Crohn's Disease Diet and Natural Treatment Plan - Dr. Axe

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Crohn’s Disease Diet and Natural Treatment Plan


Crohn's disease diet - Dr. Axe

Have you been suffering from excessive diarrhea and abdominal pain on a regular basis? You might have Crohn’s disease, which means you may want to follow a Crohn’s disease diet and treatment plan.

So if you have Crohn’s, there is good news. You can help treat this condition naturally with a Crohn’s disease diet, along with making other lifestyle changes.

What is Crohn’s disease, exactly? This inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) causes inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss and malnutrition.

It’s estimated that 2.4 million to 3.1 million Americans suffer from Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis (collectively known as inflammatory bowel diseases or IBD).

Crohn’s disease can seriously get in the way of everyday life with the possibility of it being both painful and debilitating. Sometimes, it even leads to life-threatening complications.


If you suffer from Crohn’s, don’t lose hope! Much like the IBS diet and ulcerative colitis diet can help treat those IBD conditions, the Crohn’s disease diet can do the same with this gastrointestinal tract issue.

Crohn’s disease diet guidelines

Crohn’s disease treatment, the natural way, involves making a number of scientifically proven changes to your lifestyle and diet. Here are some of the top ways to start improving Crohn’s disease symptoms, starting with learning about which foods are a part of a Crohn’s disease diet.

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases states that healthcare providers recommend several types of specific diet plans for helping to control Crohn’s symptoms.

The type of diet that works best depends on your ability to digest and absorb minerals, bacteria, fats, fiber and certain types of carbohydrates. People with Crohn’s react differently to these food groups depending on what type of medications they might be taking, their levels of intestinal inflammation, and the extent to which they produce or don’t produce different digestive enzymes.

Here are some Crohn’s disease diet guidelines, including foods to eat and foods to avoid:

1. Avoid classic problem foods

Food sensitivities vary from patient to patient but commonly include spicy and fried foods, refined foods like white breads and pastas, carbonated drinks, alcohol, and caffeine. Wheat products (gluten), cereal grains such as corn and oats, dairy products, pork, onions, and yeast also all tend to make Crohn’s symptoms worse.

Research published in Gastroenterology and Hepatology found that a diet low in fat and fiber (known as a LOFFLEX diet) tends to be highly effective at treating Crohn’s, with some studies finding that up to 60 percent of patients go into remission within two years.

2. Eat a healing diet

Changing and improving your diet is one of the most important, controllable and natural things you can do to improve inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease.

If you suffer from Crohn’s, following a healing foods diet may help decrease inflammation (the No. 1 dietary goal with Crohn’s), alkalize the body, lower blood glucose, eliminate toxins and optimize nutrient intake.

The healing foods diet consists of eating roughly equal amounts (33 percent each) of clean protein sources, healthy fats and low-glycemic carbohydrates in the forms of fruits and vegetables.

3. Limit dairy

Many people with Crohn’s find that gastrointestinal problems like diarrhea, abdominal pain and gas improve when they limit or eliminate dairy products. Some people are also lactose intolerant, which means they can’t digest the milk sugar (lactose) in dairy foods.

While the lactose in dairy hasn’t been shown to necessarily make Crohn’s worse, the fat content in dairy can inflame the condition.

4. Be careful with high-fiber foods

For some people suffering from Crohn’s, consuming high amounts of fiber, especially from raw fruits and vegetables, can be too difficult for their compromised systems to handle. Don’t skip your fruits and veggies altogether, however. Just eat them cooked whenever possible.

Some Crohn’s sufferers have trouble with foods in the cabbage family (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.), nuts, seeds, corn and popcorn.

Keeping a food diary can help you see what works and what doesn’t for your particular case of Crohn’s. This way you don’t eliminate a healthy food (for example, broccoli) unnecessarily in your Crohn’s disease diet if your digestive system actually can handle that food well.


5. Increase prebiotic intake

Consuming more prebiotics, a special form of dietary fiber that promotes the growth of healthy bacteria (probiotics) that combat bad bacteria, is a smart idea for people with Crohn’s disease. Prebiotic foods include things like asparagus, bananas, honey and oats, all of which make excellent additions to any Crohn’s disease diet.

However, because prebiotics are a type of fiber, it’s important to monitor your systems and pay attention to how you feel. If particular prebiotic foods, or foods high in fiber, are causing worsened symptoms, then try subbing in other foods until you find what works.

