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Greatest Plant Protein: Edamame?
November 10, 2024

Young soybeans harvested before they ripen, edamame is a popular plant-based food in Asian cuisine and across the globe with potential health benefits. It’s available in many different forms, including shelled, in the pod, fresh or frozen.
While edamame is low in calories, it’s very nutrient-dense, including high amounts of folate, vitamin K and manganese, for example. It’s also a genuine plant-based protein food and without any cholesterol.
So what exactly is this tasty legume? Let’s take a closer look at its nutrition facts, health benefits and how to add it to your diet.
What is edamame?
Edamame is a type of immature soybean commonly found in many types of Asian cuisine. The round, bright green beans are often still encased in their pods and are popped out prior to consumption.
Although soybeans have been cultivated in China for more than 7,000 years, they were only introduced to the U.S. within the last few centuries. In fact, the use of the term “edamame” was first recorded in 1951, and it didn’t appear in the dictionary until 2003.
Additionally, while it’s a common source of confusion, the official edamame pronunciation is “eh-duh-maa-mei,” and the term is actually derived from the Chinese words for “steam” and “pea.”
Today, edamame is a popular product found in the frozen section of nearly every grocery store. It’s also featured in a variety of recipes and is favored for its unique taste, texture and nutrition profile.
Nutrition facts
Edamame is relatively low in carbohydrates and calories but rich in protein, fiber and an array of important micronutrients. In particular, it’s high in folate, copper, vitamin K, thiamine and magnesium.
A one-cup serving of frozen prepared edamame (about 155 grams) contains roughly the following:
- Calories: 188
- Total Carbohydrates: 13.8 g
- Fiber: 8.1 g
- Sugar: 3.4 g
- Total Fat: 8.1 g
- Saturated Fat: 1 g
- Polyunsaturated Fat: 3.3 g
- Monounsaturated Fat: 2 g
- Trans Fat: 0.014 g
- Cholesterol: 0 mg
- Protein: 18.4 g
- Sodium: 9.3 mg (0.4% DV*)
- Folate: 482 mcg (120% DV)
- Manganese: 1.58 mg (69% DV)
- Copper: 0.535 mg (59% DV)
- Vitamin K: 41.4 mcg (34% DV)
- Thiamine: 0.31 mg (26% DV)
- Magnesium: 99.2 mg (24% DV)
- Phosphorus: 262 mg (21% DV)
- Iron: 3.52 mg (20% DV)
- Zinc: 2.12 mg (19% DV)
- Riboflavin: 0.24 mg (18% DV)
- Potassium: 676 mg (14% DV)
- Pantothenic acid: 0.612 mg (12% DV)
- Vitamin C: 9.46 mg (10% DV)
- Niacin: 1.42 mg (9% DV)
- Vitamin B6: 0.155 mg (9% DV)
- Calcium: 97.6 mg (7.5% DV)
- Vitamin E: 1.05 mg (7% DV)
*Daily Value: Percentages are based on a diet of 2,000 calories a day.
1. Supports heart health
Edamame is rich in soy, which is well-known for its ability to enhance heart health.
According to a review published in New England Journal of Medicine, swapping animal protein for soy protein was effective at improving lipid levels in the blood to help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Edamame is also loaded with fiber, which can help decrease cholesterol levels and block the buildup of fatty plaque in the arteries.
In addition, while animal fats are saturated and can potentially contribute to cardiovascular disease, plant-based fats like those in edamame are unsaturated and considered better for heart health.
2. Linked to lower risk of cancer
Studies have shown that soy products, such as edamame, may help protect against certain types of cancer.
In particular, research has suggested that soy consumption may be linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer in men.
Other studies have found that a higher intake of soy could be associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer as well, although more research is still needed.
3. Great source of protein for muscle growth, immune function and weight loss
One of the top edamame benefits is its impressive plant-based protein content. In fact, a single serving contains a whopping 18 grams of protein, putting it right on par with other high-protein foods like poultry, fish and eggs.
