Castor Oil Benefits, Uses, Types and Side Effects - Dr. Axe

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Castor Oil Benefits as a Laxative and Skin Moisturizer


Castor oil - Dr. Axe
For centuries, at the first sign of illness, many parents and grandparents would immediately turn to giving their children castor oil, either topically or internally, to naturally boost immune function and speed up healing.

What is castor oil used for today? As shown below, it has natural stimulant laxative properties and may be able to boost lymphatic, circulatory and immune health. It also may help remedy constipation, arthritis and more.

What is castor oil?

Castor oil is a non-volatile fatty oil that is derived from the seeds of the castor bean (Ricinus communis) plant, aka castor seeds. The castor oil plant belongs to the flowering spurge family called Euphorbiaceae and is mainly cultivated in Africa, South America and India (India accounts for over 90% of castor oil exports globally).

It’s very thick with a color that ranges from clear to amber or somewhat green. It’s both used topically on the skin and taken by mouth (it has a mild scent and taste).

Studies suggest that many of castor oil’s benefits come down to its chemical composition. It’s classified as a type of triglyceride fatty acid, and almost 90 percent of its fatty acid content is a specific and rare compound called ricinoleic acid. Ricinoleic acid is not found in many other plants or substances, making the castor plant unique since it’s a concentrated source.

Aside from its primary constituent, ricinoleic acid, castor oil also contains other beneficial salts and esters that mainly act as skin-conditioning agents. Compounds found in castor can help stabilize the texture and consistency of products, which is why castor oil is used in so many cosmetics, hair and skincare treatments.

Indeed, research studies have found that castor oil contains therapeutic components including fatty acids, flavonoids, phenolic compounds, amino acids, terpenoids and phytosterols. These various compounds give the oil the following properties and potential health benefits:

  • Anti-diabetic
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial
  • Antioxidant
  • Hepatoprotective (ability to prevent damage to the liver)
  • Free radical scavenging
  • Wound-healing


Castor oil can be used in several ways: orally (taken by mouth), applied topically on the skin, applied to the hair, or massaged into the skin in the form of a castor oil pack.

Remember, any oil you ingest or consume (and even the kinds you apply directly to your skin) should be of the highest quality to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Where can you buy castor oil products? Ideally look for a reputable brand of cold-pressed, pure, organic castor oil at your local health food store, or online if you can’t find it in stores.

Here are some of the most common types of castor oils you may find in stores:

  • Cold-pressed castor oil — This type is produced by cold-pressing the castor bean seeds to extract their natural oil content. This results in a high quality product that is recommended for internal use. You may also want to check that the oil is pesticide-free, paraben-free, phthalate-free and free of artificial color or fragrances.
  • Yellow castor oil — This type is made from the castor bean, usually through pressing with no heat involved, although some manufacturers use chemicals in their processing. Generally speaking, the lighter color the oil is, the “purer” the product is.
  • Jamaican black castor oil —  This oil is developed by first roasting the castor beans, which results in a dark color (and burnt smell). This is the method that is traditionally used in Jamaica. Ash found in this type results in a higher pH (alkaline) product that is believed to have more clarifying properties that may help open pores.


1. Acts as a laxative and relieve constipation

Studies indicate that castor oil works like a natural, mild stimulant laxative when taken orally. It can provide constipation relief, reduce straining during defecation and enhance the feeling of complete evacuation after a bowel movement.

In fact, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved castor oil for use as a laxative.

Its active ingredient, ricinoleic acid, gets released into the intestine, where it helps with the process of digestion, nutrient absorption and cleansing the system. It increases movement of the muscles that push material through the intestines, helping to pass a bowel movement.

One study looked at the effects of castor oil packs on elderly people experiencing constipation. The study participants were monitored for a week before, three days during and four days after the oil pack administration.

Eighty percent of the individuals studied had been experiencing constipation for 10 years or longer. The researchers found that the oil packs were able to decrease constipation symptoms, most specifically straining during defecation.

