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DIY Arthritis Ointment

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  • Author: Dr. Josh Axe
  • Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Yield: 20 applications 1x


Creaky, arthritic joints are too common for many of us. Whip up this simple DIY recipe with three essentials oils and coconut oil and apply. You should feel its therapeutic effects right away.


  • 2030 drops pure frankincense essential oil
  • 10 drops pure ginger essential oil
  • 2030 drops myrrh essential oil
  • 4 ounces fractionated coconut oil (or unrefined)


  1. Mix all ingredients into a bowl until well blended.
  2. Place into a glass jar with a lid for continued use.
  3. Massage the ointment in the areas where you feel pain. Use twice daily.
  • Prep Time: 5 min
  • Category: Body care
  • Method: Mixing