1051-1060 of 1 Results

Delicata Squash: The Gluten-Free, Fiber-Rich Eye & Bone Booster

With a flavor similar to the sweet potato, chestnut and corn, the flesh of the delicata squash is sweet. This beautiful design of nature consisting of a cylindrical or oblong shape, yellowish, tan or cream in color with green stripes, is a gluten-free, fiber-rich food full of health benefits. What Is A Delicata Squash? Delicata squash…

Cellulitis Treatment: Natural Remedies & Prevention Tips

Considered to be the most common types of illness caused by staph bacteria, cellulitis is a painful, sometimes blistering skin infection that affects hundreds of thousands of adults every year in the United States, leading many to search for cellulitis treatment that actually works. (1) While cellulitis symptoms can usually be managed well with cellulitis…

Cellulitis Symptoms, Causes & Risk Factors

The name of the bacteria responsible for most cases of cellulitis infections and cellulitis symptoms is staphylococcus, which is actually very common and lives on the skin of approximately 30 percent of even healthy adults. Cellulitis skin rash is one of the most common symptoms of a staph infection, which cause all kinds of mild to…

Gallbladder Symptoms, Causes of Pain & Risk Factors

In one way or another, gallbladder pain is almost always caused by one particular gallbladder problem: gallstones. Around 10 percent to 20 percent of the total adult population (up to 40 percent in some age groups) is believed to have at least mild to moderate gallstones. The incidence of gallbladder symptoms rises with age, so those…

The Truth about VBAC (And What Your Doctor Probably Isn’t Telling You)

Controversy around the safety of a vaginal birth after C-section has recently prompted sharp declines in this delivery method. Unfortunately, women are often incorrectly told that they're not allowed to have a vaginal birth after a cesarean section. Known as "VBAC," vaginal birth after a C-section is an increasingly common way to give birth. But…

The Best 7 Food Allergy Alternatives

The prevalence of food allergies continue to rise, affecting approximately 5 percent of children under the age of 5 years old and 4 percent of teens and adults. Food allergies have severe effects on daily life because manifestations can affect several bodily systems, and these responses are caused by a particular individual intolerance that's derived from an immunological…

The Lupus Diet: Benefits, Meal Plan & Recipe Ideas

A large body of research shows that a healthy, unprocessed diet is very important for managing autoimmune disorder symptoms, including those caused by lupus, because it helps control inflammation stemming from poor gut health. The majority of your immune system is actually located in inside your gastrointestinal tract, which is also known as the microbiome,…

What Are Eczema Symptoms? Plus 5 Natural Treatments

Eczema symptoms, which commonly include skin dryness and itchiness, affect about 20 percent of children (roughly one in five) and up to 4 percent of adults. Eczema, along with related skin conditions like dermatitis and allergies, tends to develop most often among people who already have very dry, sensitive skin or a rundown immune system. In…

7 Benefits of Natural Childbirth & 6 Steps for a Safe and Natural Childbirth

Research suggests that the way in which a woman experiences pregnancy and childbirth is vitally important for a mother's relationship with her child and her future childbearing experiences. Unfortunately, we are currently in an era characterized by increases in obstetric intervention and cesarean section birth nationwide. With the U.S percentage of deliveries by C-section at…

7 Natural Treatments for Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis, a type of skin condition that most often causes facial dryness and scalp itchiness, affects about 6 million children and adults in the U.S. It can be tricky to recognize or diagnose seborrheic dermatitis because the skin reactions it triggers mimic those caused by similar conditions like psoriasis, other forms of eczema or even allergic reactions.…