6. Eat smaller meals

If you want to avoid a Crohn’s disease flare-up, it’s best to stop overloading your body with over-sized meals. By eating smaller meals you put less stress on the gastrointestinal tract, which can help reduce some Crohn’s symptoms like bloating, gas and cramping.

You can try eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, rather than two to three big meals, to help with absorption of nutrients, improving energy and controlling symptoms.

7. Drink enough fluids

It’s possible to lose a high amount of fluid due to frequent diarrhea. Make sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated every day.

Caffeine-free herbal tea, bone broth and kombucha are also good choices, since these not only provide water, but also electrolytes, amino acids and probiotics.

8. Avoid artificial sweeteners

Research has shown that increased use of artificial sweeteners is correlated with higher rates of IBD, including Crohn’s. That means limiting or avoiding artificial sweeteners is a good idea on a Crohn’s disease diet, and truth is it’s a good rule in general to follow considering these foods are associated with GI issues, allergies, insulin and metabolic effects, cancer, cardiovascular issues, and more.

Foods to eat vs. foods to avoid

It’s important to note that the foods to eat on a Crohn’s disease diet and the foods to avoid on a Crohn’s disease diet aren’t necessarily beneficial for everyone. Some people may have issues with certain foods that generally are recommended for IBD patients, while others may not have issues with certain foods that typically can trigger flare-ups in many IBD patients.

It’s a good idea to embark on an elimination diet to learn your own specific triggers so you can tailor your Crohn’s disease diet to your personal needs.



  • Rice and rice pasta
  • Low-fiber cereals
  • Oatmeal or cream of rice
  • Plain crackers
  • Potatoes
  • Cornmeal and polenta
  • Gluten-free bread


  • Whole grains, like whole-wheat bread, bran, brown rice and quinoa (high in fiber, which may irritate the gut)
  • Popcorn and granola
  • Seeds and nuts in bread or grain products
  • Rye and barley
  • Whole-wheat pasta

Fruits and vegetables


  • Peeled and cooked vegetables (e.g., carrots, zucchini, squash, pumpkin and potatoes)
  • Ripe, peeled fruits like bananas, melons and applesauce
  • Canned fruits (without added sugar or preservatives)
  • Peeled cucumbers
  • Bell peppers
  • Cantaloupe


  • Raw vegetables and fruits with skins or seeds (e.g., broccoli, cabbage, berries, apple and citrus fruits)
  • Cruciferous vegetables (e.g., cauliflower, Brussels sprouts) that may cause gas
  • High-fiber fruits, like figs, prunes and pineapple
  • Cauliflower
  • Artichokes
  • Cherries
  • Plums and peaches

Protein and meat


  • Lean protein sources, like chicken, turkey, eggs and fish
  • Smooth nut butters (e.g., almond butter or peanut butter)
  • Tofu or well-cooked legumes (if tolerated)


  • Fatty, fried or processed meats (e.g., bacon, sausage)
  • Tough cuts of meat or meat with gristle
  • Beans, lentils or legumes that cause gas and bloating
  • Red meat
  • Dark poultry meat



  • Lactose-free dairy products (e.g., lactose-free milk, yogurt and cheese)
  • Hard cheeses, like cheddar or Parmesan (lower in lactose)
  • Fortified dairy alternatives, like almond, soy, flax, hemp, coconut or oat milk
  • Fermented dairy (ideally low-fat), such as yogurt and kefir


  • High-lactose dairy and full-fat dairy (e.g., whole milk, cream, soft cheeses)
  • Flavored yogurts with added sugars
  • Ice cream and milkshakes (high in fat and lactose)
  • Butter and margarine
  • Cream

Herbs and spices


  • Mild herbs, like parsley, basil or oregano
  • Ginger and turmeric
  • Chives and green onions
  • Cumin
  • Lemon peel
  • Mustard
  • Fresh herbs


  • Spicy seasonings (e.g., chili powder, cayenne, black pepper, jalapeno)
  • Strong condiments, like hot sauce or horseradish
  • Allspice
  • Garlic
  • Onions (except green onions)
  • Paprika
  • Wasabi



  • Water (essential for hydration)
  • Herbal teas (e.g., chamomile, ginger)
  • Electrolyte-replenishing drinks (low in sugar)
  • Sparkling water


  • Alcohol, especially beer, liquor and wine
  • Caffeinated beverages (e.g., coffee, black tea, soda)
  • Sugary drinks and carbonated beverages

Crohn’s disease diet supplements

1. Probiotics

Taking a daily, high-quality, live probiotic supplement — in addition to consuming probiotic foodssupports your body’s immune system and helps improve digestive function and mineral absorption. Probiotics have been shown to help people with Crohn’s disease reduce the incidence of diarrhea as well.

