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Best Foods and Supplements to Boost Your Libido
February 12, 2024

Lack of libido is more common in women than men, but it significantly affects both sexes. In fact, research shows that 32 percent of women and 15 percent of men lack the desire to have sex regularly. A 2021 study indicates that low sexual desire ranges from 27 percent among premenopausal women to 52 percent among naturally menopausal women.
Whether you’re on the lower or higher end of the age spectrum, a low libido can strike at any year of your life for a whole variety of reasons, including:
- low testosterone
- depression
- stress
- relationship issues
- sexual dysfunction
- prescription medications
- being overweight
- too little or too much exercise
- sleep apnea
- drug or alcohol use
Naturally, many people wonder how to increase libido.
If you have little to no sex drive, you’re definitely not alone. The great news is that there are a lot of natural remedies to increase libido, and you can start increasing your sex drive naturally today.
If a higher sex drive is your goal, then it’s time to make some lifestyle changes. For instance, decreasing your stress levels, improving your sleep, adding more natural aphrodisiacs to your meals and exercising the right amount to put your mind and body back into a libido-encouraging state are all techniques for how to increase libido without potentially harmful drugs.
What Is Libido?
What is libido, and why does it disappear among some of us? Libido is defined as a person’s overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity. Low libido in women and low libido in men have some similar roots, along with some gender-specific ones as well.
It’s actually quite normal to have a gradual decrease in libido as a man gets older. Each man is different, but most men tend to have some amount of sexual desire into their 60s and 70s. If aging isn’t at the root of libido decrease, a man may be depressed or experiencing too much stress.
Other possible causes of low sex drive in men are medication side effects, a decrease in male sex hormones due to an endocrine disorder or sleep apnea. A little-known fact is that sleep apnea can lead to an unusually low testosterone level.
Low testosterone can also cause erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition in which a man can’t get or maintain an erection. While both issues may involve low testosterone, ED and low libido do not necessarily equate or even happen at the same time, although they’re thought of as common “comorbidities” (concurrent conditions).
Low libido is actually more common in men with premature or delayed ejaculation than it is those with erectile dysfunction. Men who have a hard time getting or maintaining an erection often have a normal or even high sex drive.
When it comes to a low sex drive in women, there can be many causes. Common causes of a loss of sexual desire or low libido in a woman include issues in her relationship with her sexual partner, sociocultural influences (job stress, media images of sexuality, etc. ) and medical conditions (like fibroids, endometriosis and thyroid problems).
Low testosterone doesn’t just cause sexual issues for men. Women can also experience low testosterone.
Female testosterone levels peak in the mid-20s and then steadily decrease until a woman goes through menopause. After menopause, female testosterone levels drop dramatically, and sex drive can drop dramatically as well. Birth control pills and other forms of hormonal pregnancy prevention can also have negative effects on a woman’s desire for sexual activity.
When it comes to how to increase your libido, there are two key biological chemicals that may affect your level of sexual desire whether you’re a man or woman: dopamine and prolactin. It’s theorized that dopamine increases desire while prolactin decreases it.
If you take any medications, it’s important to know that some can increase prolactin release or inhibit dopamine release. Either of these two scenarios can decrease sexual desire and also cause other sexual side effects.
In men, low prolactin has been linked with multiple signs of poor sexual health and psychological health. Low prolactin levels are also associated with a larger body mass index (BMI), high blood sugar levels, lower levels of physical activity and just generally feeling unhealthier.
Relationship issues, depression, prescription medications, alcoholism, drug abuse and/or chronic diseases like diabetes can all be at the root of low sex drive for both sexes.
A BMI that’s too high can also cause problems for both men and women when it comes to libido. Obese men tend to struggle with erectile difficulty, but studies have shown that losing only a small percent of weight can improve both male and female sexual function. A study conducted at Duke University reports that obese people are 25 times more likely to report sexual problems.
How to Increase Libido Naturally
Let’s talk about how to increase libido through your diet, which includes what you should eat more of and what you should avoid or reduce significantly, along with supplementation and lifestyle changes.
