21-30 of 102 Results

Garcinia Cambogia: Safe for Weight Loss? Or Hyped and Dangerous?

Most people are drawn to the idea of using garcinia cambogia because of the potential that it can provide near-effortless, quick weight loss without the need to change someone’s overall diet or lifestyle very much. But do garcinia pills really work? Just like most other weight-loss supplements, pills and products, studies regarding garcinia cambogia’s effects…

Study Findings Suggest Eating Grapes for Longevity

Have you ever heard that drinking wine is linked to a longer life span? Some research shows this is true, specifically that having one to two glasses of wine per day (particularly red wine) may help protect your heart, liver and brain. As such, is eating grapes for longevity effective, or is it something else…

Macular Carotenoids Support Vision, Brain Health & Longevity

Carotenoids are types of antioxidants that are known to contribute to eye and brain health, as well as maintenance of normal vision. They do this by fighting effects of free radical damage, also called oxidative stress. These antioxidants are found within some of the healthiest foods available to us, such as carrots, kale, sweet potatoes, peppers…

Mycorrhizae Benefits for Plants & Entire Ecosystems, Plus How to Make It

Flowers, trees and crops can certainly be beautiful to look at. But did you know that below the soil's surface, there's a whole network of fungi working hard to help keep these plants alive? Mycorrhizae play a significant role in maintaining healthy ecosystems, including in dense forests, gardens, farms and so on. And as climate…

Pineapple Guava: Feijoa Benefits, Nutrition, Uses and More

Not only is the feijoa plant low-maintenance to grow and easy on the eyes — with its big, pink flowers and silvery leaves that are both drought- and deer-resistant — it also produces edible fruits that provide valuable nutrients. What is feijoa called in English? It's also known as pineapple guava, which is a type…

Higher Antioxidant Levels Linked to Lower Dementia Risk

We know that a diet high in antioxidants offers protection against free radical damage and oxidative stress, two contributors to many chronic diseases, especially those associated with aging. Do antioxidants help with dementia? Based on recent research, it appears that they do. A new study found that adults with higher levels of antioxidants circulating in…

Acerola Cherry: The Trending Vitamin C-Rich Fruit

If you're looking to increase your intake of vitamin C, you may be wondering which fruits are the best to eat. While fruits including strawberries, oranges and kiwi are undoubtedly great sources of this nutrient, there's another tropical fruit you may want to add to your diet, whether fresh or in supplement form: acerola cherry.…

Lychee: Antioxidant Powerhouse or Dangerous for Children?

With its unique appearance, one-of-a-kind flavor and incredible nutrient profile, lychee stands out alongside other tropical fruits like dragon fruit, mangosteen and tamarind fruit as a true superstar ingredient. Not only is it packed with antioxidants and micronutrients, but it's also rich in several powerful key compounds that can work wonders when it comes to…

Ackee: Good for the Heart & Gut or Poisonous Toxin?

If you're at all familiar with Caribbean cuisine, then there's a pretty good chance that you've heard of the ackee. Widely enjoyed across many different tropical regions, the ackee fruit is well-known for its mild flavor, creamy texture and scrambled egg-like appearance. It's also high in fiber, plus packs a good amount of vitamin A,…

Rambutan: Gut & Bone Supporter or Narcotic-Like Toxin?

Much like other tropical fruits, such as the jackfruit, lychee and mangosteen, rambutan is a serious showstopper on the grocery store shelf. Striking the perfect balance between sweet and sour, it is a one-of-a-kind ingredient thanks to both its unique appearance and impressive nutrient profile. Not only is it a great source of several important…