Consult your healthcare professional before using long-term, as castor oil may lead to complications. Also be aware that side effects of ingesting castor oil may include diarrhea and abdominal cramping.

2. Moisturizes skin

Castor oil is completely natural and free of synthetic chemicals (as long as you use pure 100 percent pure oil, of course), yet it’s rich in skin-boosting ingredients like fatty acids. In particular, its main monounsaturated fatty acid is ricinoleic acid, which possesses moisturizing properties.

Applying this oil to dry or irritated skin can help to discourage dryness and keep it well moisturized, since it prevents water loss. It can also be combined with select carrier oils to avoid any potential allergic reactions. Regardless, it’s a good idea to do a small skin patch test first.

3. May boost wound healing

Studies indicate that castor oil can boost wound and pressure ulcer healing thanks to its moisturizing as well as antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. In particular, its main component ricinoleic acid appears to help lower skin inflammation and support skin healing. It mixes well with other ingredients like almond, olive and coconut oil, all of which have unique benefits for skin.

Lab studies have shown that castor oil is effective against many types of bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Out of all the staphylococcal bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus is considered the most dangerous and can cause mild to serious skin infections and other concerning staph infection symptoms.

4. May help induce labor

While no approved by the FDA and considered an off-label use, castor oil may help induce labor in some women. For centuries, pregnant women at full term have taken it orally to help speed up uterus contractions.

According to studies, the reason castor oil can work to induce labor is due to the fact that the ricinoleic acid in the oil can activate EP3 prostanoid receptors in the uterus.

A 2018 observational case control study found that castor oil use produced a higher probability of labor within 24 hours after ingesting. It noted, “Castor oil can be considered a safe non-pharmacological method for labor induction.”

In addition, the full-term women study subjects (between 40 and 41 weeks) who took castor oil had a lower incidence of Caesarean section.

Regardless, the overall consensus is that castor oil needs to be researched further to prove that it is safe for pregnant mothers ready to give birth. In addition, it may cause nausea among these mothers, which is another reason why most hospitals do not approve its use.

Of course, consult with your healthcare professional before considering to use castor oil before giving birth.

5. May lower symptoms of arthritis and joint pain

Castor oil is often used as a natural treatment for arthritis pain, joint swelling and inflammation.

It has natural anti-inflammatory properties that make it an ideal massage oil that can be applied to aching joints, muscles or tissue. Observational studies have shown that topical application of ricinoleic acid (the main component of castor oil), “exerts remarkable analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.”

A randomized, double-blind, comparative clinical study looked at the effects of castor oil capsules on symptoms of knee osteoarthritis.

Subjects were either given a castor oil capsule (0.9 milliliters) three times daily for four weeks or a capsule of diclofenac sodium (50 milligrams) for the same amount of time. Overall, they found that castor oil worked as well as conventional treatment and can be used as “an effective therapy in primary knee osteoarthritis.”

Risks and side effects

Reports show that this oil can be safely taken internally. When swallowed, it’s hydrolyzed in the small intestine by pancreatic enzymes, leading to the release of glycerol and ricinoleic acid, along with other beneficial metabolites.

Castor oil is classified by the Food and Drug Administration as generally recognized as safe for both topical and internal use. However, drinking castor oil may still potentially cause side effects.

Side effects can include abdominal cramping, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, especially when used in large amounts.

Some people experience nausea and signs of mild irritation in their gut lining when taking castor oil. That said, it’s very unlikely to cause severe reactions as long as someone is not allergic and doesn’t overdose.

If you’re pregnant, you should not take castor oil to induce labor without speaking to your healthcare professional first. You should also avoid using it to relieve constipation during pregnancy.

Allergic reactions to castor oil (used topically or internally) are possible, so seek emergency medical care if you believe you are having a serious allergic reaction.

When using castor oil topically, it’s still best to start slowly and perform a skin patch test on a small area of your skin before applying larger amounts, and also keep it away from your eyes, inside of your nose, children and pets.