1. Foods that Increase Libido
Collagen-rich foods
Collagen production naturally declines with age. This has a direct negative effect on skin health and makes it harder to keep skin firm. This phenomenon can make it harder for men to maintain an erection, and it may lead to a looser vaginal wall in women.
To increase your collagen levels, you can consume more bone broth and opt for a collagen supplement and/or a protein powder made from bone broth. Vitamin C also helps increase collagen production.
Research conducted at Texas A&M demonstrated that watermelon may have a “Viagra effect.” The phytonutrients known as lycopene, beta-carotene and citrulline found in watermelon help relax blood vessels.
Nutmeg, saffron and clove
Spices are loaded with antioxidants, which is great for overall health, including libido. Research published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine specifically found that extracts of nutmeg and clove enhanced the sexual behavior of male animal subjects. Clove is also great at improving bad breath (hint, hint).
Saffron, on the other hand, may help improve sexual dysfunction in women on antidepressants as well as men with erectile dysfunction.
Dark chocolate
Research has shown that chocolate consumption leads to the release of serotonin because of its tryptophan content, resulting in some aphrodisiac and mood-lifting effects. Just make sure you choose a low-sugar, high-quality dark chocolate.
Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts are high in selenium, which plays a role in maintaining healthy testosterone levels. They also help your body’s serotonin production, similarly to dark chocolate.
High-quality protein
Also high in tryptophan, protein-rich foods such as eggs, wild-caught fish, pasture-raised poultry and grass-fed beef/lamb, can help increase serotonin and boost your mood (and libido).
Maca root
Maca root, often referred to as “maca,” is an adaptogenic herb. Popular in traditional medicine practices as a sexual stimulant, maca consumption results in both increased sexual desire and decreased sexual dysfunction. It may work in as little as two weeks to improve libido in healthy men — with the added bonus of a boost in exercise performance, which may definitely come in handy.
If you don’t live in an area where maca can be purchased in whole-food form, you can purchase it as a supplement at various online retailers.
Available in herb and essential oil form, fenugreek helps increase the desire for sex, particularly in males. Studies indicate treatment with fenugreek can significantly improve libido and sexual pleasure ratings as well as regulate poor testosterone levels. Fenugreek leaves smell somewhat bitter but are delicious once cooked.
Making sure you’re not dehydrated is helpful when it comes to your libido since dehydration can cause a number of negative side effects that can easily dull sexual desire. If you want to avoid possible fatigue, headaches and vaginal dryness, then drink up.
2. Foods to Avoid for Healthy Libido
Processed foods
As ultra-processed foods have made up more and more of the Standard American Diet, obesity has been on the rise. Overall BMI of the American population has gone up at least 10 percent to 14 percent since 1971.
Since obesity is so closely tied with low libido, nix as much of the processed foods as you can from your diet, and replace them with whole, less processed options.
Factory-farmed meats
While a lot of large-scale scientific evidence doesn’t yet exist, hormones used to treat non-organic, factory-farmed meats might interfere with normal hormone production. Avoid the processed meats — a 2022 study showed how it can cause health issues among men), and opt for organic whenever you can to support a healthy libido.
High-sodium foods
Foods that are very high in sodium, like canned foods and processed foods, can contribute to high blood pressure, which may decrease the flow of blood to the sex organs.
Conventional dairy
Like factory-farmed meats, conventional dairy is considered to be healthy by many organizations. However, milk, cheese and other dairy products from cow’s milk can have synthetic hormones known as phthalic acid esters that have a negative effect on estrogen and testosterone levels.
Sugar, in general, negatively affects sex hormones. Studies have shown specific and concerning impacts on testosterone levels.
In a 2013 study of male subjects, the consumption of glucose decreased blood levels of testosterone by an average of 25 percent, regardless of whether the men had diabetes, prediabetes or normal glucose tolerance. Testosterone levels also remained low hours after glucose consumption.
This is a bit tricky, but it’s best not to overindulge on caffeine if you’re experiencing libido issues.
During athletic performance, a small amount of caffeine can moderately increase testosterone, which may also indicate positive effects on sexual performance and drive. However, this increase may not actually be that helpful, because caffeine also increases cortisol levels, which has the potential to induce stress that further lowers libido.
