21-30 of 1111 Results

Psoriasis Diet, Essential Oils & Supplements for Natural Treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune skin disease that causes inflammation and scaling of the skin that affects approximately 2 percent to 2.6 percent of the U.S. population. (1) Normal, healthy skin experiences cell turnover about once a month, but when you have psoriasis, the skin cells rise way too fast and actually pile up on top…

DIY Sleep Aid with 4 Essential Oils

Essential oils have long been known to help with numerous ailments and celebrations, and that includes the birth of Jesus! The wide array of benefits is endless and helping you get a restful night of sleep is one of them. What’s great about essential oils is that you don’t get that groggy feeling or other side effects…

Top 5 Essential Oils for Holistic Therapy

Every day, people looking for better health pour millions of dollars into the pharmaceutical industry. While certain medications can be beneficial, others can lead to painful side effects and may simply swap one problem for another. On the other hand, holistic therapies offer an option for optimal health care with few, if any, negative consequences.…

Best Essential Oils for Colds, Flu & Beyond

With all of the viruses and ailments circulating this winter, it's no wonder people are searching for the best essential oils for colds. And the flu. And dry skin and sore throats. Cooler months bring a unique set of health challenges. When this time of year sets in, I like to use essential oils as…

ADHD Diet: the Recommended Foods, Supplements & Essential Oils

Today, I'm going to share with you the top foods, supplements, natural treatments and essential oils in the treatment of ADHD. And I guarantee that if you follow these tips with yourself or a child you're working with, you're going to notice great improvements in focus and overall reducing those symptoms of ADHD. I was…

Top 5 Essential Oils for Arthritis

The winter season is a welcome change for many, especially with the holidays ringing in the colder months. However, for many the change in weather can be painful — especially for those who suffer from arthritis. The good news is there are essentials oils for arthritis that can soothe this common affliction. Just how common…

Top 4 Essential Oils for Acne

Tens of millions of Americans suffer from acne. In fact, an estimated 70 percent–90 percent of young adults, both males and females, suffer from acne. And recent studies show that the prevalence of adult female acne has increased. Yet so many can't seem to find a treatment that actually works! Most turn to prescription drugs or…

8 Essential Oils for Sore Throat Pain

Did you know that essential oils can actually help make a sore throat go away quicker or avoid one all together? Sore throats can happen anytime of the year for a variety of reasons. A sore throat is an irritation, scratchiness or pain of the throat that often worsens when swallowing. (1) Your throat or pharynx, by…

Homemade Astringent with Essential Oils + Collagen-Boosting Vitamin C

Most astringent products found on store shelves are typically made of ingredients such as alcohol, cider vinegar and witch hazel. It is common for those who have oily skin to need an astringent because it minimize pores and helps get rid of the oil, which offers a smoother and healthier appearance to the skin. Plus,…

Top 4 Essential Oils for Depression

Depression is incredibly common. In fact, you may be near someone every day and not even know that he or she is suffering from depression. However, there are symptoms that may signal signs of depression, such as fatigue, sadness, moodiness, low sex drive, low self-esteem, loss of appetite, feelings that the tough days will never end,…