351-360 of 418 Results

How I Reversed PCOS Naturally (No Medications!) 

I remember it like it was yesterday — I was 16 years old and my mother was taking me to the gynecologist because of my heavy, irregular periods and face full of hormonal acne. After she examined me and asked a few questions, I was given a prescription for birth control pills without a second…

5 Dangers of Birth Control Pills, Plus Side Effects & Alternatives

In industrialized nations today, synthetic hormonal oral contraception (aka the birth control pill) is the most common practice for preventing pregnancy. Despite evidence suggesting that there are many possible dangers of birth control pills, millions of women choose to take these hormonal medications every year. In fact, 67 percent of all women who report "practicing contraception" currently…

Is It Safe to Eat Deer Meat? Top 6 Venison Benefits

Venison is one of the more underappreciated types of game meat on the market. Unless you've grown up around hunting or have ventured out of your comfort zone when ordering at a fancy restaurant, there's a good chance you may not have even tried deer meat before. That being said, there are plenty of reasons…

Agar Agar: The Vegan Gelatin Substitute that Promotes Satiety & Regularity

From soft, squishy marshmallows to sweet, fruit-filled gummy snacks, gelatin is pretty abundant throughout the food supply, which can make it challenging if you're on a vegan diet or looking to limit your consumption of animal products. Enter agar agar, a plant-based food thickener that's both versatile and packed with health benefits. Not only is…

Is Elk Meat Healthy? Top 6 Benefits of Elk Meat Nutrition

Elk meat may not make a regular appearance in your family's weekly dinner rotation, but maybe it should. High in protein, low in fat, and jam-packed with tons of vitamins and minerals, elk meat is truly a powerhouse of nutrition. Not only is it healthy, but it's also incredibly versatile. You can swap it in…

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (+ 7 Natural Ways to Manage Symptoms)

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a group of genetic disorders that cause loose joints and skin. The condition can also affect tissue, organs, bones and blood vessels. There are 13 types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, and the condition can greatly range in severity from person to person even among the same subtype. Once a formal diagnosis is known,…

6 Goat Cheese Benefits, Nutrition Facts & Recipes

If you're a lover of cheese, you might wonder what kind of cheese, if any, is good for you. Goat cheese, with its tangy taste and crumbly texture, has earned a reputation as being one of the healthiest cheese choices there is. What are some of the reasons that nutritionists and even certain obesity experts…

Tachycardia (+ 7 Ways to Manage Symptoms)

Tachycardia is when the heart beats faster than normal while at rest. It is a change in your heart’s rhythm, and in some cases, it is harmless. In others, it can lead to serious complications. With medical management and some lifestyle changes, however, many people can avoid the greatest risks of tachycardia. What Is Tachycardia? …

Lou Gehrig’s Disease (+ 6 Ways to Help Manage ALS Symptoms)

ALS, also called Lou Gehrig's disease, stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Early signs of Lou Gehrig's disease can include muscle weakness, especially in the arms and hands, muscle atrophy, and trouble with speech and swallowing. According to Johns Hopkins Medical School, approximately 5,600 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with ALS each year. (1) The incidence…

Can You Eat an Eggshell? Surprising Benefits & Uses of Eggshells

For years we’ve heard about the health benefits of eating eggs. Eggs are a cheap, versatile source of protein, and we’ve scrambled, poached, baked and whipped them into everything from soups to custards. But what about the eggshell? Studies suggest that we may be missing out on a valuable source of calcium when we toss…