Introducing Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine
My brand new, ultimate reference guide for unlocking the power of essential oils in your everyday life

One of the most common questions I get asked is:
“Dr. Axe, how do I use essential oils?”
And there’s a lot of confusing information floating around out there.
That’s why I set out to create the most detailed, cutting-edge and practical guide on essential oils.
With that, I’m thrilled to introduce my brand new book, Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine, that I co-authored with Jordan Rubin and Ty Bollinger.
If you’ve been wanting to use essential oils to:
- Replace synthetic medications
- Promote beautiful, glowing skin, hair and nails
- Support your immune system
- And much, much more
… then this book is perfect for you.
It’s loaded with practical information you can use right away, including:
- 500+ pages of my best tips and essential oil secrets
- Step-by-step guides showing you how to use more than 50 of the top essential oils
- Full-color, step-by-step recipes and natural remedies. (If you have pets or are a new mom, you can’t afford NOT to see this)
- And much, much more …
If you want to take an early look inside the book, here’s a free sneak peak inside the 1st chapter …
Within the first few pages, I think you’ll quickly see why I believe this is not only the best book I’ve ever created, but the most comprehensive and useful book about essential oils that you’ll find anywhere.
Without further ado, here’s Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine.
We hope this book will become the go-to guide for anyone who wants to protect and improve their health through the use of essential oils, but we also wrote it with a few specific groups in mind. First, we believe Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine can become a powerful resource for doctors and health practitioners seeking to provide their patients and clients with the best possible improvements in their health.
Second, the group of people who will benefit the most from reading this book will be moms. We know moms are dedicated warriors who are not only responsible for their own health but also charged with taking care of the health of their entire family. From children to pets to aging parents, they are constantly serving. If we could get a copy of this book into the hands of every mother in America, the health of our entire nation would radically change.

Essential oils are no fad—they are backed by thousands of years of history. They’ve been used in Biblical medicine, Egyptian medicine, Chinese medicine and Greek medicine—and they’re still used throughout the world today. In fact, they’re actually more popular in many other parts of the world than they are in the U.S.
Thankfully, America is now experiencing an essential oil revolution, and their use is growing in popularity every day. So, let’s celebrate the fact that essential oils are becoming so popular! But it needs to stay that way—and in order for that to happen, you need to have easily accessible information that is simple to understand and implement.
We designed this book to give you clear, easy ways to use essential oils to benefit both your health and your family’s health every single day. Our recommendations are supported by history and science. There are now thousands of research studies proving that essential oils are effective natural remedies and amazing ingredients for personal care and cleaning products—and we have utilized a great deal of this research in the writing of this book.
Ultimately, we want you to use this book to accomplish three things in your life:
- To be educated about what essential oils are and why they are so powerful.
- To feel empowered to use essential oils both safely and effectively to support your health and your family’s health.
- To be equipped with this trusted manual to turn to for utilizing essentials oils in your daily life—from boo-boos and stuffy noses to chemical-free personal care and household items and natural pet care.
So many of the diseases we see today are due to high levels of toxicity present within our bodies; chemical toxicants that have become insidious invaders in our daily lives through the foods we eat, the medicines we take, the products we use and even the water we drink.
Part of our collective mission is to teach people how to live free of toxins and medications. Essential oils can be used as a natural replacement for some medications, conventional personal care products, body products and home cleaning products. Essential oils can be used in so many ways that their only real limit is from a lack of knowledge of safe and proper use—and that is precisely what this book is designed to give you.
With the right tools in your arsenal, you and your family can experience a total medicine cabinet—and life—transformation.
If you are ready to experience more energy, better health, balanced hormones, improved digestion and an overall higher quality of life, then you have found the right resource at the right time. We want to provide you with everything you need to know about essential oils and everything you need to use them effectively, all in one place.
We hope this book provides you with the answers you’ve been looking for.
After talking one day, the three of us discovered that our mornings start the same way—with praying, reading the Bible and meditating (oftentimes while applying or diffusing frankincense oil). In the course of our Bible studies of creation, it dawned on us that essential oils from plants have been available to mankind since the very beginning. More specifically, according to Genesis 1: 11-13:
Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.