Protein plays a central role in overall health and is crucial to tissue repair, muscle growth, immune function and more.
Filling up on high-protein foods can also help keep you feeling fuller for longer to support increased weight loss.
Edamame is also packed with fiber. Protein and fiber together are incredibly important on a healthy, weight loss diet.
Fiber moves through the gastrointestinal tract slowly, promoting satiety to curb cravings and appetite.
Meanwhile, protein can increase feelings of fullness and reduce levels of ghrelin, the hunger hormone, to support long-lasting weight loss.
4. Keeps bones strong
Edamame is high in soy isoflavones, a compound that has been linked to a number of powerful health benefits.
Soy isoflavones may be especially beneficial when it comes to bone health, with some research showing that they can actually impact bone metabolism and increase bone mineral density.
One study published in European Journal of Clinical Nutrition even found that soy isoflavones were effective at promoting bone formation and preventing bone loss in menopausal women.
5. Helps relieve symptoms of menopause
The soy isoflavones found in edamame are considered phytoestrogens, which means that they mimic the effects of estrogen in the body.
For this reason, they may be beneficial for women going through menopause, which is the natural decline in hormone levels that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years.
Interestingly enough, one study out of Sweden found that taking 60 milligrams of isoflavones daily for 12 weeks reduced symptoms of menopause like hot flashes and night sweats by 57 percent and 43 percent, respectively.
6. Can stabilize blood sugar
Like other types of legumes, edamame is a great choice when it comes to maintaining steady blood sugar levels.
It has a low glycemic index, which is a measure of how much specific foods increase blood sugar levels when consumed. It’s also rich in fiber, which slows the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream to support better glycemic control.
Furthermore, one study found that administering soy isoflavones to postmenopausal women was able to significantly reduce both blood sugar levels by and insulin within a six-month period.
7. Helps lower inflammation
In a large study of more than 1,000 Chinese women, it was found that women who consumed more soy products also experienced lower levels of inflammatory markers in their blood.
A 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis of 51 randomized trails found a significant reduction in c-reactive protein (CRP) levels after soy supplementation. CRP is a protein produced by the liver in response to inflammation or infection.
8. May help prevent depression
In clinical and observational studies, folate status has been linked to depression and poor response to antidepressants. In a study involving 2,948 people in the U.S., folate concentrations were significantly lower in individuals with major depression than in those who had never been depressed.
In a separate study of 52 men and women with major depressive disorder, only one of 14 subjects with low folate levels responded to antidepressant treatment compared with 17 of 38 subjects with normal folate levels.
Considering edamame is one of the foods highest in folate, not to mention soy isoflavones, it’s no wonder it’s believed to help combat depression.
Edamame is available in fresh and frozen varieties, both of which are nutritious and easy to prepare.
It can also be purchased still in the pods or shelled, based on your personal taste and preferences.
A variety of products like edamame pasta, edamame spaghetti and edamame noodles have started to pop up on supermarket shelves lately as well.
However, because these products are highly processed, it’s unclear whether these products contain the same health benefits, so it’s best to stick to fresh varieties whenever possible.
There are plenty of options for how to eat and enjoy this tasty legume, whether it’s as an appetizer, snack or side dish.
How to eat
There are several different options for how to cook edamame, which makes it easy to find something to satisfy nearly any palate.
You can steam, sear, boil, roast or microwave edamame and consume it either hot or cold, depending on your preferences.
It’s often cooked and served still in the pod, so be sure to remove the beans inside prior to consumption.
Simply pop the beans out with your fingers, or bite into the pod to remove them.
Then, top it off with a bit of salt for a simple snack or enjoy in your favorite recipes, from salads to sushi bowls.
Risk and side effects
Despite the many benefits of edamame nutrition, there are several side effects that you may want to consider as well.
For starters, many people wonder: Is edamame soy? The answer is yes, and because this nutritious legume is made from immature soybeans, it is not suitable for those with an allergy to soy products.
