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Roman Chamomile Essential Oil Benefits & Uses

  Chamomile is one of the most ancient medicinal herbs known to mankind. Many different preparations of chamomile have been developed over the years, and the most popular is in the form of herbal tea, with more than 1 million cups consumed per day. What many people don't know is that Roman chamomile essential oil is…

Chamomile Benefits: Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer

Considered to be one of the most ancient and versatile medicinal herbs known to mankind, dried chamomile flowers have numerous, widespread health implications thanks to their high levels of disease-fighting antioxidants like terpenoids and flavonoids. Chamomile’s vital antioxidants are found in the plant’s potent oils and are the main contributors to its natural healing properties.…

Homemade Bubble Bath with Lavender & Chamomile

Taking a bath can offer so many benefits and a recent study even suggests that the submersion of the body in heat could be as equally beneficial as some exercise by helping regulate blood sugar! (1) It is really no surprise that bubble baths are incredibly relaxing and not just for kids. A bubble bath takes…

DIY Baby Wipes with Chamomile & Lavender Oils

Taking care of your baby is a top priority and that doesn’t just include the foods he or she eats. Have you thought about the ingredients that you are putting on your baby’s skin? Whatever you put on the baby’s skin, such as to prevent diaper rash, it seeps right into the body through the…

Honey & Chamomile Home Remedy for Pink Eye

There's something very Dark Ages about "pink eye," perhaps because it produces a very unhealthy looking eye and can spread like wildfire, especially among the young who are often in close proximity and may be touching their eyes. Fortunately, with my home remedy for pink eye, this problem can be treated. Also called conjunctivitis, pink…

Top 12 Edible Flowers and Their Various Health Benefits

Edible flowers are often used as a colorful garnish for your plate, but these beauties have been used in traditional medicine for their nutritional value as well. In fact, edible flowers like lavender, dandelion and hibiscus have been consumed for thousands of years and serve as natural remedies for a range of health concerns. When…

6+ Anti-Inflammatory Teas to Begin Drinking Today

When it comes to immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory drinks, teas are at the top of the list. The antioxidant properties in most teas help reduce oxidative stress, and the antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties work to boost immune function and overall health. What better way to support your health than by sipping on a comforting, nourishing cup…

Anxiety Natural Remedies: 15+ Ways to Relax & Find Calm

Anxiety can be a disabling condition that's accompanied by long-term stress and a decline in overall health. It contributes to many chronic diseases, even when treated with conventional medications. That's why we need to use natural remedies for anxiety and other mood disorders that address the root of the problem instead of putting a Band-Aid…

Interstitial Cystitis: 6 Natural Ways to Help Relieve Bladder Pain

Approximately 3–6 percent of all women (3 to 8 million) living in the United States suffer from the painful pelvic condition called interstitial cystitis (IC). IC is much more common in women than in men, but it also affects somewhere between 1–4 million men in the U.S. alone. Children can also be affected be interstitial…

Hay Fever: Natural Ways to Treat Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

What makes spring so beautiful for many people leads to misery for those who suffer from seasonal allergy symptoms. Fresh-cut grass, blooming trees and flowers, and weeds release pollen, causing seasonal allergies (also known as hay fever) in an estimated 40 million to 60 million people each year, or up to 20 percent of people…