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Gum Arabic Benefits: How Acacia Fiber Can Improve Your Health
September 6, 2024

Gum arabic is a type of plant-derived fiber that you can think of it as an edible “glue,” a natural thickening agent and binder that helps hold ingredients together, but that’s not all. It’s been used for centuries to support digestion as a healthy dietary fiber.
Gum arabic’s structure allows it to dissolve in cold or warm water (meaning it’s “water-soluble”), making it easy to use in a variety of ways.
Because it is a natural, plant-derived product, it’s suitable for vegans/vegetarians (unlike other products with similar qualities, such as gelatin). It is also naturally gluten-free, usually non-GMO and well-tolerated by most people when used in appropriate amounts.
Due to its rich fiber content, gum arabic may offer benefits including increasing probiotic bacteria in the gut, promoting satiety following meals, slowing down gastric emptying and regulating hormone secretion, which helps manage appetite and weight.
What Is Gum Arabic?
Gum arabic, also sometimes called acacia gum, gum acacia, acacia fiber or acacia powder, is a fibrous product made from the natural hardened sap of two types of wild acacia trees. Around the world, gum arabic goes by many names, including acacia gum, arabic gum, acacia powder, Senegal gum, Indian gum and others.
Acacia senegal (L.), a tree in the Leguminosae (Fabaceae) plant family, is most commonly used to make gum arabic products. Vachellia (Acacia) is another species that produces a dried gum from its trunk and branches.
These trees grow most abundantly in Sudan, where about 50 percent of the world’s gum arabic is now produced, but are also found in other parts of Africa, such as Kenya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal.
What’s interesting about acacia trees is that they produce the most gum arabic when they experience “adverse conditions,” such as poor soil, drought or high heat. This actually damages the trees to some degree but causes an increase in the production of arabic gum.
What type of organic molecule is gum arabic? It is made of a mixture of glycoproteins, a class of proteins that have carbohydrate groups attached to the polypeptide chain, and polysaccharides, a carbohydrate that’s molecules consist of a number of sugar molecules bonded together.
It also includes oligosaccharides, another type of carbohydrate. Additionally, gums collected from acacia trees are a source of natural sugar compounds called arabinose and ribose, which were some of the first concentrated sugars to be derived from plants/trees.
The exact chemical composition of gum arabic varies from product to product, depending on its source and the climate/soil conditions in which it was grown.
Today, there are many industrial and food-related uses for gum arabic. For example, gelatin, modified starch, gum arabic and pectin are the main types of gums used in many sugary/confectionery products.
Arabic gum is used to help stabilize products including:
- A wide variety of desserts and baking ingredients
- Dairy products like ice cream
- Syrups
- Hard and soft candies
- Ink, paint, watercolors, and photography and printing materials
- Ceramics and clay
- Stamps and envelopes
- Shoe polish
- Cosmetics
- Fireworks
- Herbal medicines, pills and lozenges
- Emulsions that are applied to the skin
Gum arabic is considered to be natural, edible and generally safe for human consumption. Research suggests that it’s non-toxic, especially when used in normal/moderate amounts, and tolerated by people with sensitivities to gluten.
While gum is known to be indigestible to both humans and animals, it has been considered as a safe dietary fiber by the United States Food and Drug Administration since the 1970s.
1. Supports gut health as a natural prebiotic
Acacia fiber is known to provide a source of prebiotics and soluble fiber, and as such, it feeds healthy probiotic bacteria in the gut.
It is a natural prebiotic and source of soluble dietary fiber (a complex polysaccharide), which means that humans cannot digest its carbohydrates. This actually has benefits when it comes to gut health, digestion and even cardiovascular health due to how soluble fiber helps bind to cholesterol.
Once you eat acacia gum, it ferments in the colon with help from bacteria/microorganisms. This helps essentially “feed” good probiotic bacteria in the gut that have many important roles in the body.
One study found that four-week supplementation with 10 grams a day of gum arabic led to significant increases in Bifidobacteria, Lactobacilli and Bacteroides bacteria, indicating a prebiotic effect.
2. Aids healthy weight maintenance
This natural prebiotic has been found to help enhance fullness and satiety, which in turn can aid healthy weight management and prevent obesity.
Since it’s a concentrated source of dietary fiber, acacia gum can help make people feel full, helping curb cravings and overeating, and possibly helping with weight loss.
