Carrot Seed Oil Benefits and Uses - Dr. Axe

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Carrot Seed Oil Benefits for Skin, Hair & More


Carrot seed oil benefits - Dr. Axe

One of the unsung heroes of the oily world, carrot seed oil has some impressive benefits, particularly against dangerous bacteria and fungi. In fact, some studies suggest that it may even fight certain cancer cells.

Among its more popular uses, carrot seed oil can be included in skin care products as a skin-protecting agent. It’s also useful for natural hair moisturizing products. Rich in antioxidants, carrot seed oil deserves more attention than it has received in the past. I believe you’ll agree after reading all of the incredible benefits it can provide.

What Is Carrot Seed Oil?

In ancient medicine, carrot seed oil was known for its carminative properties, according to unconfirmed sources. While that may sound rather fancy, it actually means people used it to relieve flatulence!

Not much is actually known about the origin of carrot seed oil, but it is most often obtained from wild carrots in European countries.

There is a common misconception about carrot seed oil as compared to carrot oil. According to Aromatherapy Science: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals, they are often misquoted or erroneously interchanged. This is an important distinction, because carrot oil (functioning as a base or carrier oil) is rich in vitamin A and does not provide an essential oil.


Similarly, when discussing carrot seed oil, it’s important to know specifically what you’re discussing. Studies are lacking on the benefits of carrot seed essential oil, while several exist that examine the benefits of carrot seed oil, a cold-pressed oil derived from carrot seeds.

Conversely, carrot seed oil and carrot seed essential oil have no vitamin A, although they include incredible antioxidants to help protect against disease.

Carrot seed oil is extracted from the carrot plant, Daucus carota. Extracts vary, since there are so many species of carrot. However, it typically contains three bioflavonoids, all derivatives of luteolin, a cancer-fighting antioxidant found in many fruits.

Health Benefits

1. Helps Kill Fungi and Bacteria

The most thoroughly researched quality of carrot seed oil is its ability to kill certain bacteria and fungi. Indeed, some of the viruses it’s powerful against are concerning for a number of reasons. Many are common in developing nations, and the oil may provide a unique way to fight these illnesses, if developed properly.

Here are the bacteria and fungi that seem to be most affected by it:

  • Dermatophytes — Keratin is required for these fungi to grow. Infections from dermatophytes typically affects the hair, skin and nails and result from direct contact with people, animals and soil infected with the fungus. Studies show how carrot seed oil fights these fungi.
  • Alternaria alternata — This fungus lives on leaves and can cause rot and blight for crops, a particularly dangerous event for farmers with limited resources. Carrot seed oil helps fight it.
  • Escherichia coli — An E. coli infection can cause diarrhea and, in some rare cases, anemia and kidney failure.
    Antimicrobial activity of the oil works against it.
  • Acinetobacter — Strains of the gram-negative bacterium Acinetobacter cause a number of serious infections. The oil was revealed in studies to help kill it.

Aedes albopictus — OK, this last one isn’t a virus; it’s a mosquito. But it’s significant, because carrot seed oil can kill larvae of this Asian tiger mosquito. Aedes albopictus mosquitoes often spread yellow fever, dengue fever, Zika and a variety of other dangerous viruses.

2. May Fight Cancer Cells

In the fight against cancer, researchers consistently look at substances by beginning in the lab and seeing what impact, if any, they have on different cancer cell lines.

Lab studies confirm carrot seed oil has anticancer properties against acute myeloid leukemia, colon cancer and breast cancer cell lines.

An animal study was conducted to investigate the effect of carrot seed oil on skin cancer (namely, squamous cell carcinoma) in rats and found it to be particularly potent.

Carrot seed oil benefits - Dr. Axe

3. Included as Part of Natural Sunscreen Option

An oft-cited study about the benefits of carrot seed oil was published in 2009 by an Indian university. Various sources claim that the study found that it has an SPF of around 40, making it a useful UV-blocking agent.

Well, close. But not exactly.

The study was actually investigating how to valuate SPF from natural products with various herbal ingredients. Researchers found that a product containing a number of herbal ingredients, including carrot seed oil, turn out to have an SPF of 40 or so.

Because of the way natural ingredients interact to create the SPF found in the tested product, it’s unlikely that carrot seed oil on its own actually has a significant enough SPF to be used in place of chemical-rich, conventional sunscreens. It does, though, seem to be a part of a natural sunscreen recipe that can be useful.

4. Powerful Antioxidant

Like many oils and essential oils, carrot seed oil contains powerful antioxidants that can help to protect against disease.

