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Avocado Benefits: The Most Nutrition-Packed Food on the Planet?
November 11, 2024

Avocado has snagged a spot as one of the world’s healthiest superfoods — and for good reason.
In addition to being delicious and easy to enjoy, avocados also contain a hearty dose of important nutrients, such as fiber, good fats, potassium and vitamin K. That’s why there are several avocado benefits, with research suggesting that avocados could help enhance heart health, boost weight loss and keep your digestive tract running smoothly.
So are avocados healthy for you, and how can you start adding this flavorful food to your diet?
Keep reading for more fun avocado facts and avocado benefits, along with some simple recipe ideas to help get you going.
Avocado nutrition facts
Avocados are a nutritious fruit that originated in Mexico but are now cultivated around the globe.
The avocado tree, also known as Persea americana, is a member of the laurel family and can grow between 30–40 feet tall. It has greenish-yellow flowers and produces a single-seeded berry known as the avocado.
There are several different types of avocados, each of which is actually a different cultivar of the avocado plant. The Hass avocado is the most popular variety, but there are several other less-common kinds available as well, including Bacon, Lula, Pinkerton, Fuerte and Gwen avocados.
Avocado is typically characterized by a dark outer peel with smooth green flesh inside and a large pit in the middle. It has a mild taste and creamy texture that works well in many different dishes and recipes, ranging from chicken avocado salad to avocado chocolate pudding and beyond.
Avocados are jam-packed with nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. Although each serving does contain a good amount of avocado calories, it’s also rich in fiber, vitamin K, folate, vitamin C and potassium, along with a good chunk of heart-healthy fats and minimal avocado carbs.
One raw, California avocado without the skin and seed (about 136 grams) contains approximately:
- Calories: 227
- Total Carbohydrates: 11.8 g
- Fiber: 9.3 g
- Sugar: 0.4 g
- Total Fat: 20.9 g
- Saturated Fat: 2.9 g
- Polyunsaturated Fat: 2.5 g
- Monounsaturated Fat: 13.3 g
- Trans Fat: 0 g
- Protein: 2.7 g
- Sodium: 10.9 mg (0.5% DV*)
- Pantothenic Acid: 2 mg (40% DV)
- Folate: 121 mcg (30% DV)
- Vitamin K: 28.6 mcg (24% DV)
- Vitamin B6: 0.4 mg (24% DV)
- Copper: 0.2 mg (22% DV)
- Vitamin E: 2.7 mg (18% DV)
- Niacin: 2.6 mg (16% DV)
- Potassium: 690 mg (15% DV)
- Riboflavin: 0.2 mg (15% DV)
- Vitamin C: 12 mg (13% DV)
- Magnesium: 39.4 mg (9% DV)
- Manganese: 0.2 mg (9% DV)
- Thiamine: 0.1 mg (8% DV)
- Zinc: 0.9 mg (8% DV)
- Phosphorus: 73.4 mg (6% DV)
- Iron: 0.8 mg (4% DV)
*Daily Value: Percentages are based on a diet of 2,000 calories a day.
In addition, this fruit also contains some omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, choline, betaine, calcium, vitamin A and selenium.
Avocado benefits
In addition to being highly versatile, the vitamins and minerals in avocado are off the charts. Not only does it top the high-potassium foods list, but it’s also a great source of fiber, healthy fats and bone-boosting vitamin K.
No wonder there are so many avocado benefits. Here are some of the top reasons to eat avocado:
1. Protects heart health
Avocados (and especially avocado oil) are a heart-healthy food because they help balance blood lipids. In terms of its chemical composition, the fat in avocado is about 71 percent monounsaturated fatty acids, 13 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids and 16 percent saturated fatty acids.
Diets that are moderately high in healthy fats — especially monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) — are known to block plaque buildup in the arteries more effectively than diets high in insulin-spiking carbohydrates. In addition to the presence of fat, the fiber in avocado and the presence of beta-sitosterol compounds, magnesium and potassium help reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
There is a growing body of clinical studies exploring why healthy sources of fat are so important to maintaining heart health.
For example, researchers from Mexico administered an avocado-enriched diet to both healthy adults and people with high cholesterol and examined the results. After just one week, it was discovered that when healthy people with normal lipid levels ate avocados, their total cholesterol levels dropped 16 percent.
