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Homemade Whipped Body Butter Recipe

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  • Author: Dr. Josh Axe
  • Total Time: 2 hrs
  • Yield: 30 uses 1x


Conventional body butters can be full of chemicals and harmful synthetic fragrances. Instead, try this easy-to-make homemade whipped body butter recipe.


  • ½ cup shea butter
  • ⅛ cup jojoba oil
  • ½ cup coconut oil
  • 20 drops essential oil (lavender oil or tea tree oil are good choices)
  • medium-sized glass jar


  1. Put shea butter, coconut oil and jojoba oil in glass bowl, then place that bowl in sauce pan that is filled with water. Do not allow any water to get into the bowl.
  2. Heat stove to medium and mix oils together. Whisk until completely melted.
  3. Remove the glass bowl from the stove and let it cool for 30 minutes. Add the essential oils and whisk again.
  4. Once mixed, put in refrigerator for an hour or until solid.
  5. Remove from the fridge. With a regular mixer or hand mixer, beat the oils until they are whipped and fluffy.
  6. Fill container with body butter mixture and store at room temperature.
  7. Apply it after taking a shower or bath, when your skin is still wet. Enjoy!
  • Prep Time: 20 min
  • Cook Time: 5 min
  • Method: Hand mixer