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Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms? How to Determine What’s Safe for Your Pet
May 2, 2019

“Help, my dog ate a mushroom in the grass! Can dogs eat mushrooms?!” You’re probably familiar with the fact that humans can safely consume a large variety of mushrooms and even benefit from mushroom nutrition, but there are also varieties of fungi that are highly poisonous — even deadly.
The same is true when it come to your furry companion. Certain types of mushrooms are known to be safe for dogs while others can be toxic and lead to side effects ranging from mild to severe.
Are there any mushrooms that are safe for dogs? Can dogs eat mushrooms from the grocery store? While the answer may be “yes,” what’s even more helpful is knowing what types of mushrooms are not safe since mushroom poisoning in dogs is not uncommon and can result in death.
Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms? Mushrooms Dogs Can Eat
Can dogs eat mushrooms, or will mushrooms hurt my dog?
It depends on the type of mushroom. Generally speaking, nontoxic mushrooms are a great source of energizing B vitamins, including vitamin B6. They are also provide consumers — whether human or canine — with key minerals like potassium, selenium, phosphorous and copper. However, there are certain mushrooms known to be safe for dogs (and humans) while others are not.
Can dogs eat store-bought mushrooms?
Mushrooms sold in the grocery store are safe and considered nontoxic to both humans and dog. Let’s take a look at more of the most common dog-related mushroom questions, which will help to guide you in figuring out which mushrooms dogs can eat in small quantities and likely have no issues:
- Can dogs eat portobello mushrooms? Yes, plain portobello mushrooms are typically safe for canine consumption.
- Can dogs eat button mushrooms? Yes, this is another store-bought mushroom that is safe.
- Can dogs eat white mushrooms? Yes, another name for button mushrooms is white mushrooms or white button mushrooms, which are a common variety of nontoxic edible mushrooms.
- Can dogs eat shiitake mushrooms? Yes, shiitake mushrooms are also safe for dogs.
- Can dogs eat mushrooms on pizza? It depends what kind. If it’s one of these common nontoxic mushrooms just mentioned and commonly found in the grocery store, then they should be OK. However, dogs should not ingest tomato sauce, a common main pizza ingredient, since it contains ingredients known to be harmful to dogs like onion and garlic.
Can dogs eat cooked mushrooms?
If they are a safe variety, yes, but the problem with cooked mushrooms is that they are often combined with other things that dogs should avoid, such as onion and garlic. In small amounts, unseasoned, plain, store-bought mushrooms are typically safe for dogs.
What Kinds of Mushrooms Are Toxic to Dogs?
Are mushrooms in grass bad for dogs?
The wild mushrooms that grow in grass can often be toxic to dogs, and some dogs have even died from eating wild mushrooms. Sadly, recent news stories have highlighted this fact with headlines like “Two dogs found dead after eating poisonous mushrooms from owner’s yard.”
Will mushrooms make dogs sick?
The toxic or poisonous ones certainly can. According to petMD, poisonous mushrooms that are toxic to dogs include:
- Liver toxic mushrooms
- Amanita phalloides (death cap mushroom)
- Amanita ocreata (angel of death)
- Lepiota (false parasol)
- Galerina
- Hallucinogenic mushrooms
- Conocybe
- Gymnopilus
- Psilocybe
- Panaeolus
- Toadstool mushrooms
- Amanita pantherina (panther cap)
- Amanita muscaria (fly agaric)
- Mushrooms containing muscarinic agents
- Inocybe
- Clitocybe
- False morel mushrooms
- Gyromitra esculenta (Beefsteak)
- Gyromitra caroliniana
- Mushrooms in the Verpa genre
- Mushrooms in the Helvella genre
- Mushrooms that cause gastrointestinal distress
- Boletus
- Chlorophyllum
- Entolomo
Mushroom Poisoning Symptoms in Dogs
It depends on the variety, but poisoning can occur in dogs from just a tiny bite of a toxic mushroom.
What are the symptoms of a dog eating mushrooms?
According to the American Kennel Club, common dog mushroom poisoning signs include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal pain
- Salivation
- Weakness
- Lethargy
- Ataxia (staggering gait)
- Jaundice
- Liver failure
- Seizures
- Coma
- Death
Can dogs eat psychedelic mushrooms?
According to the ASPCA:
“Magic” mushrooms (Psilobyce sp) contain psilocybin and psilocin which are structurally related to LSD and are presumed to act on serotonin receptors. Signs reported in dogs include vocalization, mydriasis, ataxia, tachycardia, disorientation, hyperthermia and anxiety. Rarely tremors and seizures have been reported.
Related: Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? Benefits & Potential Side Effects
What to Do If Your Dog Has Mushroom Poisoning
If you think your dog is experiencing mushroom poisoning, contact your veterinarian right away. You can also contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for assistance if you believe your pet has ingested a toxic mushroom or any other poisonous substance.
Treatment for your dog’s mushroom poisoning depends on the type of mushroom your dog ate, which is why it’s helpful if you can bring a sample of the mushroom (handle with gloved hands and wrap in a damp paper towel) to your veterinarian. How recently your dog ate the mushroom also is a treatment determining factor.
Always stop dog from eating mushrooms if you’re not sure of the mushroom’s safety or if it’s a mushroom found in the wild. According to the ASCPCA, “As with most poisonings, the best method of controlling mushroom poisonings is preventing exposure…Dogs should be prevented from consuming mushrooms or roaming when they are being exercised.”
Unless you are a mycologist (fungi expert), avoid trying to identify the toxicity of a mushroom. Be on the safe side and bring your dog in to the vet if it has consumed a wild mushroom or exhibits symptoms of mushroom poisoning.
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