Because essential oils are derived from plants, we realized that on the third day of creation, even before God breathed life into Adam and well before sin, disease and death became reality, He created all the supportive tools and treatments everyone on this Earth would need for illnesses, ailments, aches and pains and placed them, quite literally, at our fingertips.
Now let’s fast-forward to our use of these tools and treatments in the modern day. When Jordan was battling cancer in 2008, there was no shortage of people who believed his best chance of beating the disease was through one of conventional medicine’s answers to cancer treatment.
But he would not be deterred from his path to fight cancer naturally, and thanks to prayer, cleansing, a strict diet, a specific regimen of supplements and his use of essential oils, he beat the diagnosis—and he came out of cancer healthier than he was before.
Dr. Josh can relate to that victory. After his mother underwent chemotherapy for her first bout with breast cancer, she felt sicker after being pronounced “cancer-free” than she had felt while battling the disease. When the Axe family chose to fight her second cancer diagnosis through alternative treatments and lifestyle changes, his mother emerged healthier than she had ever been in her life. Sadly, Ty’s mother and father never got that second chance.
We don’t know a single person who has not lost a friend or loved one from cancer or some other form of disease. You may even be dealing with a diagnosis right now, and if you are, you are certainly not alone. According to the American Cancer Society, men have a 1 in 2 probability of developing cancer in their lifetimes, and 1 out of every 3 women will battle some form of cancer.
Whether you picked up this book looking for natural remedies for what ails you or as an overall reference, this is an exciting time. Essential oils can change your life, and together, we can prevent disease and change the way the world treats illness. Armed with the right information, we can spread the word and change the status quo.
We believe this is possible because the information in this book is backed by the latest scientific research, historical documentation and Biblical wisdom. It’s time to change the way we view disease; it’s time to change the products we are bringing into our homes and putting into our bodies.
This is a critical situation, and we are facing serious problems in the world today. Conventional treatments for both major and minor conditions are killing people. For example, diabetic drugs are causing vitamin B12 deficiency and permanent nerve damage. Drugs for depression are causing widespread dependencies, and the consequences of withdrawal include seizures and death. Drugs for high blood pressure are causing impotence among men and heart disease due to the vitamin and mineral deficiencies they cause. Drugs for lowering cholesterol are causing organ damage, memory loss and sexual dysfunction.
That’s just a short list of the side effects of prescription drugs and doesn’t include a discussion of the hundreds of drugs that have been overprescribed and resulted in a serious worldwide addiction epidemic.
It also doesn’t include the countless over-the-counter (OTC) drugs people use every day like acetaminophen, which has been linked to kidney disease and increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
According to an article published by the Harvard School of Public Health, there are nearly 2 million hospitalizations and 128,000 deaths every year from properly prescribed medications. This makes prescription drugs a major health risk, ranking it fourth among the leading causes of death. (1) Conversely, how many reported deaths are from vitamins, supplements and essential oils each year? ZERO.
The solution for these serious and significant side effects is not more drugs. Modern medicine is designed to target the symptoms of disease and not the source of the problem. It’s like getting a nail stuck in your car tire, and instead of removing the nail, you just keep filling up the tire with more air—without ever removing the nail. If you do not address the source of the issue (the nail), the air will continue to leak and eventually result in other problems, no matter how many times you patch it up and expect it to function properly.
The solution to this problem is found right in nature. We must remove as many of the toxins from our lives as possible (which come at us in our food, in our water, in our personal care and cleaning products, and in our air) and replace conventional medicines and products with innovations specifically designed by the Great Physician to heal, not to cause further harm.
There has never been a more critical time to act than now. Over 1,500 people a day are dying of cancer, and over 600,000 people will die of heart disease this year. And for the rest of us, quality of life is deteriorating thanks to poor diet and lifestyle choices, including our reliance on conventional drugs.
You don’t have to wait for widespread mindset and policy changes to start acting. We believe you can start affecting change today—right now—through small, but specific actions.

For example, if you want to combat high blood pressure, start by using a combination of lavender, ylang ylang and frankincense. Diffuse cinnamon oil, grapefruit oil and ginger oil at your desk at work to support blood sugar balance. In clinical trials, essential oils have been proven to elevate moods, so start breathing in some bergamot, lavender and Roman chamomile to fight depression. (2, 3, 4)
The world of medicine offers many great wonders, and modern medicine and diagnostics are amazing on many levels. But the system is broken, largely due to the prevalence of pharmaceutical drugs being touted as cures.
Before the age of modern medicine, people did not rely on large drug companies for Band-Aid cures that often cause more problems than they treat. Instead, they relied on natural remedies made from plants to prevent and treat ailments. They relied on traditional herbal remedies like essential oils.
The funny thing about the word “traditional” is that people use it today to refer to medical practices that have only been around for 100 years or less. Medical professionals and others then lump essential oils into the “alternative” category, when in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. It is herbal remedies and essential oils that are “traditional,” as they have been around since the third day of creation!
We believe in using the “traditional” treatments—in other words, those that come from the Earth. It’s easy for people today to pass herbs, spices and essential oils off as “just plants,” and that is because we’ve been conditioned to believe that “medicine” has to come from a lab.
But we believe that God’s laboratory is far superior to the ones human beings have created, and that is precisely why you now hold this book in your hands.
When you use “God’s Pharmacy” to treat your ailments and to provide preventative medicine, the options for treatment and healing are far more plentiful, the side effects are not so terrifying, and the results are longer lasting.
In order to more fully understand the inherent power and beautiful simplicity of God’s Pharmacy, let’s travel back in time to find out just how important essential oils once were before Earth was littered with pharmacies on every corner …
If you want to order a copy, you can get completely free shipping on here.
I created Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine because it’s the book that I’ve wanted my entire life. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Many blessings,
Dr. Axe
Quick Disclaimer: This content is strictly the opinion of Dr. Josh Axe and co-authors, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. Readers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither the author(s) nor the publisher of this content take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All readers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.