Additionally, according to the Center for Food Safety, it’s estimated that around 94 percent of soybeans in the U.S. are genetically engineered.
Many people choose to avoid consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) due to concerns about long-term health effects, antibiotic resistance and food allergies.
Selecting organic varieties of edamame whenever possible is a simple way to minimize your exposure to GMO foods.
Keep in mind that soybeans also contain a good amount of antinutrients, which are compounds that block the absorption of certain minerals in the body.
However, preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting, fermenting and cooking can significantly reduce the amount of antinutrients present in the final product.
Soy also contains goitrogens, which are compounds that can interfere with thyroid function by blocking the absorption of iodine.
Fortunately, research has shown that consumption of soy products is unlikely to impact thyroid function in healthy adults, unless an iodine deficiency is also present.
Finally, although it’s relatively low in carbs and high in fiber, those on a keto or low-carb diet should also be mindful of their intake to keep carb consumption in moderation.
Frequently asked questions
Is edamame good or bad for you?
Edamame is generally good for you. It’s a nutritious food, high in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
It’s particularly rich in folate, iron and vitamin K, and it provides plant-based protein, making it a healthy choice for many diets.
However, those with soy allergies or certain health conditions should consult with a doctor before consuming.
Is edamame a bean or a pea?
Edamame is technically a type of immature soybean, which means it is a legume. Despite often being compared to peas, it is a bean.
Is edamame a carb or protein?
Edamame is high in protein and also contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates. It’s often used as a plant-based protein source, making it popular in vegetarian and vegan diets.
Are edamame and soybeans the same thing?
Yes, edamame and soybeans are the same plant. Edamame is simply a young, green version of the soybean, picked before it fully matures.
Is edamame keto-friendly?
Edamame can be keto-friendly in moderation due to its lower carbohydrate content compared to many other beans. It contains roughly seven grams of carbs per half-cup, with a good portion of that being fiber, which can fit into some keto diets as a snack or protein source.
Is there a difference between edamame vs. mukimame?
Yes and no. Edamame refers to the whole pods, while mukimame refers to the shelled edamame beans without the pod.
Nutritionally, they’re the same, but mukimame is ready to eat and easier to add to dishes.
Is edamame a legume?
Yes, edamame is a legume. Legumes include plants that produce seeds within a pod, like beans, lentils and peas.
How do lima beans vs. edamame compare?
Edamame and lima beans are both legumes, but they differ nutritionally.
Edamame is higher in protein and generally lower in carbs compared to lima beans. Lima beans provide more iron and slightly more fiber but are lower in protein.
Each has its unique flavor and texture, with edamame being nuttier and firmer.
Is edamame gluten-free?
Yes, edamame is naturally gluten-free, making it a good choice for people with gluten sensitivities or celiac disease.
Is edamame low FODMAP?
Edamame is moderate in FODMAPs, so while it can be tolerated by some people with irritable bowel syndrome, it might cause digestive discomfort in others. Serving size can influence this — small amounts may be better tolerated.
Can you eat edamame while pregnant?
Yes, edamame can be safe to eat during pregnancy. It’s a nutritious source of protein, folate and other essential nutrients.
However, it’s important to ensure it’s fully cooked and to check with a healthcare provider if you have any soy-related concerns.
Final thoughts
- What is edamame? This type of legume is made from immature soybeans and is available still in the pods or pre-shelled.
- The edamame nutrition profile is high in protein and fiber, plus important vitamins and minerals like folate, manganese and vitamin K.
- Is edamame good for you? This nutritious legume has been linked to a number of health benefits, including increased weight loss, enhanced heart health, reduced bone loss, better blood sugar control, a lower risk of cancer and relief from several symptoms of menopause.
- However, many varieties are genetically modified, it can contain antinutrients and goitrogens, and it’s not suitable for those with an allergy to soy.
- There are plenty of options for how to make edamame, and it’s easy to enjoy boiled, steamed, roasted, seared or simply microwaved as a healthy addition to a balanced diet.