881-890 of 1110 Results

Thermography: Breast Cancer Detection + Better Risk Assessment

What is thermography? Thermography is a state-of-the-art, and potentially life-saving, method of detecting cancer by using thermal imaging. The technology used to perform thermograms is considered one of the most reliable for risk assessment and detection, especially in the case of breast cancer — as opposed to potentially cancer-causing mammograms. The Breast Thermography website calls the…

Benefits of MCT Oil On the Keto Diet

Let's start with the basics: What is MCT oil? And why is MCT oil good for the keto diet? The "MCT" in MCT oil stands for medium-chain triglycerides, a form of saturated fatty acid that is found in certain foods like coconut/coconut oil. MCT oil is a concentrated source of these fats since it provides…

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hair

Do you know how to get rid of ingrown hair? If not, you're about to find out! Ingrown hairs are hair follicles that grow in the wrong direction. What helps with ingrown hairs? Getting rid of them can be even more challenging than getting rid of pimples, but there are some great natural remedies you can…

Turmeric and Black Pepper Weight Loss Benefits and More

It's no secret that switching up your spice rack can have a huge impact on health. In fact, more and more health care professionals have started subscribing to a "food is medicine" mentality and now are putting the focus on what you put on your plate rather than what's in your medicine cabinet. Ingredients like…

Turmeric Pills Benefit Mood, Skin, Weight Loss & More

Turmeric is a spice that has been used in cooking and natural medicine for centuries, solidifying its well-deserved status as a superfood ingredient. Not only has turmeric been shown to soothe inflammation, but recent research has unearthed several other potential benefits of turmeric pills, including decreased joint pain, increased weight loss, better skin health and…

The Best and Worst Turmeric Side Effects for Health

Turmeric is a spice that has been well-studied for its many medicinal properties over the past few years. In addition to bringing a vibrant color to recipes, turmeric is jam-packed with powerful compounds like curcumin that are responsible for the multitude of benefits associated with this superstar ingredient. While there are plenty of positive ways…

How to Balance Omega 3 6 9 Fatty Acids

When it comes to omega fatty acids in our diets, we often hear about the many health benefits of omega-3s. Less attention is given to health perks associated with other important fatty acids, namely omega-6s and omega-9s. All three of these fatty acids — omega 3 6 9 — have a role to play in…

Hemp Oil Benefits and Uses for Skin, Hair and More

Some people are exclaiming that we are in middle of a cannabis revolution in the U.S. And that does seem to be true, with the popularity of cbd oil and CBD products growing and becoming much more widespread across the country. But long before the legality of certain cannabis products, hemp seeds and hemp oil have…

How to Control Prostaglandin Production: Do’s & Don’ts

Almost all organs in the body are capable of making compounds called prostaglandins, which are similar to hormones but also have some key differences. What is the purpose of prostaglandins? One important one is triggering inflammation and blood clotting in response to illness or injury. Something that makes prostaglandins unique is that they don't travel…

Paleo vs Keto: Differences & What They Have in Common

Health magazine called 2018 the year of "high-fat fads, meat-only meals, and Bible-inspired eating." What are were two of the most popular diets that contributed to this reputation? The ketogenic diet and the "Carnivore diet" (aka the Paleo diet). Given the fact that millions of people are now proponents for these two low-carb diets, let's talk…