge, is one of the the most popular makeup products out there. It's used to redden the cheeks and cheekbone area with the intention of providing a more youthful appearance. Blush goes way back in history. Initially, anyone who wore blush was thought to have less than desirable ethical behavior. This is…

Relaxing Bath Recipe with Lavender Oil & Epsom Salt

The idea of a relaxing bath and taking time to de-stress is essential to our busy lives. A relaxing bath recipe can offer rejuvenation that is way cheaper than massage therapy and can be easily accessible on a frequent basis. By using the best ingredients to detox in the bath, you can not only get the benefits of relaxation,…

These 10 Things Literally Increase the Size of Your Brain

Several breakthroughs in brain science over the last few years suggest humans actually have the power to increase brain size. This can change your life in so many ways, from increasing memory to harnessing the power of your brain to create new neurons. Ways to Increase the Size of Your Brain Strike a pose. Yoga combines…

Brown Rice Protein Powder: Lose Weight and Build Muscle?

Protein powder is just for getting fit, right? Not anymore. Did you know that that there's a type of protein dietary supplement that can improve liver and heart function and regulate your cholesterol, in addition to supporting your weight loss and muscle-building efforts? It's time to introduce brown rice protein powder. From hardcore athletes to the casual…

Shimmery Holiday DIY Eye Shadow

Eye shadow can be an amazing eye-enhancer, but if you are using an eye shadow loaded with toxic ingredients, that beauty enhancer can wreak havoc on your skin and eyes! Some of the common toxic ingredients included carbon black, ethanolamine compounds, BAK (benzalkonium chloride), prime yellow carnauba wax, formaldehyde, parabens, aluminum powder, retinyl acetate or…

Top 7 Algae Benefits that May Surprise You

Algae are some of the most primitive life forms found on Earth and have been consumed as food and medicine for centuries. Human consumption of the blue-green algae called spirulina (or blue spirulina) actually goes back to the Aztec civilization of the 14th century, and this type, including chlorella, is the edible variety most commonly used…

Homemade Drawing Salve with Honey & Calendula

Homemade drawing salve may be one of the best options when it comes to healing. Drawing salve is a blend of ingredients that create an ointment used topically to help heal skin inflammation, boils, insect bites and splinters. In ancient times, drawing salve, also known as black salve, was believed to draw out evil spirits…

Are Phytoestrogens Good or Bad for You? Separating Fact from Fiction

Phytoestrogens, or plant-based estrogens, are an almost mysterious part of nutrition. Just like it's hard to tell if soy is bad for you or not, sometimes phytoestrogens are bad for you, and other times they can fight certain cancers! To illustrate just how confusing phytoestrogens are, there are countless studies that show they can, in fact,…