The results observed in the high-cholesterol group were even more profound. Not only did total blood lipids drop 17 percent, but so did LDLs (22 percent) and triglycerides (22 percent), while their levels of good HDL actually increased by 11 percent.
2. May reduce risk of metabolic syndrome
Some research has suggested that eating avocados could be associated with a lower risk of metabolic syndrome in U.S. adults. Metabolic syndrome is a term for a cluster of conditions that increases your risk of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Avocados may also help with high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity and excess belly fat.
One study published in Nutrition Journal evaluated the eating habits of 17,567 U.S. adults over a seven-year period. Researchers found that people who ate avocados regularly tended to have a more balanced and better quality diet than non-avocado consumers, plus a higher intake of fruits, veggies and fiber.
Consumption of avocados was also tied to a lower body weight, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, as well as higher levels of good HDL cholesterol. This means that avocados could help with weight management when consumed with a healthy diet.
Researchers also found that those who ate the avocados were 50 percent less likely to develop metabolic syndrome than non-consumers.
3. Supports eye, skin and hair health
Why is avocado good for your skin? Rich in fat-soluble vitamins and monounsaturated fats, avocado advantages include glowing skin, bright eyes and shiny hair both when eaten or used topically.
Truth be told, avocado is one of nature’s best moisturizers, especially considering the price tag and that the fruit completely free from added synthetic chemicals.
Avocados are high-antioxidant foods that contain lutein, a type of carotenoid that protects eye health and preserves healthy, youthful-looking skin and hair. Carotenoids are a group of antioxidant phytochemicals that are known for blocking the effects of environmental toxins like pollution and UV light damage.
Research has indicated that dietary carotenoids provide health benefits related to disease prevention, particularly certain cancers of the skin and age-related eye disorders like macular degeneration. Lutein appears to be beneficial for eye health because it absorbs the type of damaging blue light rays that enter the eyes and skin, changing DNA and causing free radical damage.
Research also has shown that adding avocado to a meal can help boost carotenoid absorption.
To promote a healthy, shining complexion, simply rub the inside of an avocado peel on your skin, and use avocado oil as your primary moisturizer. Mix in some therapeutic essential oils, and you can easily make a cost-effective lotion instead of pouring out money for that store-bought stuff filled with irritating chemicals.
You can also use avocado for hair masks to replenish, moisturize and add shine.
4. Fights cancer cell growth
Several studies have surfaced touting avocados as cancer-fighting foods. The Journal of Nutrition and Cancer published the results of an in vitro study, for instance, that revealed the phytochemicals in avocados are so powerful that they could help kill off oral cancer cells.
Researchers from Ohio State University took this theory one step further to attempt to figure out exactly how this phenomenon happens. A preliminary study published in 2011 suggested that the specific phytonutrient combination found within each avocado may hold the key to its anticancer effects.
Research also has revealed that phytochemicals extracted from avocados help induce cell cycle arrest, inhibit growth and promote apoptosis in precancerous and cancer cell lines. Studies have indicated that avocado phytochemicals extracted with 50 percent methanol help in proliferation of human lymphocyte cells and decrease chromosomal changes.
Another reason that avocados are linked to reduced risk for both cancer and diabetes is their levels of monounsaturated fatty acids. These have been shown to offer better protection against chronic disease compared to other types of fatty acids because of their ability to lower inflammation.
Beta-sitosterol, another compound found in avocados, is also highly protective of the prostate and linked to better immune function and lower prostate cancer risk.

5. Promotes weight maintenance
Do avocados make you gain weight or help with weight management? Contrary to what most people believe, diets lower in carbohydrates and higher in goods fats are known to accelerate weight loss — so if you are looking to lose weight, avocados are your friend.
Fats are super filling and increase satiety hormones that help you eat less overall. They also allow you to go longer between meals without getting hungry to help prevent overeating, snacking and sugar addiction.
That’s one reason why increasing MUFAs in the diet through eating avocado is related to better weight management and healthier BMI status.
Researchers in charge of a 2005 study sought out to dispel the myth that avocados should be avoided in energy-restricted diets. They examined the effects of avocados, a rich source of calories coming from monounsaturated fatty acids, as part of an energy-restricted diet.
