Homemade Burn Salve- Dr. Axe

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Homemade Burn Salve with Lavender and Honey


Homemade burn salve - Dr. Axe

No matter how careful we are, we’re all bound to burn ourselves from time to time while cooking or working around the kitchen, along with any other number of accidents that could lead to burns. If you’re looking for how to treat a burn at home or want to have something on hand just in case, look no further than this homemade burn salve.

Not only is this DIY treatment effective, but you can make this homemade burn salve in just a couple of minutes … literally!

Key Ingredients

This homemade burn salve recipe is simple and ready in just two minutes. All you need are the following three ingredients:

  • Lavender essential oil helps calm the inflamed injury site while disinfecting it. In fact, a study conducted on rats found that “topical application of lavender oil promoted collagen synthesis and differentiation of fibroblasts, accompanied by up-regulation of TGF-β. These data suggest that lavender oil has the potential to promote wound healing in the early phase by acceleration of formation of granulation tissue, tissue remodeling by collagen replacement and wound contraction through up-regulation of TGF-β. The beneficial effect of lavender oil on wound healing may raise the possibility of new approaches as complementary treatment besides conventional therapy.”
  • Olive oil provides healthy fats and vitamin E to replenish the skin with nutrients.
  • Honey provides antioxidants and rehydrates the injured area.

How to Make a Homemade Burn Salve

Like my homemade drawing salve, this homemade burn salve is ready in a snap. In fact, it takes just two minutes!

Simply mix the lavender oil, honey and olive oil together and put in a glass jar. To use it, slather it over the burn, and cover it the injury site with dressing or bandage. That’s it!

Try this recipe, and keep it on hand … just in case!

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Homemade burn salve - Dr. Axe

Homemade Burn Salve with Lavender and Honey

  • Author: Dr. Josh Axe
  • Total Time: 2 min
  • Yield: 30 uses 1x


This homemade burn salve recipe helps calm the inflamed injury site while disinfecting it and replenishing the skin with nutrients and hydration.


  • 2 ounces honey
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 20 drops lavender essential oil
  • Glass jar


  1. Mix all ingredients together, and spread lavishly over injury.
  2. Cover injury site with dressing or bandage.
  • Method: Mixing

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  1. Kanwal on

    Dr, Axe

    Can you share with me any homemade face fairness tips & Face wash

    I already use your share coconut oil face wash, but this is oily I need regular use soapy face wash recipe if can can share this 2 recipe I am Thanks full to you.


  2. Kay D. on

    I burned two fingers one day over some hot steam while poaching eggs. My husband (the beekeeper) grabbed a bottle of honey and immediately covered the burn with honey (pure, raw honey). The pain disappeared and later in the day when I was washing dishes in hot water I realized that I had no pain or redness. Amazing!

  3. Silvia on

    Hi Dr.
    I have a very nice good recipe (from grandma): 1 simple candle and 3/4 tbs of oil, it can be olive oil, soy, etc… to use only for burns and scratchs (may have wrote wrong…)…boile water and add the entire candle in a pan above, let it melt and remove the cord, than add the oil until you get it in a soft cream.

    And for moisturing cream you can add almond, and some essencial oil…just have to add oil till it gets a soft cream…wil depends on the candle quality….if you ever try, please, let me know what your final recipe looks like.

    A friend of mine burned her hands, she used it for a week, each day just adding more of this moisturing without washing…in only one week her hands got a new skin

    Oh, and it lasts for months though.

    You don´t need to publish this comment, but let me know if you ever try it…


  4. Veronika on

    you said this will work for cuts also? do i just add 20 drops of tea tree oil to the mix? do i need olive oil?

  5. Lynn on

    Doesnt putting oil on a burn have the potential of holding in the heat and thus making the burn worse? I was always told that is why you should not put butter on a burn.

    • Dr. Josh Axe on

      I typically make up enough to last through a use or the day. Otherwise, I would give it 4-7 days. I don’t think it would go bad past that, but I like to use it fresh.

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