6 Benefits of Swing Sets for Kids + the Need for Outdoor Play - Dr. Axe

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6 Benefits of Swing Sets for Kids + the Need for Outdoor Play


Benefits of swing sets for kids - Dr. Axe

Given how often screens captivate children’s attention these days, the importance of outdoor play cannot be overstated. Swing sets, a staple of childhood fun, offer more than just a playtime activity — they’re also great for the physical, emotional and social development of children.

This article explores the significant benefits of swing sets for kids and provides tips for choosing the right equipment to help your kids have fun while playing outside safely.

Why Is Outdoor Play Important?

The “great outdoors,” which can include playgrounds, parks, beaches and other kid-friendly settings, provides a perfect backdrop for games and activities that are crucial for a child’s growth.

For example, studies have shown that engaging in outdoor play, including on swing sets, facilitates physical development and enhances fine motor skills by strengthening kids’ muscles. As children swing, climb and navigate through play structures, it also helps improve coordination and balance.

Not only is playing outside great for physical health, but it’s also an ideal way to get outside and away from ever-present screens — which is a big deal, considering that children’s overall physical activity levels are declining.

Alarming Indoor Trends: The Need for More Outdoor Play

Recent studies indicate a worrying increase in the amount of time children spend indoors, especially while sitting or lying down and using devices like computers, tablets, phones and TVs. An estimated 70% to 80% of children aged 5–17 globally are failing to meet physical activity recommendations, according to the World Health Organization.

The National Institutes of Health report that today’s children spend less than half as much time outdoors as their parents did, leading to a sedentary lifestyle that can contribute to obesity and other health issues.

The shift toward idle, indoor time makes it clear that kids need more encouragement to get up, get outside, play and move their bodies. Outdoor activities like playing on swing sets are simple ways to counteract this sedentary, screen-heavy trend and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Benefits of Swing Sets for Kids

Here’s more about the benefits of children laying outside, specifically on swing sets and playgrounds:

1. Assists in coordination, balance and strength

Regular play on swing sets is akin to participating in a dynamic, enjoyable fitness regime tailored for young bodies. Playgrounds and playing outside encourage healthy growth and development in a fun atmosphere that kids enjoy, disguising the fact that it’s also “exercise.”

Here are examples of how swing sets can promote coordination, balance and strength in children:


  • Swinging motions: To effectively use a swing, children must coordinate their body movements to get the swing moving and keep it in motion. This involves timing their leg thrusts with the forward and backward motion of the swing.
  • Climbing features: Many playgrounds include ladders, climbing frames or ropes. Climbing requires children to use their hands and feet in a coordinated manner to ascend and descend safely and effectively.


  • Swings and seesaws: Using swings and seesaws requires children to maintain their balance amid motion. On swings, children must balance themselves on the seat, using core strength to stabilize their bodies as they move back and forth. Similarly, seesaws demand balancing skills to adjust body weight and manage the up-and-down movement.
  • Balance beams: Playgrounds often feature balance beams or similar structures that require walking along a narrow path. These structures help children develop the ability to control and maintain their body position, whether still or in motion, which is crucial for good balance and preventing falls and injuries.


  • Monkey bars and climbing walls: Engaging with monkey bars and climbing walls helps build upper-body strength. Children use their arms to lift their entire body weight, enhancing muscle tone and endurance in the arms, shoulders and back.
  • Slides and pole climbs: Climbing up to slides, poles and other similar playground structures requires leg strength. The repetitive motion of climbing stairs or steps to go down a slide or shimmying up a pole develops the leg muscles and the core, which are essential for overall physical robustness.

2. Offers the same benefits as formal exercise

Swing sets offer extensive physical benefits that are akin to regular exercise. In fact, playgrounds first started gaining popularity in the 1800s to help motivate kids to move more, interact with one another and even “practice becoming responsible citizens.”

Early playground designs were, in part, modeled after German outdoor gymnasiums, which were designed to promote fitness, resiliency and overall health in children.

The act of swinging requires effort from multiple muscle groups, including the legs, arms and core. This activity not only strengthens these muscles, but also enhances the proprioceptive sense, which is the perception of body position and movement.

