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Turmeric for Dogs: Top 5 Benefits, Including for Cancer and Arthritis
February 12, 2019

Have you ever thought about what you can do naturally to boost your dog’s health? Something you may want to strongly consider is turmeric for dogs. Is turmeric good for dogs? Generally speaking, it can be very good for dogs. Turmeric benefits are extremely impressive for humans so it’s not really that surprising that this golden-colored root could also be quite magical for pets as well.
In general, the active component of turmeric known as curcumin displays powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and chemopreventive abilities. If you’re wondering, can I give my dog turmeric for pain? Yes, pain is actually one of the top reasons why pet owners supplement with turmeric. It’s not hard at all to incorporate it into your dog’s diet. You can mix a turmeric paste for dogs into their food, give it to them in homemade turmeric dog treats, or buy pre-made treats or supplements.
Is turmeric safe for dogs? It is generally considered safe for dogs in small amounts. You may even find it as an ingredient in your dog’s current food, but it’s likely only used to enhance color and flavor so there is not enough to provide any medicinal effects. This is why you may want to consider supplementing your dog’s diet with this incredible health-promoting spice.
Wondering how much turmeric is safe to give my dog? Get ready to learn dosage recommendations and much more!
Top 5 Turmeric Benefits for Dogs
What does turmeric cure? It can help naturally treat and improve a wide arrange of health concerns, especially ones related to inflammation. Turmeric benefits for dogs include:
1. Turmeric for Dogs With Cancer
Holistic vets often recommend using turmeric as a form of natural cancer treatment for dogs. According to Dogs Naturally Magazine, half of adult dogs today will get cancer, and turmeric is “a great way to protect your dog from inflammation and cancer.” The main active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which research studies have shown can kill cancer cells and prevent more from growing.
2. Turmeric for Dogs Arthritis
You can also try using turmeric for arthritis in dogs. As with human arthritis, dog arthritis is a chronic condition with inflammation at its root. As a potent anti-inflammatory agent, turmeric is a top natural remedy for arthritis to consider. A study published in 2014 looked at the effects of turmeric on human osteoarthritis patients. The study results reveal that supplementing with turmeric extract was just as effective as ibuprofen but with less unwanted gastrointestinal effects.
3. Turmeric for Dogs Cysts
Later in this article, there is a recipe for turmeric paste for internal use, but you can also use turmeric paste for dog cysts topically. Check with your vet first, but internal and/or external use of turmeric may likely help reduce the inflammation associated with a cysts. It’s also a great natural antiseptic. Dogs can experience sebaceous cysts, which are small, slow-growing, noncancerous bumps beneath the skin. A mix of turmeric powder, coconut oil and witch hazel can be applied topically to naturally treat sebaceous cysts.
4. Turmeric for Dog Wounds
You can apply turmeric paste topically for minor wounds like cuts and scrapes. Turmeric has antimicrobial properties so it can help kill bacteria and disinfect a wound. It’s also great for reducing inflammation. Research shows that turmeric’s active component, curcumin, is a natural analgesic, so applying it topically can help decrease pain too. Just beware that turmeric’s vibrant coloring can stain your dog’s coat/skin with a yellowish tint temporarily.
5. Turmeric for Dogs UTI
In dogs, urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the result of an invasion of bacteria. They can occur in the lower urinary tract (below the bladder), in the bladder or above the bladder (in the kidneys). Some pet owners are concerned about antibiotic resistance for themselves as well as their four-legged friends and are looking for natural remedies for canine UTIs. Turmeric’s combined abilities to kill bacteria, lower inflammation and reduce pain make it one of several options dog owners often consider as a natural UTI remedy.
Turmeric for Dogs Dosage
Whether you choose turmeric capsules for dogs or some other form of this incredible natural remedy, you’re probably wondering, how much turmeric can I give my dog?
Dr. Karen Becker recommends that small to medium-sized dogs take 250 milligrams twice a day, while large to giant breeds should be given 500 milligrams two to three times a day. She suggests that cats can take about 100 milligrams twice a day.
According to Dogs Naturally Magazine, “The recommended dose for dogs is 15mg–20mg per pound of body weight per day, or more simply put, 1/8 to 1/4 tsp per day for every 10lbs in weight.”
The proper turmeric dosage for dogs definitely varies by size and health status. Make sure to discuss the use of turmeric, including ideal dosage, with your veterinarian. Typically, you should increase turmeric doses for dogs gradually to be on the safe side, and make sure to purchase high-quality, organic turmeric products for your pet.
Turmeric Recipes for Dogs
It’s important to note that just like with human consumption, a dog’s body absorbs and utilizes turmeric best when it’s mixed with a healthy fat and black pepper. This is why it’s not uncommon to see a turmeric recipe for dogs that includes coconut oil or another good fat source.
You can use turmeric powder for dogs (or a pure turmeric powder for humans can be used too) in any of the following recipes:
If you would prefer a turmeric supplement for dogs, look for one that is high-quality and ideally organic. You can also buy turmeric chews for dogs that are pre-made.
Is turmeric safe for dogs? It can be as long as you know how much turmeric for dogs is safe vs. too much. Too much turmeric may cause unwanted side effects.
What are the side effects of turmeric? Possible unwanted side effects include upset stomach, nausea, gallbladder issues, dizziness, bruising and iron deficiency. However, these are not common side effects when dogs (or humans) take turmeric in appropriate amounts. Side effects are more likely when turmeric is taken in excess.
Using turmeric topically can result in yellow staining of clothes, skin and hair so use with caution.
Is turmeric bad for dogs in certain situations? Just like with humans, it’s very important that you speak with your vet before giving your pet turmeric if it has had liver issues or other ongoing health problems — or is currently talking other medications/supplements to ensure there will be no unwanted interactions. In addition, turmeric is considered to be a warming spice so if your canine is frequently hot or overheats easily, turmeric may not be an ideal choice.
If you’re considering turmeric for your dog, talk with your veterinarian about an ideal dosage and any recommendations he or she may have for the best turmeric supplement for dogs.