They found that consumption of 30 grams a day of fat from avocado within an energy-restricted diet didn’t compromise weight loss at all when substituted for 30 grams a day of mixed dietary fats. The diet high in avocados resulted in significant weight loss in addition to other health improvements.
Measurements including body mass, BMI and percentage of body fat decreased significantly in both groups during the study, but only the avocado group experienced positive changes in fatty acid blood serum levels, demonstrating that there are clearly avocado benefits for weight loss.
6. Enhances digestive health
As you now know, avocados are one of the best fruit sources of fiber. Depending on the size of the avocado, one whole fruit contains between eight–17 grams of fiber, which is more than nearly any other fruit and most servings of vegetables, grains and beans too.
High-fiber foods are important for anyone with digestive tract issues because fiber helps shift the balance of bacteria in the gut, increasing healthy bacteria while decreasing the unhealthy bacteria that can be the root of some digestive disorders. Research has revealed that fiber also helps add bulk to stool, supports regularity, and helps pull waste and toxins through the intestines and colon.
Fats are also essential for digestion and nutrient absorption because they nourish the lining of the gut. A low-fat diet can result in constipation or symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract characterized by abdominal pain and change in bowel habits.
7. Protects against insulin resistance and diabetes
Multiple studies have suggested that following a MUFA-rich diet can improve fasting insulin levels in insulin-resistant subjects. Eating plenty of MUFA-dense foods may also help decrease blood sugar levels and insulin concentrations for hours compared to carbohydrate-rich meals.
Consumption of dietary MUFAs promotes healthy blood lipid profiles, mediates blood pressure, improves insulin sensitivity and regulates glucose levels, all while preventing obesity and oxidative damage to the cells.
8. Helps boost mood
Fatty acids play an important role in regulating central nervous system functions and cognitive processes because they impact neurotransmitter levels and help balance hormones naturally. As a consequence, your mood can also improve when you eat enough healthy fats.
That means you can add mental well-being aid to the list of avocado benefits.
While studies have suggested that consuming trans fats may be linked with a higher risk of depression, the opposite is true of natural MUFAs. In other words, higher-fat diets might lower depression, anxiety and other mental disorder risks because they facilitate proper thought processing, hormone production and stress reduction mechanisms within the brain.
9. May decrease arthritis symptoms
Some studies have determined that avocado improves certain symptoms of arthritis. In fact, several studies have shown that specific compounds extracted from avocado oil may help decrease symptoms of osteoarthritis, which is considered the most common form of arthritis.
10. May protect bones
Avocados are high in vitamin K, and we know this vitamin helps protect bone health. In fact, research has revealed that it’s one of the best vitamins to support healthy bones and stave off issues such as osteoporosis.
11. Promotes fetal development
Folate is one of the most important nutrients for pregnant women and their developing babies. Since avocado is high in folate, it’s considered “an ideal food for assisting pregnant mothers in attaining the nutrients necessary for proper early brain, eye, and immune development of their offspring.”
How to use
Widely available at most grocery stores in the produce section, finding avocados has become pretty simple. What’s a bit more challenging, however, is picking out a good one from your local supermarket.
When picking a fresh avocado, first make sure it is ripe. There are plenty of different methods for how to tell if an avocado is ripe, but the best way is to simply squeeze it, which should give a firm, but gentle yield to pressure.
Ripe avocado can be stored in the refrigerator for several days until ready for use. If it’s not fully ripe, there are several options for how to ripen an avocado as well.
The easiest way is to set it on the counter to let it ripen at room temperature over a period of several days.
If the avocado is cut, try sprinkling the exposed flesh with lemon juice or another acid to help keep it fresher for longer. Be sure to cover or wrap tightly with plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator for around a day or two.
Wondering how to cut an avocado before using it in your favorite recipes? Start by using a knife to cut the avocado in half.
Because of the large avocado pit in the middle of the fruit, it usually works best to rotate the fruit as you cut to ensure you’re slicing all the way around. Next, twist the two halves, which should help you easily separate the two.
You can remove the avocado seed by carefully tapping the pit with the knife, securing it firmly into the seed. Then simply twist it, which should help the pit break away evenly.
You can cut the avocado flesh while it’s still in the skin and then use a spoon to scoop out the slices. Alternatively, you can also scoop the flesh out using a spoon and then cut into wedges or slices on a cutting board instead.