Additionally, swinging can improve cardiovascular health by keeping children active and moving, and the act of playing boosts circulation and burns calories, which can counteract weight gain.

3. Supports mental and emotional health

One of the simplest but most effective ways to improve mental health is to get outside in nature and play. For children, outdoor play significantly impacts mental and emotional health in a positive way by:

Here’s one example of how swing sets can help kids feel calmer: The rhythmic motion of swinging has been shown to soothe and relax children. It can act as a natural stress reliever, much like being swung in the arms of a parent, decreasing anxiety and improving a sense of well-being.

Moreover, the excitement and joy of swinging can boost endorphin levels, enhancing mood and reducing feelings of depression.

4. Provides a cognitive boost

Playing outdoors on swing sets is not only fun and calming, but research demonstrates it can also boost cognitive development, language and communication skills, and even academic performance.

Navigating playsets challenges children to solve problems and think quickly, enhancing their decision-making skills. The physical activity involved also increases blood flow to the brain, which can improve concentration and memory.

Additionally, playing outdoors tends to spark creativity and imagination as children invent games and navigate new play scenarios.

As one systematic review explains, “Attention and listening, play, lexical diversity, and even the parent-child interaction itself are reported to be enhanced in outdoor contexts, all of which contribute significantly to children’s communicative capabilities and fundamentally important aspects of children’s health.”

5. Promotes social skills

Studies show swing sets for kids are a great tool for encouraging social interaction, which is pivotal in developing empathy, communication skills and cooperation. Playing together on swing sets allows children to learn to share, negotiate, work together and resolve conflicts, which are critical life skills that they’ll need as they age.

An abstract published in the World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics found that playing on a playground helps stimulate nerve cells in the brain, which allows more connections to develop and may benefit those with conditions such as autism.

As the researchers explain, “Children from the neonatal period to adolescence spend 3%–20% of the day playing. Play is a fundamental daily activity that allows children to learn and master various skills involving negotiation abilities, problem-solving, emotional intelligence, improving their manual dexterity, sharing, decision-making, and working within a group.”

6. Builds immune defenses

A study conducted in Finland found that children who play in green spaces, such as on swing sets and playgrounds, can benefit from enhanced immune function within just one month of regular play.

Playing outdoors, especially in areas with grass and plenty of plants, exposes the skin and body to a range of microbes that help “train” the immune system to become familiar with a wider array of bacteria and other microorganisms, potentially helping to lower the risk for certain illnesses and infections.

Safety Tips for Outdoor Play on Swing Sets

In order to help your children have fun on swing sets while avoiding accidents and injuries, keep these safety tips in mind:

  • Check the swing set regularly for any loose bolts, worn-out ropes or cracked structures.
  • Always supervise younger children while they are playing on swing sets to be sure they are using the equipment safely and not at risk of falling.
  • Install protective surfacing around the swing set, such as rubber mats or mulch, to reduce the risk of injuries from falls.

Choosing the Right Swing Set

When considering purchasing a swing set, keep these factors in mind:

  • Quality of materials: Opt for durable materials that can withstand harsh weather conditions and provide long-term stability, such as solid wood.
  • Size and design: Consider the size of your yard and the number of children who will use the set. Be sure the design includes various activities that cater to different age groups and interests.
  • Safety features: Look for swing sets that meet safety standards and include features, like rounded edges, secure handrails and strong anchoring systems.

For those interested in purchasing a swing set, Swing Set Nation offers a variety of options that can meet any family’s needs and preferences. Its durable, high-quality swing sets are customizable, allowing you to choose the best design for your children’s ages. They also feature a modular design that lets you choose your children’s favorite activities — this way you get all the features you want and nothing you don’t.

Visit Swing Set Nation to get a premium swing set for your family to enjoy and get healthy together.


  • Swing sets are not just play equipment, but also a great tool for holistic development.
  • They offer a multitude of benefits that support kids’ physical health, emotional well-being and cognitive development.
  • For example, navigating from one end of the playground to the other, possibly crossing different types of equipment while working with or competing with other children, requires a mix of strength, balance, coordination and social skills — plus, it’s fun!

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