Vetiver Essential Oil Benefits and How to Use Vetiver Oil - Dr. Axe

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Vetiver Essential Oil Benefits for the Body and Mind


Vetiver essential oil - Dr. Axe

Vetiver oil has been used in traditional medicine in South Asia, Southeast Asia and West Africa for thousands of years. It’s native to India, and both its leaves and roots have wonderful uses, not to mention the many benefits of vetiver essential oil.

Vetiver is known as a sacred herb valued due to its uplifting, soothing, healing and protective properties.

It’s a natural body cooler, making it extremely popular in tropical countries. In fact, in India and Sri Lanka it’s known as the “oil of tranquility.”

Vetiver oil uses include helping treat heat stroke, joint disorders and skin problems. Using vetiver essential oil is also a way to boost energy levels when you’re exhausted.

In addition, it’s used to cool the body during very high temperatures and soothe feelings of anxiety and nervousness.

There are a number of vetiver oil benefits that you can take advantage of in the comfort of your home. In fact, vetiver essential oil is perfect for skin care products and relaxing oil combinations.

What is vetiver oil?

Vetiver, or Chrysopogon zizanioides, is a perennial bunchgrass of the Poaceae family native to India. In western and northern India, it’s popularly known as khus.

Vetiver is most closely related to sorghum, but it shares many morphological characteristics with other fragrant grasses, such as lemongrass, palmarosa and citronella oil.

Vetiver grass can grow up to five feet high. The stems are tall, and the leaves are long and thin.

The flowers are a brownish-purple color, and unlike most root systems, the roots of vetiver grass grow downward and can go as deep at eight feet (which is deeper than some tree roots).

The vetiver plant is highly drought-tolerant and can help protect soil against sheet erosion. Because the roots are so deep, they don’t dislodge easily. Therefore, they have been used to stabilize railway cuttings and embankments in order to prevent mudslides and rockfalls.

The plant can block the runoff of surface water, and it slows water flow.

Vetiver essential oil is distilled from the plant’s roots, and it contains more than 100 components. The oil is amber-brown in color, and it’s described as a sweet, woody and smoky fragrance.

Similar to patchouli oil and sandalwood essential oil, the odor of vetiver develops and improves with aging, and the scent varies depending on the plant’s location.

Vetiver essential oil benefits

1. Proven antioxidant

Some benefits of consuming antioxidant-rich foods and herbs include slower aging, healthy and glowing skin, reduced cancer risk, detoxification support, and longer life span.

A study done by the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at Clemson University in South Carolina evaluated the antioxidant activity of vetiver oil in 2005. The results showed that vetiver essential oil possessed a strong free radical scavenging activity when compared to standard antioxidants, such as butylated hydroxytoluene and alpha-tocopherol.

2. Helps treat scars and marks on skin

Vetiver essential oil is a cicatrisant, meaning it helps heal scars by promoting the regeneration of skin and tissue. It helps rejuvenate the skin and remove dark spots or signs of acne and pox.

It’s also an anti-aging oil and effectively helps treat stretch marks, cracks and other skin disorders. Plus, it works as a home remedy for burn relief as well as a home remedy for acne.

This can be effective for women who have stretch marks after childbirth. By adding a few drops of vetiver oil to your face wash, body soap or lotion, you will notice the difference.

Vetiver oil also is an antiseptic, meaning that when it’s applied to living tissue or skin, it reduces the possibility of infection and kills bacteria. For instance, studies have shown that a minimum concentration of vetiver oil is needed to kill infections, such as staph.

This vetiver oil benefit is useful before and after a surgical procedure and when caring for wounds.

3. May help with ADHD

In 2001, a study done by Dr. Terry Friedman found that vetiver oil is effective in treating children with ADHD. The case study was conducted for two years (1999-2001), and it involved 40 children between 6 and 12 years old.

Twenty of the children were not diagnosed with ADHD (they served as the control group), and 20 children were diagnosed.

The essential oils that were used in the study were lavender, vetiver, cedarwood and Brain Power (which is a blend of frankincense, sandalwood, melissa, cedarwood, blue cypress, lavender and helichrysum essential oils). The oils were tested one at a time for 30 days per oil.

The children used an inhalation device at night and inhaled the essential oil about three times a day when they were feeling “scattered.”

The final results were extremely promising. Lavender oil’s benefits were apparent, as it increased performance by 53 percent. Meanwhile, cedarwood essential oil increased performance by 83 percent, and vetiver oil increased performance by 100 percent!

The study found that the relaxing and calming properties of vetiver oil helped the children combat their ADHD and ADD symptoms, which typically include difficulty in concentrating, diminished focus, being easily distracted, difficulty with organization and following directions, impatience, and fidgety behavior.

It is important to note that there hasn’t been much other research that has confirmed these findings, so the jury is still out. However, this study certainly provided promising evidence that it may help those with ADHD or ADD symptoms.

4. Serves as an aphrodisiac

Mental and physical stress can lead to a loss of libido or sex drive. A 2010 study published in the journal Hormones and Behavior first suggested this when it evaluated the “dual-hormone hypothesis” clinically.

Researchers discovered that when cortisol is elevated in times of stress, testosterone responds by elevating as well. The problem is that eventually the testosterone levels bottomed out at a much lower level before cortisol kicked in.

When you live life in a stressed state, you deplete testosterone levels and feel a loss of sexual desires. Because vetiver oil is proven to be an effective calming and sedative agent, it leaves your mind and body relaxed, which allows you to balance your hormones naturally.

It’s also very important that you get enough sleep. According to an article from the journal Current Opinion of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, getting enough sleep and at the right times are two of the most effective and natural ways to raise testosterone.