There are plenty of avocado recipe ideas out there, with new and creative ways to learn and incorporate into your daily diet. Here are a few ideas for how to eat avocado in order to take advantage of the host of avocado benefits:
- Use it as a fat replacement in baking to add a tasty twist to avocado brownies.
- Dice it as a nice topping for avocado soup or bone broth.
- Put it in the food processor to make an avocado smoothie, avocado sauce, guacamole, chocolate avocado pudding or countless other recipes.
- Mash or whip it until completely smooth for a baby’s first food instead of processed food in a jar.
- Mix it with other fruits and veggies to make a tasty avocado salad.
- Use it to make homemade guacamole or avocado salsa.
- Top off your favorite dishes — think avocado pasta, avocado sandwich or avocado chicken salad.
- Put it on your skin as a natural moisturizer, or use it to make a soothing avocado hair mask.
Need some recipes to help get you going? Here are a few simple avocado recipes that you can try out to get avocado benefits in your diet:
- Creamy Cilantro Lime Avocado Salad Dressing
- Asparagus and Avocado Egg Benedict
- Avocado Chocolate Mousse
Risks and side effects
When consumed in moderation, avocado can be a nutritious and delicious addition to a balanced diet. However, there are some people who may need to limit their consumption of this superfood.
For example, those with kidney problems are often advised to follow a low-potassium diet. That’s because eating high amounts can cause potassium levels to rise in the body when the kidneys aren’t working properly.
Because of the high amount of avocado potassium packed into each serving, it may be best to keep intake to a minimum and opt for other foods low in potassium instead.
Although uncommon, some people may also have an avocado allergy, which can cause food allergy symptoms like hives, itching and swelling. Those with a latex allergy should also be mindful about eating avocados, as the cross-reactivity can trigger an allergic reaction in some cases.
Finally, keep in mind that more is not always better. In fact, there is a high amount of calories in avocado, so going overboard could potentially lead to weight gain, especially if you’re not making other adjustments in your diet to account for these extra calories.
Avocados are also high in fiber, which can be beneficial in moderation. However, increasing fiber intake too quickly can lead to digestive issues like constipation, gas and bloating.
Start slow, and stick to one to two servings per day. Additionally, be sure to drink plenty of water, which can help mitigate side effects of increased fiber intake and promote regularity.
Frequently asked questions
Is eating an avocado a day healthy?
Yes, eating an avocado a day can be healthy for most people.
Avocados are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Regular avocado consumption has been linked to benefits for heart health, digestive health and weight management.
However, since avocados are calorie-dense, eating them in moderation is best for those tracking caloric intake.
Is an avocado a vegetable or a fruit?
An avocado is technically a fruit — specifically a berry. It has a single seed in the center and develops from the flower of the avocado tree, classifying it as a fruit.
What does avocado do for your body? What are the benefits of eating avocado?
Avocados offer multiple health benefits, including helping protect and boost heart, digestive, skin and eye health. They’re also nutrient-dense foods that can help control blood sugar.
Do avocados burn belly fat?
While avocados don’t directly burn belly fat, their healthy fats and fiber can support weight management by promoting satiety. Feeling full longer can reduce overeating and may help with overall fat loss as part of a balanced diet and active lifestyle.
Is avocado a superfood?
Yes, avocados are often considered a superfood due to their dense nutritional profile. They’re loaded with heart-healthy fats, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals, making them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.
Is avocado good for high blood pressure?
Yes, avocados are beneficial for high blood pressure.
They’re rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure by counteracting sodium’s effects in the body. Consuming potassium-rich foods like avocados can support blood pressure management.
- Avocados are a delicious and nutritious fruit cultivated around the globe. They are highly nutritious, and each serving contains a good amount of avocado fiber, plus healthy fats, potassium, vitamin K, folate and vitamin C.
- Are avocados good for you? Potential benefits of avocado include improved heart health, increased weight loss, enhanced digestive health and better blood sugar levels. Avocado benefits may also include the ability to help improve mood; support eye, skin and hair health; fight cancer cell growth; and reduce the risk of arthritis and metabolic syndrome.
- Avocados are also easy to use and can be incorporated into a variety of recipes. Try making an avocado dressing, avocado dip or avocado tuna salad. Enjoy a few servings per week as part of a well-rounded diet to reap the rewards of this incredible ingredient.