271-280 of 402 Results

Cherimoya Fruit for Digestion, Eye Health & More

A story has it that Mark Twain called the cherimoya "the most delicious fruit known to man." He described the fruit as "deliciousness itself." That's pretty high praise for a fruit that's up against mangoes, peaches, cherries and many more. These pricey fruits aren't very common in American households, but they are touted for their…

3-Day Cardiac Diet: Is It Safe? (Plus How to Eat for a Healthy Heart)

The cardiac diet — also sometimes called the heart-healthy diet, DASH diet or MIND diet— is recommended by many cardiologists for adults who are at high risk of developing heart disease. This may be because they're dealing with risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or obesity, or even because they're battling an…

Spicy Kale Chips Recipe

There's nothing better than snacking on chips and dip when you're watching a sports game ... or a movie ... or even when you need a quick healthy snack for kids. But if you're brave enough to read the ingredients list on a bag of most potato chips, you'll lose your appetite quite quickly. It's hard…

Chickweed: The Edible Weed that Supports Gut, Skin & Immune Health

Chickweed is a fast-growing plant that has been utilized as a folk remedy for many conditions, including arthritis pains, skin conditions, such as rashes and eczema, asthma, constipation, and kidney related issues. While there have been few reliable studies investigating chickweed benefits compared to those of other common greens, there's reason to believe that this…

Black Currant: The Antioxidant-Packed Berry that Boosts Immunity

Nutrient-rich, versatile and jam-packed with health benefits, the black currant may not be well-known around the world, but it should be. With emerging evidence showing that the black currant possesses antioxidant, antibacterial and antiviral properties and may be useful in slowing cancer growth, enhancing immunity and even preventing eye disease, this sour berry should be…

Kefir vs. Yogurt: How to Decide Which Is Right for You

In the world of probiotic (or cultured) dairy products, there are two main foods to choose from: kefir vs. yogurt. So which is better? Both kefir and yogurt are made by fermenting milk, which results in the growth of gut-friendly bacteria, yeasts and microbes. While yogurt may be more well-known and widely available, kefir is…

Nasturtium: The Medicinal Herb With an Antioxidant-Rich, Flavorful Kick

Nasturtium is a herbaceous plant that has been used in traditional medicine practices in places such as South America since at least the 1500s. What is nasturtium good for? Traditional uses of these plants included making teas and tonics to soothe sore throats and colds, and even using the flowers, seeds and leaves as natural…

Cooking Therapy Benefits for Stress + Mental Health

You probably already know that cooking the majority of your meals at home, rather than relying on takeout and restaurants, offers a number of health advantages, including keeping your calorie intake in check and saving you money. That's not all, however, as cooking therapy — how does cooking make you feel? — is also beneficial…

What Is Quark Cheese? Nutrition, Benefits & How to Make It

If you're an experienced baker or cook — especially if you like to make high-protein, meatless meals — chances are you've come across quark cheese. What is quark? It's a creamy, unaged cheese that's similar in texture and appearance to yogurt, creme fraiche and cottage cheese. Much like these more well-known dairy products, you can…

Pandemic Eating Habits and How to Lose the “Quarantine 15”

After many weeks of sheltering-at-home, some adults (and children) across the country are noticing a little something different about themselves — an extra 15 pounds or so. It's been called the "Quarantine 15," and it's the result of poor eating habits and sedentary living during this pandemic. There are a lot of factors at play…