Did you know that many of the same oils you cook with can also be applied to your skin, such as to help heal dryness, sun damage and clogged pores? Grapeseed oil is one such ...
Getting a manicure is a great way to keep your fingernails in shape, but have you thought about your cuticles and why they are important? Cuticles keep dirt and bacteria out of the body. If the cuticle does ...
Vapor rubs are typically used on the chest, back and throat to help with symptoms of a common cold or minor aches and pains of the muscles and joints. Of course, you can purchase vapor ...
Anti-aging serums can be expensive and contain harmful chemicals. Instead, try this homemade anti-aging serum recipe. It contains nutrients and antioxidants that will help the skin look vibrant and youthful while delivering vital nutrients and ...
Very often, there are ingredients listed on skin care products that sound confusing and even concerning, but they are actually naturally derived compounds with potential benefits. Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) is one example, and with ...
Dreaded dry scalp is a common feature among dandruff sufferers, and too often we turn to the drugstore shelves for some magic elixir to solve the scalp problem. Typically all these toxic shampoos do is ...
Our bodies are exposed to toxins on a regular basis through our environment — from sources such as the water we drink, processed foods, commercial meat consumption and heavy metal exposure. Many of our organs, ...
Some people age more gracefully than others depending on numerous factors from genetics to sun exposure and diet, but it is always a good idea to prepare your skin for the inevitable: wrinkles. That's where ...
If you’ve ever perused the astonishingly large (and depressingly unnatural) selection of cough drops and throat lozenges at your local drug store, you may have found yourself wishing for simple and wholesome cough drops, made ...
When the ocean is calling and you want to sport textured beach waves, this DIY sea salt spray will give your locks the natural look and feel you desire without the heavy buildup of chemicals ...