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What 7 Symptoms You Have Right Now That You Shouldn’t Ignore
March 30, 2015

What do constant headaches, gum disease, sleep disorders, sore joints and other serious health conditions have in common? They all have chronic inflammation as the root cause.
Inflammation isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, acute inflammation is normal for your body — such as when you suffer a painful cut or bruise and your body fights to heal itself. The real trouble begins when inflammation becomes chronic. When this occurs, your immune system begins fighting against its own cells, leading to harmful effects on your health. (1)
Right now, if you’re enduring one of the seven symptoms below, don’t ignore them. These can be tell-tale signs that your body is chronically inflamed. Instead, try my favorite ways to help reduce inflammation and begin healing your body from the inside out.
Remember, one of the best things you can do to reduce overall inflammation is overhauling the way you eat. My healing foods diet — which focuses on clean protein, healthy fats and low-glycemic carbohydrates — is naturally anti-inflammatory. Give it a go if you have one of these seven symptoms.
7 Symptoms to Watch Carefully
1. Headaches and Migraines
If you find your head constantly throbbing, inflammation might be the cause. Not only are migraines and frequent headaches especially painful, but they can also be precursors to more serious conditions. (2)
Help fight these headaches naturally by seeking out organic proteins like grass-fed beef and ingesting more high-fiber foods. In addition, because magnesium plays a vital role in keeping our bodies functioning properly and a deficiency can lead to headaches, taking a magnesium supplement may help prevent recurring pains and reduce symptoms.
2. Tooth and Gum Health, Bad Breath and Gingivitis
Constantly worried about bad breath or have you been diagnosed with gingivitis? Inflammation might be to blame. These periodontal diseases begin as bacterial infections that progress into inflammation. Not only are these conditions socially embarrassing, but they are also symptoms of inflammation that can lead to more widespread, systemic diseases in the body. (3)
Skip expensive treatments and help cure gum diseases naturally. Begin by flossing at least daily to get rid of errant food that can lead to bacterial growth. Use homemade toothpaste, which can also help heal gum disease and even brighten teeth; or try coconut oil pulling to fight gum disease and keep gingivitis at bay.
3. Gut Diseases, Including Indigestion, IBS and Leaky Gut
Gut diseases are probably the most common of symptoms, and ALL have inflammation at their roots. Unfortunately, these types of diseases are also becoming more common in society. (4) Things like preservatives in foods, toxin overload and an imbalance in bacteria are all to blame. (5, 6)
My number one tried-and-true method of overcoming gut diseases is by sipping on bone broth. Its healing properties help sooth your gut’s lining, keeping toxins out of your bloodstream. Probiotics and enzymes are also useful in treating inflammatory bowel diseases naturally.
4. Mood Swings and Anxiety
Have you been feeling the blues or been extra moody or anxious recently? Although it may surprise you, inflammation could be playing a role. Research shows that inflammatory cytokines, or proteins released by cells, can spur depression-like behavior. (7)
Help reduce anxiety by introducing ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb, into your daily routine to ease stress. Eating more vitamin B-12 and omega-3 fatty foods are also great ways to fight depression and anxiety through nutrition.
5. Sleep Disorders and Insomnia
Tossing and turning at night can also be attributed to inflammation. Persistent insomnia afflicts about 10 percent of American adults and has serious consequences; it’s been linked to a higher inflammation and a higher mortality rate. (8) (9)
Luckily, there are steps you can take to help fall asleep without habit-forming drugs. Setting the right room temperature, using essential oils and limiting caffeine can all help bring on the ZZZs. Check out my 20 favorite strategies to fall asleep fast.
6. Fatigue
No part of the body is safe from the effects of inflammation. Inflammation in other areas of the body can actually affect how tired you feel. One study found that in mice with inflamed livers behavioral changes like fatigue followed. (10) Gut inflammation is one of the symptoms that has also been linked with chronic fatigue syndrome. (11)
If you’re just feeling plain ole’ drained all the time, try these 10 ways to boost energy levels. Those with chronic fatigue syndrome might opt for avoiding sugar, caffeine and gluten-containing grains, and instead add superfood powder and ashwagandha to their diets.
7. Arthritis and Stiff Joints
Both inflammatory arthritis (such as rheumatoid and psoriatic) and basic joint pain can be attributed to joint inflammation. (12) Help ease the effects of these taxing symptoms and reduce joint pain naturally by taking proteolytic enzyme supplements, eating more essential fatty acids, like those found in wild-caught salmon and grass-fed beef, and increasing your intake of potassium and sodium to revitalize your body’s cells and eliminate toxins.

Remember, your body is constantly communicating with you about what it needs — it’s up to you to listen to what it’s saying. If you have any one of these symptoms, there’s no need to suffer. Instead, start reducing inflammation and feeling better today.