Results from one study showed that two different blends of gum arabic were able to decrease participants’ caloric intake significantly three hours after taking acacia fiber. At doses of 40 grams, it yielded a significant reduction in energy intake of 100–200 kcal, while doses of 10 or 20 grams led to a reduction in energy intake around 100 kcal.
A 2012 study published in Nutrition Journal was conducted to determine effects of regular gum arabic (GA) ingestion on body mass index and body fat percentage among healthy adult females. This two-arm, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial included 120 healthy females who were divided into two groups: a test group of 60 volunteers receiving GA (30 gm/day) for six weeks and a placebo group of 60 volunteers receiving pectin (1 gm/day) for the same period of time.
Results from the study suggest that “GA ingestion causes significant reduction in BMI and body fat percentage among healthy adult females” and that this effect could potentially be used in the treatment of obesity.
Because it is not digestible, it essentially has no caloric value when consumed in normal amounts. This means you don’t have to worry about gum arabic contributing sugar, carbs or “empty calories” to your diet.
3. Boosts heart health
Gum arabic has been linked to heart health due to its high fiber content. Studies suggest that diets rich in soluble fibers like gum arabic can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
The fiber works by lowering blood cholesterol levels, reducing inflammation and improving overall heart function.
A study published in Frontiers in Physiology found that dietary fiber from gum arabic significantly lowered total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels in participants, which are critical indicators of heart health. Meanwhile, research from 2023 demonstrated that soluble fibers like gum arabic can reduce blood pressure and improve endothelial function, thereby enhancing cardiovascular outcomes.
In addition, gum arabic may contribute to cardiovascular health by improving lipid profiles and reducing inflammation, which are key factors in preventing heart disease.
4. Eases IBS symptoms and constipation
Gum arabic is a prebiotic fiber that supports gut health. It helps feed beneficial gut bacteria, which can reduce inflammation and ease irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms like bloating and cramping.
It also softens stool and promotes bowel regularity, making it effective in treating constipation.
A study in the World Journal of Gastroenterology showed that gum arabic supplementation improved bowel movements and reduced IBS symptoms in participants.
5. Helps regulate cholesterol levels
Acacia fiber has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels by binding to cholesterol in the gut and preventing its absorption. This mechanism helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol) while potentially raising HDL (good cholesterol).
Clinical trials suggest that regular intake of gum arabic can significantly reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. For example, a 2015 study conducted on Sudanese patients with hyperlipidemia reported that regular intake of gum arabic led to significant reductions in LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol levels in participants.
Another study found that gum arabic supplementation improved lipid profiles by decreasing triglycerides and increasing HDL cholesterol in patients with sickle cell anemia.
6. Combats insulin resistance and protects against diabetes symptoms
Gum arabic has demonstrated potential in managing insulin resistance, a precursor to type 2 diabetes. Its high fiber content slows sugar absorption in the digestive system, reducing blood sugar spikes after meals.
A 2018 study found that gum arabic improved insulin sensitivity and reduced fasting blood glucose levels in diabetic subjects. Further research demonstrated that gum arabic intake improved insulin sensitivity and glycemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes.
7. Reduces dental plaque on gums and teeth
The antimicrobial properties of gum arabic can help reduce dental plaque formation. Studies show that it can inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for plaque and gum disease. It’s also been shown to protect against cavities.
A study 2021 found that gum arabic extract effectively inhibited the growth of Streptococcus mutans, a primary bacterium responsible for dental plaque formation. Another study showed that regular use of gum arabic as a chewing gum significantly decreased plaque index scores in participants.
8. Has anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects
Gum arabic contains bioactive compounds with anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. These bioactive compounds exhibit properties that can prevent cancer cell growth, reduce inflammation and neutralize free radicals, thereby offering protective health benefits.
Its ability to reduce oxidative stress helps protect cells from damage that can lead to cancer and other chronic diseases. Additionally, its anti-inflammatory effects may help reduce inflammation in various tissues, protecting against inflammatory diseases.
A study in the International Journal of Nephrology highlighted gum arabic’s antioxidant capacity, which plays a role in neutralizing free radicals and reducing cancer risk. In fact, it’s been shown to provide anti-proliferative effects against colorectal colon cancer cell lines.
9. Helps reduce skin inflammation and redness
Gum arabic has been used traditionally to treat skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce skin lesions, redness, swelling and irritation when applied topically.
The fiber’s bioactive compounds may also help soothe eczema, psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions, and acacia fiber has been found to enhance skin barrier function and hydration, contributing to reduced inflammation and improved skin appearance.