Studies have found that people with Crohn’s often suffer from vitamin B12 deficiency and/or folate deficiency, and a good probiotic supplement encourages enhanced synthesis of B vitamins, calcium, vitamin K2 and other nutrients.

Probiotics also support digestion of difficult substances, like gluten and lactose.

2. Slippery elm

Slippery elm is an herbal remedy and demulcent (a substance that protects irritated tissues and promotes their healing). It contains mucilage, a substance that becomes a slick gel when mixed with water.

This mucilage coats and soothes the mouth, throat, stomach and intestines, making it excellent at calming Crohn’s flare-ups.

3. Curcumin

With anti-inflammatory properties, research has found that people with inflammatory bowel disease who took curcumin reduced their symptoms and their need for medicines. Various clinical studies have suggested that curcumin might be a potential candidate for the prevention and/or treatment of a variety of colonic diseases, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and colonic cancer.

4. Glutamine

Glutamine is an amino acid found in the body that helps the intestine function properly. Since it’s good for overall intestinal health, it can offer help for Crohn’s.

It’s best to take glutamine on an empty stomach.

5. Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3s, like those found in fish oil, can help fight inflammation and reduce the chances of recurrence of Crohn’s. Studies have been mixed, but some sufferers find omega-3s to be helpful.

6. Real multivitamin

Because Crohn’s disease can interfere with your ability to absorb nutrients, it’s often a good idea to take a multivitamin and mineral supplement.

You don’t want just any multivitamin, though. Make sure it’s a real food multivitamin that contains beneficial minerals, and avoid multivitamins with dangerous substances.

If you find you’re deficient in a particular nutrient, you can also supplement with that specific nutrient. Some common nutritional deficiencies in Crohn’s patients include calcium, folate, B12, vitamin D and fat-soluble vitamins.

Frankincense essential oil also helps improve digestive health and has been shown to be beneficial in reducing symptoms of Crohn’s disease as well as leaky gut syndrome, chronic colitis, ulcerative colitis and IBS. Add one to two drops of oil to eight ounces of water or to a tablespoon of honey for GI relief. If you’re going to ingest it orally, make sure it’s 100 percent pure oil, and don’t ingest fragrance or perfume oils.

Other natural Crohn’s disease treatments

How exactly stress plays a part in contributing to IBD is still up for debate, but experts agree that stress can trigger symptom flare-ups, worsen digestive health overall and increase the chance of experiencing complications.

Of course, stress is a part of daily life, and not all stress is going to be within your control. However, there’s a lot you can do to reduce your reactions to stressful events.

Regular exercise, getting adequate rest, taking time to relax, spending time outdoors and fostering supportive relationships can make a huge impact as natural stress relievers.

Here are some other things to do in addition to following a Crohn’s disease diet in order to get the condition under control:

  • Exercise regularly: Regular exercise helps expel built-up tension, stress hormones and clears the mind. Exercise helps to release endorphins, the brain’s natural feel-good chemicals. In addition, it may even diminish some symptoms of IBD. I recommend high-intensity interval training for the most health benefits of exercise, but any combination of aerobic/cardiovascular, strength training and flexibility exercise is beneficial.
  • Take a deep breath: Try deep breathing for a few minutes every day to reduce chronic muscle tension and spasming that can contribute to cramping. Tighten and hold your abdominal/shoulder muscles, then release them slowly as you breathe out. This process releases nitric oxide and improves blood pressure. Managing stress in similar ways with a combination of deep breathing or mind-body exercises can help manage Crohn’s disease symptoms.
  • Schedule relaxation: Write it down in your daily planner, and stick to it. Make time at least once a week (or ideally once a day) to do something you love, something that refreshes you. Maybe that’s a game of tennis, spending an hour alone with a good book or taking a yoga/meditation class to practice your breathing.

Final thoughts

  • Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation of the lining of your digestive tract.
  • Unpleasant and common symptoms of Crohn’s include severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, reduced appetite and weight loss.
  • There are many ways you can prevent and control Crohn’s flare-ups, so despite how you might feel, the disease is at least partially within your control. Dietary and lifestyle changes are critical for treating Crohn’s naturally.
  • Adoption of a therapeutic Crohn’s disease diet, proper supplementation, stress management, and avoidance of NSAIDs or antibiotics are some of the best natural ways to help treat Crohn’s disease.

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