Top Wellness Trends of 2024 and Predictions for 2025 - Dr. Axe

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Top Wellness Trends of 2024 and Predictions for 2025


Wellness trends 2024 - Dr. Axe

The wellness industry is continuously evolving, shaped by innovative research, cultural shifts and an increasing focus on holistic health. As we navigate through 2024, several wellness trends have emerged, setting the tone for the future.

For starters, as noted by McKinsey, the wellness industry has grown to nearly $500 billion in the United States alone, with 82 percent of consumers considering “wellness a top or important priority in their everyday lives.”

The market is only growing, and people across the globe are focusing more and more on their health and overall wellness.

Here, we take a look at the emerging wellness trends of 2024 so far and predict what’s on the horizon for 2025 and beyond.

Top Wellness Trends of 2024

1. Personalized nutrition

In 2024, personalized nutrition has taken center stage, driven by advancements in genetic testing and artificial intelligence (AI).


People are increasingly seeking tailored dietary plans based on their DNA, microbiomes and specific health needs. This trend emphasizes the importance of individualized approaches to diet and wellness.

2. Mental health prioritization

The focus on mental health has intensified, with more people recognizing the importance of psychological well-being. Practices like mindfulness, meditation and digital detoxes are becoming mainstream.

Additionally, mental health apps and teletherapy services have surged, making mental health support more accessible.

3. Holistic fitness

Fitness routines in 2024 are more holistic, integrating physical, mental and spiritual elements. Hybrid workouts that combine yoga, strength training and mindfulness practices are popular.

There’s also a growing emphasis on recovery, with practices like foam rolling, stretching and massage therapy becoming integral parts of fitness regimens.

4. Sustainable wellness

Sustainability is a significant theme in wellness this year. Consumers are more conscious of their environmental impact, choosing eco-friendly products and sustainable practices.

This trend extends to wellness products, with a rise in biodegradable packaging, organic ingredients and ethically sourced goods.

5. Sleep optimization

Sleep health is gaining recognition as a critical component of overall wellness.

In 2024, there’s been a surge in sleep optimization technologies, including smart mattresses, sleep trackers, and apps that monitor and enhance sleep quality.

Practices like sleep hygiene and relaxation techniques before bedtime are also being emphasized.

6. At-home health

The rise of telemedicine and home-based health monitoring has made health care more accessible. People are increasingly using at-home diagnostic tools, remote consultations and digital health services to manage their health from the comfort of their homes.

For instance, according to McKinsey, “26 percent of US consumers are interested in testing for vitamin and mineral deficiencies at home, 24 percent for cold and flu symptoms, and 23 percent for cholesterol levels.”

Those are far from the only ways people are monitoring and enhancing health at home, and the technologies are only going to advance from here.

7. Fitness tracker advancements

Fitness trackers have become more sophisticated, offering a wider range of health metrics and insights. In 2024, these devices can monitor everything from heart rate variability to stress levels and sleep patterns, helping users make more informed health decisions.

Some of the most popular fitness trackers in 2024 include:


As more and more people utilize fitness trackers, expect more and newer devices for things like nutrition, weight management, mindfulness and more.

8. Effectiveness over ingredients

Consumers are prioritizing products that are clinically proven to work rather than just being “clean” or natural. This trend reflects a shift toward evidence-based wellness, where effectiveness and scientific validation are key criteria for choosing health products.

Of course, clean products that are also clinically proven to work are the best of both worlds, with sustainability still a key factor for many wellness consumers.

9. Doctor recommendations

There is a growing trend of people seeking wellness products and practices endorsed by health care professionals. Doctor-recommended supplements, treatments and lifestyle changes are gaining popularity as people look for trusted sources of health advice.

This has been a wellness trend thanks to the rise of online influencers who pass along information that may or may not be fully accurate. In order to cut through the noise and find true information, many consumers are turning back toward doctor recommendations over online personalities who may not be the most qualified to give proper wellness advice.

