741-750 of 1043 Results

Homemade Hot Cocoa Recipe

Cold weather is prime time for hot cocoa, but let's admit it: There's never a bad time for a delicious, not-too-sweet cup of "hot chocolate." Adults and kids alike love it, and it's great to warm up when you've come from the cold or to wind down after a long day. Most people just make…

Foods High in Sulfur and Their Benefits

We hear a lot about the importance of consuming foods that provide minerals like calcium and potassium. Foods high in sulfur get less attention, even though sulfur-rich foods offer many benefits. Sulfur is a nutrient that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant effects, which is why veggies that are high in this mineral — such as…

Analysis: Late-Stage Colon Cancer on Rise in Young Adults

Just last year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lowered the recommended age for colorectal cancer screening from 50 to 45. The CDC did this after years of research and analysis determined that colorectal cancer rates have been increasing among young people both in the United States and across the globe. Unfortunately, these…

How to Get Rid of Pimples

If you're wondering how to get rid of pimples, you are far from alone. The most common skin condition in America is acne, characterized by frequent zits, pimples and breakouts. Surveys show that acne affects about 85 percent of teenagers and continues into adult life for at least 20 percent of adults (more commonly in woman…

How to Get Rid of Dandruff: 10 Natural Remedies

Most of us know dandruff as that flaky white stuff found on the scalp or, more embarrassingly, on the shoulders of your nice black sweater. The tough part is knowing how to get rid of dandruff. That’s something that most of us, frustratingly, do not know. Dandruff is more common than you may think, as…

Integrative Healing & Becoming An Empowered Patient

This is part two in Casey Hersch's articles series about how to defeat chronic illness. Part one was Using Integrative Approaches for Living with Chronic Illness. During my childhood, I suffered from one illness after another. My parents believed that doctors had all of the answers to our life and health problems. Their perspective, though…

Olive Oil and Longevity: Can It Help You Live Longer?

Researchers have known for decades that olive oil consumption can help lower cardiovascular disease risk, but its associations with other causes of mortality (death) is less clear. Now, new research has shown the connection between olive oil and longevity. A January 2022 study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology had the…

Black Bean Brownies Recipe

Rich, chocolatey, decadent brownies definitely are a dessert option that makes many mouths water. The only problem is most brownies are loaded with sugar and carbs but devoid of valuable nutrients — but not my black bean brownies recipe. This brownie recipe lets you have the dessert without the guilt. These healthy black bean brownies…

Gluten-Free Toaster Pastry with Sugar Pumpkin Filling

Pop-Tarts (a processed toaster pastry product) are one of the most popular processed foods. It makes sense: They're ready in a flash and so tasty! But have you looked at the ingredients list? For such a small product, Pop-Tarts have a massive list of unsavory ingredients. The fantastic thing about this toaster pastry recipe is…

What Are Minerals in Food? Benefits, Sources & Why We Need Them

Within a so-called "balanced diet" you'll find macronutrients and micronutrients, both of which are essential nutrients we must get from food sources because our bodies cannot make them on their own. The three main macronutrients are fats, carbohydrates and protein, while micronutrients include vital vitamins and minerals. What are the main types of minerals? The…