If you’re currently taking medication or have any medical condition, always speak with your healthcare professional before using castor oil.

Frequently asked questions

How should one use castor oil as a laxative ?

The dosage of castor oil taken internally depends on what you’re using it for, along with factors like your age, existing medical conditions and response to laxative-type treatments.

If taking castor oil orally, a commonly recommended dose for adults (such as to relieve constipation) is 15–60 mL, taken in one single dose. This is equivalent to about one to four teaspoons once per day.

Many people mix it with water or another beverage before drinking.

Read package directions carefully before using castor oil or a castor oil pack kit. Be careful not to increase your dose above the recommended amount, start slowly and don’t take it for more than seven days consecutively, unless you’re told to do so by your healthcare professional.

Be aware that castor oil can work for constipation relief quite fast so it’s not recommended to take it before bed. For many people, taking it causes a bowel movement to occur within two to three hours, but it can take up to six hours.

How can castor oil be used for the skin?

Wash your face first in warm water to open up the pores and then massage some of the oil into your face and leave it on overnight, rinsing the next morning. If leaving the oil on your face overnight causes greasiness, reduce the amount of time until you rinse it off.

You can also mix one-quarter cup of castor oil and three-quarters cup virgin coconut oil (fractionated is best), then apply to your body and face. For oily skin, you may choose jojoba oil, grapeseed oil or olive oil instead.

Castor oil’s anti-inflammatory properties may also soothe a sunburn. Apply castor oil mixed with coconut oil (in a 1:1 proportion) to the affected area, or try the same remedy as a natural lip balm to solve chapped or sunburnt lips.

Does castor oil work for hair growth?

Castor oil is a popular natural remedy for hair growth and overall hair health. Its moisturizing qualities can help hydrate the hair shaft and simultaneously increase hair flexibility while lowering hair breakage.

However, thus far, there is little evidence that castor oil can stimulate hair growth or reduce hair loss.

Nonetheless, it can be a moisturizer, as stated above, and may improve hair texture. To use,  massage several tablespoons slightly warmed-up oil into your hair and scalp. You can try making a homemade hair mask by massaging the oil into your roots and spreading it all over your hair, tying up your hair and covering it with a cap, then leaving the oil on overnight before washing it out.

How can castor oil be used to alleviate joint pain?

The oil can be applied like any other over the counter analgesic (pain relieving) cream and massaged into tense areas. Apply about a dime sized amount for every three hours or until pain subsides. Repeat every day for three days for best results.

You can also use castor oil packs or poultices. These might be able to help increase topical absorption through the skin’s pores. You can make your own easily, or purchase a pre-made kit.

To make your own pack you’ll need a bottle of castor oil and a soft piece of fabric, such as flannel that can be found in health stores and online.

  • To make your own pack, saturate a piece of flannel and place it over your abdomen or other painful areas. It takes approximately 3–4 ounces of castor oil to make one pack the size of a washcloth or small hand towel.
  • Wrap castor oil cloth around any painful area. Cover the oiled cloth with another hand towel or a plastic wrap to prevent oil getting on clothes or furniture.
  • You may want to also apply heat to support absorption.
  • Let the pack sit for one hour or more.
  • You can also massage the oil into any area where soothing is desired.

What is the history of castor oil?

Folk healers worldwide have also used it to treat a wide variety of health conditions for thousands of years. For example, the reputed benefits of castor oil goes as far back as the ancient Egyptians, who used it to treat eye irritations and as a powerful natural skin care remedy.

It also has deep roots in India, where it’s considered to be a skin-healing, digestive-soothing, antibacterial ingredient that is utilized in Ayurvedic medicine.

Final Thoughts

  • What is castor oil? Castor oil is a non-volatile fatty oil that is derived from the seeds of the castor bean (Ricinus communis) plant.
  • It can be used topically and also taken internally in small amounts, for a short duration of time.
  • Benefits of castor oil uses include: treating constipation, helping with wound healing, moisturizing dry skin and potentially reducing joint pain.

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