10. Stress reduction

With increasing awareness of the impact of stress on overall health, stress reduction techniques are more popular than ever. Practices such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises and stress management workshops are widely adopted to help individuals manage their stress levels.

Predicted Wellness Trends for 2025

1. Integrative health approaches

In 2025, expect a further integration of conventional and alternative medicine. Holistic health practices, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine and functional medicine, will become more mainstream, often used in conjunction with traditional medical treatments to enhance overall well-being.

2. Biohacking and longevity (healthy aging)

The quest for longevity and enhanced human performance will drive the biohacking trend in 2025.

Innovations in wearable technology, nootropics and advanced supplements will empower individuals to optimize their health, performance and life spans. Personalized health data will be leveraged to make precise lifestyle adjustments.

As McKinsey relayed in its report, “More than 60 percent of consumers surveyed considered it ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ important to purchase products or services that help with healthy aging and longevity. Roughly 70 percent of consumers in the United Kingdom and the United States and 85 percent in China indicated that they have purchased more in this category in the past year than in prior years.”

That trend is only expected to rise as people focus more and more on healthy aging.

3. Digital detox retreats

As our lives become increasingly digital, the need for unplugging will grow.

Digital detox retreats, where individuals can disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature, will gain popularity. These retreats will offer a blend of mindfulness practices, outdoor activities and wellness workshops.

4. Gut health revolution

Gut health will continue to be a focal point, with new research uncovering its connection to mental health, immunity and chronic diseases — aka the gut-brain connection. Probiotics, prebiotics and fermented foods will remain popular, and there will be a surge in gut health supplements and personalized gut microbiome testing.

5. Corporate wellness evolution

Corporate wellness programs will evolve to address the holistic needs of employees.

In 2025, expect to see more comprehensive wellness initiatives in the workplace, including mental health support, fitness programs and flexible work arrangements to promote work-life balance.

6. AI and wellness

Artificial intelligence will play a more significant role in personal wellness. From AI-driven health coaches to personalized fitness plans and mental health support, technology will enable more customized and efficient wellness solutions.

AI will help individuals track their health metrics and provide actionable insights for improvement.

7. Women’s health

Women’s health will receive increased attention, with a focus on reproductive health, hormonal balance and conditions that predominantly affect women, such as perimenopause. Innovations in women’s health technology, personalized care and targeted wellness programs will drive this trend.

There has been a rise in women spending money on menstrual care, sexual health, menopause and pregnancy.

According to McKinsey, women also “continue to engage with offerings across the women’s health space, including menstrual and intimate care, fertility support, pregnancy and motherhood products, and women-focused healthcare centers.”

8. Weight management

Effective weight management solutions will continue to be a priority. In 2025, expect to see more personalized and sustainable weight loss programs that incorporate nutrition, exercise and behavioral changes, supported by advanced technologies and data analytics.

Of course, 2024 saw a big rise in weight loss drugs as well, and things like glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) drugs are expected to continue gaining steam.

9. Hitting the gym or fitness center

Despite the rise of home workouts and digital fitness platforms, there’s a resurgence in in-person gym and fitness center attendance. People crave the social interaction, motivation, and access to a variety of equipment and classes that gyms offer.

The more variety and offerings a gym or wellness center offers the better, as many consumers are looking for holistic wellness options that include valuable classes, trainers and even retreats.

10. Sexual health

Sexual health and wellness will be more openly discussed and addressed. Products and services focusing on sexual health, including sexual education, therapy and health products, will become more accessible and destigmatized.

Some areas of focus include vaginal dryness, low libido and other reproductive issues.


The wellness landscape is dynamic, constantly adapting to new scientific discoveries and societal changes. The wellness trends of 2024 highlight a shift toward personalized, holistic and sustainable wellness practices.

Looking ahead to 2025, we can expect these trends to evolve further, with advancements in technology and a deeper integration of mental, physical and environmental health.

Staying informed and adaptable will be key to navigating and benefiting from these emerging wellness trends.

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