Because vetiver oil has soothing properties that leave you in a state of tranquility, it’s known to help with insomnia and stress that leads to sleep loss. With the right amount of sleep, your body begins to feel its natural and healthy urges again, so if you can’t sleep, try utilizing vetiver oil.

Vetiver oil is not only good for raising testosterone levels in the mind. It also has gentle estrogen-like effects.

It has the power to strengthen the female reproductive system and balance hormones. It also aids in treating menstrual discomforts, such as fatigue, bloating, skin issues, emotional changes, breast tenderness and cramps.

By working as a sedative, vetiver oil serves as a natural remedy for PMS cramps and helps the body relax and combat the daunting hormonal and emotional changes.

5. Helps improve body function

Vetiver oil may help boost the immune and nervous system, as it’s a natural tonic.

Vetiver oil’s soothing and restorative attributes are also responsible for stimulating the immune system and supporting the nervous system.

Ridding yourself of stress impacts your brain, heart, digestion, immune system and every other system in the body, so natural remedies for anxiety, like vetiver oil, can be extremely useful.

6. Soothes anxiety and nervousness

Traditionally, vetiver oil has been used in aromatherapy for relaxation and alleviating emotional stress, panic attacks, trauma, anxiety, insomnia, hysteria and depression.

In fact, it’s been shown to help lower anxiety and even help with blood pressure in research.

7. Repels bugs

The Louisiana State University Agricultural Center analyzed the termite repellency of eight essential oils, including vetiver grass, cassia leaf oil, clove bud, cedarwood, eucalyptus globules, eucalyptus citriodora, lemongrass and geranium oils. Of the tested essential oils, vetiver oil proved the most effective repellent because of its long-lasting activity.

Vetiver oil also decreased termite tunneling activity at concentrations as low as five micrograms per one gram of sand.

Another study proved that vetiver oil is able to repel and control the mosquito larvae that’s responsible for diseases like dengue, malaria, yellow fever and filariasis. Some people use vetiver oil on the scalp to kill lice, as it’s non-toxic and works as a pest killer and repellant.

Vetiver oil - Dr. Axe

How to use

Vetiver oil has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. In Ayurveda, vetiver essential oil is used to treat imbalances and heal health disorders like muscular aches, fevers, arthritis pain and headaches.

Interestingly, vetiver essential oil was used in massaging brides to sanctify them before marriage. Because of its cleansing and therapeutic properties, it’s known to heal a person from within.

The most popular use of vetiver oil in the Middle Ages was its use in scents, which continues to be true today. Because of its woody and earthy aroma, it’s frequently used in the perfume industry, providing a more masculine fragrance.

For thousands of years, vetiver grass has been used to make roof thatches, rugs, baskets and curtains.

In India, vetiver roots are dried and then woven into window curtains. The curtains cool the fresh air that comes in from the window, so in the hot summer months the rooms are fresh and airy.

Sometimes the curtains are sprayed with water so the hot air that passes through creates a cool and fragrant breeze.

Today, vetiver is used as a mulch because it’s useful as weed control in coffee, cocoa and tea plantations. It works by building a barrier in the form of a thick mat.

The hairy texture of the vetiver leaves also serves as a pest repellant. When larvae land on the leaves, they cannot move, so they fall to the ground and die.

It’s easy to find and purchase vetiver oil from a local health food store or online. Look for reputable and organic brands that indicate the product is 100 percent vetiver essential oil.

Vetiver oil blends well with bergamot oil, cedarwood essential oil, geranium oil, ginger essential oil, jasmine oil, lavender essential oil, lemon oil, lemongrass essential oil, orange oil, patchouli essential oil, rose oil and sandalwood essential oil.

You can also purchase a vetiver sponge. It can be found online or in an Ayurvedic shop.

The loofah-type sponge is made of vetiver roots, and it’s used to exfoliate dead skin cells and improve circulation in the body. These sponges have a pleasant, woody-citrus fragrance, and they’re antibacterial.

Here are some easy ways to use vetiver oil at home:

  • Put five to 10 drops of vetiver oil in your bath water. Because it’s both fragrant and cooling, using it in your bath prevents overheating and helps with relaxation and insomnia. To boost the calming results, combine vetiver oil with lavender and rose essential oils as well.
  • To benefit your mind and mood, diffuse three to five drops of vetiver oil or place one to two drops on your wrists, chest and neck.
  • Make your own calming massage oil by mixing three to five drops of vetiver oil with equal parts jojoba oil. This combination leaves your skin clean and moisturized and your mind at peace.

Risks and side effects

This essential oil is typically safe, being a non-irritant, non-sensitizing and non-toxic substance.

Vetiver oil is possibly safe for human consumption when taken in smaller medical doses, and drinking vetiver water (by soaking the roots) is deemed safe.

It should not be used when pregnant or breastfeeding, as there is not enough information in regard to its effects on a nursing infant.


  • Vetiver essential oil is a versatile oil with a wide range of benefits, from calming the mind and body to promoting skin health.
  • Its antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable natural remedy.
  • For instance, vetiver essential oil is known for its stress-relieving and calming properties, making it beneficial for reducing anxiety, improving sleep and enhancing focus.
  • It possesses antioxidant and antibacterial properties, which can help promote wound healing, reduce acne and support scalp health.
  • Some studies have suggested vetiver essential oil may aid in cognitive function and ADHD symptom management, potentially improving alertness and concentration.
  • It also may help reduce inflammation, support the immune system and promote overall well-being.
  • Vetiver oil is effective in repelling insects, including mosquitoes, making it a great addition to natural bug sprays.
  • It can be applied topically (diluted with a carrier oil), diffused for aromatherapy benefits or added to skin care routines.
  • Whether used for relaxation, focus or skin care, vetiver essential oil is a powerful addition to holistic health practices.

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