How to Use
Gum arabic has many uses in traditional systems of medicine, including helping treat ailments like constipation and dysentery, diarrhea, diabetes, prolonged bleeding, scurvy, tuberculosis, ulcers, and smallpox.
In Ayurveda, acacia is said to be cooling, pungent, dry, heavy to digest and helpful for balancing Kapha dosha. Acacia gum is considered a natural antiseptic and expectorant.
The root and leaves of the plant are crushed and sometimes applied to the skin to treat inflammation, infection, wounds, parasites and other diseases. Small amounts of the root can also be sucked on or applied to the mouth to help treat bleeding, gum diseases and pain from loose teeth.
Other traditional uses of acacia fiber include gargling it for sore throats, washing the skin with it for eczema and wounds, using it in eyewashes for conjunctivitis, and adding it to enemas for hemorrhoids.
Supplements and dosage
Gum arabic is sometimes used in dried, powdered supplement form to help treat conditions like high cholesterol, IBS and constipation. One reason why many people are drawn to gum arabic is because it’s a convenient way to consume prebiotics and promote “good” bacteria growth in the intestine.
Acacia fiber can also be applied to the skin or inside the mouth to help treat plaque and gum inflammation (gingivitis) and fight inflammation or redness.
There is currently no “upper limit” of gum arabic for human consumption that has been set. Studies suggest that humans should not exceed 10 milligrams of gum arabic per kilogram of body weight each day.
When using gum arabic supplements, it’s recommended that you take about 10 to 15 grams per day. Higher doses may cause side effects, so start with a low dose, and monitor your reaction.
Compared to other fiber supplements, such as psyllium husk, acacia fiber has a finer texture and is usually easier to mix into fluids, but both are healthy options.
As far as comparing it to other emulsifiers — such as xanthan gum, locust bean gum and guar gum — acacia fiber is use in similar ways, and they’re all common gelatin substitutes.
Risks and Side Effects
Gum arabic may cause digestive issues for some people, particularly when used in large amounts. Potential gum arabic side effects can include:
- flatulence/gas
- bloating
- unfavorable viscous sensation in the mouth
- early morning nausea
- mild diarrhea
- other types of indigestion
To limit side effects, keep your intake well below the max daily dose of about 30 grams per day, which is easy to do considering most recipes call for just one to 10 grams.
In addition, the most common use of gum arabic powder is in the production of soft drinks and in cooking and baking, specifically to stabilize the texture of products, increase the viscosity of liquids and help baked goods (such as cakes) rise.
Other uses include adding shine/sheen or a glossy look to certain foods, coating foods and inhibiting crystallization of sugar. When it comes to making soda/soft drinks, acacia gum is used to make syrups and bind sweeteners with other flavors.
You can find gum arabic (acacia fiber) most commonly in desserts or sweets, such as fruit syrups, marshmallows, confectionary sugar, icings, chewing gum, chocolate candies like M&Ms, soft drinks, edible decorative ingredients for baking like glitter or sprinkles, and chewy soft candies.
As you can see, many foods that contain gum arabic are not the healthiest choices. Packaged baked goods, candy, etc., are often loaded with added sugar, refined oils, and artificial colors and ingredients.
So while acacia gum itself is not problematic in small amounts, you should still limit the amount of sweets and ultra-processed foods you eat that contain it.
Final Thoughts
- Gum arabic is a natural fibrous product that is used as a thickening agent, emulsifier and flavor stabilizer in various foods and industrial products. It’s widely used in the pharmaceutical, food, textile, pottery and cosmetics industries.
- Two types of acacia trees (Acacia senegal and A. seyal), which are grown in the Sahelian Belt of Africa, especially Sudan, are the principle sources of gum arabic.
- Gum arabic is indigestible by humans, meaning it isn’t broken down in the intestines but instead ferments in the colon. This leads to a range of possible health benefits, including acting as a prebiotic, feeding “good” probiotic bacteria, enhancing gut health, helping with fullness and appetite control, and potentially aiding in regulation of body fat, insulin and cholesterol.
- You can take gum arabic in powdered supplement form, or use small amounts when cooking or baking. It will help cakes rise and form a spongy texture, and it also gives confectionary/baked goods a shiny finish.
- While high doses of gum arabic (above 10–30 grams daily) don’t seem to be pose any major health risks, consuming large amounts may lead to gas, diarrhea, indigestion and bloating.