Specifically, these polyphenols have been studied in animal tests for their liver-protecting qualities. Carrot seed oil shields the liver from damage and exhibits strong protection against free radicals that cause oxidative stress and cell damage.


5. Supports Skin and Hair Health

Traditionally, carrot seed oil is a popular beauty product for moisturizing skin and hair. While no studies confirm its effectiveness for moisture-rich properties, it is safe for topical use and may help provide these benefits. It’s likely it can protect skin and hair from damage because of its antioxidant load.

How to Use

As with all oil products, be aware of the quality of what you purchase and always buy from reputable, well-sourced companies. Carrot seed oil should always be cold-pressed from organic carrots (if available).

Remember, carrot seed oil, carrot seed essential oil and carrot oil are distinctively different from one another, so pay close attention to what you’re actually purchasing. Carrot seed oil is pressed from wild carrot seeds, while carrot seed essential oil is steam-distilled and may come from either the seeds or the carrot itself.

It has a unique scent, but carrot seed oil can be used in essential oil diffusers and various aromatherapy practices. You can also use it directly on the skin as another  way to take advantage of its many benefits.

Carrot seed oil is one ingredient in my DIY face scrub that can help to remove dead skin and leave your face feeling supple and glowing. Because of the combination of ingredients, this scrub can help to repair dry, damaged skin and potentially aid in wrinkle prevention.

Other Recommended Oils for Skin

Precautions and Side Effects

Many sources suggest using carrot seed oil in recipes and internally in a variety of ways. Because no research has been conducted on the efficacy of ingesting it, consult with your primary care or naturopathic physician before ingesting it as a part of recipes.

Pregnant and nursing mothers should especially avoid ingesting it.

If you experience an allergic reaction (externally or otherwise) after using carrot seed oil, discontinue use immediately and consult your physician.

Carrot seed oil has no known medicinal interactions.

Final Thoughts

  • Carrot seed oil is a useful cold-pressed oil from wild carrot seeds.
  • Carrot seed oil and carrot seed essential oil do not contain vitamin A (although they have several antioxidants), while carrot oil, derived from the actual carrot plant, does contain a large amount of vitamin A.
  • The benefits of carrot seed oil include antifungal, antibacterial and anticancer qualities, due to the bioflavonoids it contains.
  • Because of its antioxidant content, carrot seed oil is an ingredient in a natural sunscreen product and may offer some sun protection, as well as skin-repairing to dry and damaged skin.
  • By using carrot seed oil in aromatherapy, you may reap the benefits of its antioxidants by preventing diseases caused by oxidative stress.
  • Try using carrot seed oil as part of a homemade face scrub to exfoliate, moisturize and protect skin.

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    • Dixie Lee Manning on

      Very useful. I had no idea how to use carrot seed oil. It helped to know what kind I have. And useful in letting me know how to you it. Thanks I’ll be reading more!!!

    • Briana Johnson on

      You’re thinking about this all wrong. lol
      Even rosemary and herbs have “oil” when properly handled to express its oil. Cold-pressing and distillation are effective ways to extract essential oils from plants. Your concern over “fat” should be put to rest.

  1. Theresa Ann Hunter on

    I too would like to know where to buy a reputable carrot oil. I guess I am a little confused as to whether this a topical only product or one that you can take internally.

  2. Shirley on

    Interested in the squamous cell cancer studies on animals. I have a horse with a squamous cell growth under his eye. Could carrot seed oil be a useful treatment for him? Cryosurgery has only helped temporarily. Willing to try other ideas at this point so he won’t lose his eye. Thank you for any help. God bless your work, Shirley

  3. D on

    The information provided is well written and has the most comprehensible information. I always do my research here first. Thank You Dr. Axe!

  4. Paula Morgan on

    I rely on your products and I trust you. You offer accurate information which can be counted on when selecting products. This article on carrot oil was terrific. My question is, what are a few quality bands to purchase? I wish it could be purchased from you as it would then made in accord with the highest standards. If possible please tell your readers and clients where a qualified carrot oil may be bought with confidence. Thanks you for all you do for us!

  5. Georgie on

    Curious since this oil has anti fungal properties and is useful on hair skin and nails, can this be used to treat nail fungus? If so, how? Thank You.

  6. Pam on

    Love your work Dr. Axe. I come to your site all the time when I am researching health and nutrition products. I can rely on you :)

  7. Annemarie Grobler on

    Thank you Dr Axe for the wonderful information.
    Do you got a home made carrot seed oil recipe please, here in South Africa almost every oil is not organic, I try lots of places to buy that, and prefer to make my own with your recipe if you got one

    Thank you very much
    Annemarie Grobler


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