Coffee and teas can be great additions to a healthy life, but keep it under control and avoid caffeinated products at least six hours before bedtime.
Overdoing it on alcoholic beverages is known to decrease sexual desire, arousal and sensitivity. One 2023 study concluded that alcohol consumption was the only significant risk factor for sexual dysfunction.
If you’re going to imbibe, opt for one glass (yes, just one) of polyphenol-rich red wine. The antioxidants in red wine can help widen blood vessels and increase blood flow to key arousal areas.
Microwaveable popcorn
It may be convenient, but it’s certainly not healthy. The chemicals found in the lining of microwave popcorn bags (as well as nonstick pots and pans) have been linked to a lower sex drive for men. According to a 2009 study, these types of popcorn bags contain perfluoroalkyl acids, such as PFOA or PFOS, known to significantly lower sperm counts.

3. Supplements for Low Libido in Men
Asian and American varieties of ginseng seem to positively impact nerve function and central nervous system activity to boost libido in men.
Tribulus terrestris
Tribulus terrestris is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine as an aphrodisiac. One study showed that taking Tribulus terrestris enhanced several measures of sexual function in women after just four weeks and led to improvements in desire, arousal, satisfaction, lubrication and pain.
One study out of Peru found that supplementing with maca for eight weeks increased sexual desire in men. Meanwhile, another study in 2001 noted that maca helped improve sperm quality and motility, two important factors when it comes to male infertility.
Velvet bean
The velvet bean or Mucuna pruriens plant helps reduce stress, particularly in infertile men, and causes antioxidant activity to increase libido (and semen quality). One study revealed that treatment with velvet bean significantly improved testosterone, luteinizing hormone, dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline levels in infertile men. In addition, sperm count and sperm motility were “significantly recovered” in the infertile men after treatment.
Commonly used as a remedy for sexual dysfunction, the bark of the yohimbe tree may encourage relaxation of smooth muscles (to help counteract erectile dysfunction) and an improvement in sexual performance. Research shows that yohimbe may be capable of increasing blood flow to the penis or vagina. It also increases nerve impulses that play a role in orgasm.
Ginkgo biloba
Men on antidepressants may benefit from ginkgo biloba supplementation throughout the four phases of sexual response: desire, excitement, orgasm and resolution. Ginkgo biloba has some impact on libido, as it helps blood flow more efficiently and relaxes smooth muscle tissue.
4. Supplements for Low Libido in Women
Red ginseng
A systematic review of randomized clinical trials found that in three different trials Korean red ginseng had the ability to boost sexual arousal in menopausal women, increase well-being and general health while decreasing depressive symptoms, and better improve menopause symptoms on the Kupperman index and Menopausal Rating Scale compared to the placebo group.
Maca root
Maca root may be able to improve sexual dysfunction and boost sex drive in women. One study looked at the effects of maca root on postmenopausal women with sexual dysfunction caused by the use of antidepressants. Compared to a placebo, maca root was able to significantly improve sexual function.
If you have iron deficiency anemia, then supplementing with iron might help your libido. Look for iron chelate, which is generally well-absorbed, and take it with a vitamin C source.
Iron supplements can cause constipation — therefore, it’s important to confirm with your health care professional that your anemia is being caused by iron deficiency.
Using ashwagandha in supplement form may help women treat female sexual distress. A pilot study published in BioMed Research International set out to determine the efficacy and safety of 300 milligrams of ashwagandha root extract supplementation twice daily for eight weeks for improving sexual function in 50 healthy women.
Researchers found that the treatment group displayed significantly higher improvements, compared to placebo, in sexual function scores, specifically in areas of arousal, lubrication and orgasm.
Gingko biloba
For similar reasons it works for men, gingko biloba works as a way for how to increase libido in women as well.
The most significant result so far has been a potential for treating sexual dysfunction induced by psychotropic drugs used to treat depression — specifically SSRIs. The first open clinical trial, ginkgo biloba significantly improved sexual function (especially in women) for those unable to perform due to SSRI side effects.
The oil from vitex (also referred to frequently as “chasteberry”) is another great option for reducing menopausal libido problems in women. Some of its other benefits include alleviation of PMS symptoms, increased fertility, clearing acne and promotion of lactation in breastfeeding moms.
