41-50 of 358 Results

How an Anti-Inflammatory Diet Helped Me Reverse Chronic Health Conditions

Perhaps you’ve heard the term anti-inflammatory diet over recent years and wondered what all the hype is about. I’m here to tell you that it’s not some trendy diet trend about anti-inflammatory foods or crazy fad (or really even a diet at all!), rather a holistic way to naturally support your body and just about…

What You Need to Know About the Most Common Nutrient Deficiencies in Women

Studies have shown that women’s nutrient intake is highly dependent on not only their diets, but factors like their economic status, social and cultural environment, personal habits, age, level of activity, and genetics. Experts believe that some of the most common (although certain other deficiencies are still possible and somewhat common) nutrient deficiencies in women…

Gastritis Diet Treatment Plan: What Foods to Eat & Avoid

While indigestion is common for many Americans, particularly given the standard American diet, if you’re having burning sensations in or above your stomach, stomachaches or pains, feeling nauseous or vomiting, or constantly burping, you may be suffering from gastritis symptoms — and that means you may want to begin the gastritis diet treatment plan. What is…

Bovine Collagen Benefits for Skin, Sleep & Muscle Repair

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, and that's because it's vital to many aspects of our health. Unfortunately, there are many things that can decrease our collagen levels, which is why supplementing with something like bovine collagen is a good idea. First of all, we naturally start to lose collagen as we…

Sunflower Seed Butter: The Peanut Butter Alternative with More Benefits!

Remember when the only option you had to pair your jelly sandwiches with was peanut butter? Those days are long gone. With countless varieties of nut and seed butters, like almond and cashew, on the scene, there have never been more options to slather on toast or dip apples in, but have you heard about…

10 Signs of Aging Poorly & How to Slow Them

The anti-aging market is a booming business, with Americans — and the rest of the world — spending billions of dollars on products to combat the signs of aging every year. While it's common to rush to a cosmetics counter to find the "next big thing" in anti-aging, we should remember that aging affects internal…

Is Sugar Bad for You? Here’s How It Destroys Your Body

Is sugar bad for you? Can it really have a head-to-toe impact on the human body? When we're talking about added sugar, the answer is a resounding "yes." Although the sugar industry has actively fought to change public opinion about the health effects of sugar, we now know today that sugar impacts just about every organ system…

Best Bone Broth Sources & How to Use Them

Bone broth is a power-packed ingredient that is often touted for its multitude of health benefits. In fact, research suggests that bone broth and its components may help improve skin elasticity, support gut health, reduce joint pain and more. And although traditional bone broth requires hours upon hours of preparation, adding one of the best…

Algal Oil: A Vegetarian Source of Omega-3s and DHA

Algal oil is the oil that is derived directly from algae. It contains DHA, which accounts for 97 percent of the omega-3 fats in the brain. Unfortunately, not enough Americans get enough sources of this essential fatty acid. Algal oil is a plant-based, marine DHA oil that does not come from cold-water fish. As scientists…

Strawberry Nutrition: An Antioxidant Powerhouse that Combats Disease

Strawberries are one of the most loved types of fruit for their sweet taste and versatility in recipes. It turns out, strawberry nutrition is good for you too. What are benefits of eating strawberries? Most of the health benefits associated with strawberry nutrition are due to the presence of anti-inflammatory antioxidants. Strawberries contain numerous anti-aging flavonoid antioxidants, including anthocyanin and catechin —…