1-10 of 1120 Results

Probiotics: Top Benefits, Foods and Supplements

Whether you’re looking to help your immune function, decrease disease risk or simply improve your overall health, probiotics can make a worthy addition to your daily routine. Not only that, but some people even believe that probiotics could hold the key to ending malnutrition across the globe someday. What are probiotics? Probiotics are a type of…

What Is an Emulsifier? Uses and Risks of Their Use in Foods

If you eat packaged foods somewhat regularly, then you already likely consume emulsifiers even if you aren't aware of it. Are emulsifiers bad for you or potentially beneficial? It really depends on the kind. You will find different emulsifier types in several different foods, including baked goods, dairy products, nut butter, margarines, ice cream, sauces, salad dressings and…

Malt: a Natural Sweetener and Cereal Grain with Many Nutrients

When you think of malt, malted milk balls, milkshakes or other sweet treats may be the first things that come to mind. However, malt is actually incredibly versatile and can be found in a variety of different products, including vinegar, beer, cereals and more. Although it has been traditionally used as a sweetener and flavor-enhancer,…

Best Keto Fiber Foods & Why You Need Them

It's true that the keto diet food list contains high amounts of healthy fats. Eighty percent of your total daily calories should be coming from foods like olive oil, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, nuts and seeds — ut what kind of role does fiber play in the ketogenic diet? The answer is that we need…

15 Fermented Foods for a Healthy Gut and Overall Health

Whether you realize it or not, fermentation is a process that’s used to produce some of the world’s favorite foods and beverages. What are some foods that are fermented? Popular fermented foods include things like wine, beer, yogurt, certain aged cheeses, and even chocolate and coffee. One of the most popular fermented foods globally is…

Top 25+ Vitamin K Foods & Their Many Health Benefits

Ready for yet another reason to eat your veggies? Foods like leafy greens and veggies, including broccoli and cabbage, are loaded with vitamin K, an important nutrient that’s been associated with improved insulin levels, a reduced risk of cancer and protection against heart disease. Not only that, but vitamin K foods can also promote proper…

What to Eat Before a Workout: Pre-Workout Foods + Best Foods for Athletes

It's no secret that hitting the gym is important when it comes to gaining muscle mass and improving performance, but if you’re not paying attention to what you’re putting on your plate, it can be nearly impossible to make any progress, even with the most rigorous gym routine. While filling up on junk and ultra-processed…

Health Benefits of Blueberries: Antioxidant-Rich Superfoods

This vibrant fruit may be tiny, but each blueberry serving packs a serious punch when it comes to nutrition. Often overlooked and overshadowed by more exotic types of berries, blueberries remain one of the most nutritious, antioxidant-rich types of fruit in the world and have been shown to do everything from enhance brain health to…

Top 15 Calcium-Rich Foods & Benefits

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, and almost 99 percent of the body’s calcium is stored in the structure of the bones and teeth. The truth is, though, many of us aren’t eating enough calcium-rich foods. (And hint: It’s not always about dairy.) How do you benefit from eating high-calcium foods? Foods…

Figs Nutrition: The Anticancer, Fiber-Rich, Antibacterial Powerhouse

You probably associate figs with the extremely popular fig newton, which if we're being perfectly honest is not the healthiest of options. While you shouldn't make a habit of eating those packaged fig goodies, figs nutrition actually has a surprising amount of health benefits. Of course, when I say figs nutrition, I mean the fruit…