5. Essential Oils
Wondering how to increase libido with essential oils? There are various essential oils for libido that may help increase sexual and mood arousal and act as natural aphrodisiacs.
Jasmine oil
Using jasmine oil as part of a libido-boosting aromatherapy blend may help increase behavioral arousal, alertness and positive mood.
Clary sage oil
If you’re a woman struggling with low libido due to menopause and issues with mood, clary sage oil might be a good option. It may help improve the signs of depression and regulate cortisol levels, supporting more healthy libido.
Neroli oil
Neroli essential oil (used aromatically) has been shown to help relieve menopausal symptoms, increase sexual desire and lower blood pressure in postmenopausal women.
Fennel oil
Fennel oil has positive estrogen-like effects that make it another female libido booster, both scientifically and historically. These effects, however, do not seem to negatively impact fertility or reproduction like some endocrine-disrupting chemicals.
6. Lifestyle Changes
Let’s talk about how to increase libido naturally with some easy lifestyle changes.
Too little exercise can be a cause of low libido, but you also don’t want to overdo it either. Low libido is one of the risks of overtraining or “female athlete triad.”
Studies among women indicate that exercises that increase human growth hormone, like weight training and HIIT training, can greatly improve blood flow to the genitals, mood and body perception. Regular exercise also enhances sexual satisfaction indirectly.
A study of men and women shows that small bouts of exercise can drastically improve sexual functioning. Also, try yoga, which can help combat fatigue and stress and reduce depression and anxiety.
If you smoke, here is yet another reason to stop smoking. Smoking not only decreases sexual desire and satisfaction, but it also decreases fertility. According to one group of researchers, smokers reported having sex less than six times a month while nonsmoking men were having sex nearly twice as often.
Conventional Treatment
There can be a physical or psychological cause of low libido, or it could be both. Fifteen percent of men and up to 32 percent of women report lacking sexual interest for a period of several months throughout the previous year, which means this is clearly an important issue for a large number of people.
The two clinically diagnosable conditions for low libido are hypoactive sexual desire disorder and sexual aversion disorder. The latter of these is a more drastic problem and is characterized as an “extreme aversion to and avoidance of” all sexual behavior.
Many people do turn to conventional treatment when it comes to how to increase libido, so let’s see what some of the common low libido treatments are in the conventional medicine world.
For men, testosterone replacement therapy is a common conventional treatment, although it’s controversial. Some common options typically include sildenafil (VIAGRA®) and tadalafil (CIALIS®).
Many men might think that a prescription drug to induce erection is the simple answer, but be aware that these drugs do not boost your libido — they only help you to get and keep erections. A forced erection will not get to the root of your low or nonexistent sex drive, and these drugs are not without concerning side effects, like memory problems, back pain, loss of hearing and many more.
If a woman has a low libido and has already gone through menopause, vaginal estrogen creams are commonly recommended to treat vaginal dryness. Testosterone therapy in the form of pills or patches is also conventionally recommended for women.
If a medical condition like a fibroid is causing sexual issues, it might likely be recommended that you surgically remove the fibroid(s). If your birth control pill is lowering your desire for sex, your doctor might prescribe a non-hormonal option.
Other conventional treatments for low libido in both men and women include a change in medication or the prescribing of antidepressants if depression is believed to be the cause. However, many antidepressants can lower sex drive.
For both men and women, relationship counseling or sex therapy is sometimes recommended and helpful.
If you experience a low libido and natural remedies don’t seem to help, it’s important to see your doctor sooner than later to make sure you don’t have a more serious underlying physical or psychological issue. It’s also important to know the side effects of any and all medications you currently take to make sure they’re not causing your low libido.
If you see a health care professional and seek advice on how to increase libido, hopefully he or she will suggest some healthy lifestyle choices.
Final Thoughts
Low libido is a problem affecting a large portion of the population, although the embarrassing nature of it can make it a difficult topic to broach with your health care professional.
However, your diet affects your sex drive. There are foods that directly impact libido, either positively or negatively, and supplements/essential oils that can benefit those struggling to work up the desire for sexual intimacy.