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How to Make Liquid Eyeliner
July 24, 2017

What exactly is eyeliner? Eyeliner is a cosmetic typically applied around the eyes to create a more dramatic or defined look. It’s available in many forms, most commonly in pencil form or as a liquid eyeliner. As you’ll discover below, it has been used for thousands of years to both adorn and protect the eyes.
But did you know how to make liquid eyeliner? Yes, just like you can create your own homemade mascara, you can make your own eyeliner.
A Brief History of Eyeliner
If you think Cleopatra was on to something with her engaging eyes, you’re right. Eyeliner, or eye liner, has been used for centuries — well before Cleopatra, actually. Historically, eyeliner was first used in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia as early as 10,000 B.C.
While it was used to enhance the eyes, it was also used to protect the skin from the intense desert sun. Cleopatra wore bright green malachite paste on her lower eyelids. And she adorned her upper eyelids with a deep blue eye shadow and gold-colored pyrite flecks that came from lapis lazuli stone. To complete the dramatic look, she darkened her eyebrows and lengthened her eyelashes with black kohl. The kohl was a blend of powdered lead sulfide and animal fat — doesn’t sound too appealing, does it? (1)
The 1920s were a pivotal period for women’s fashion and eyeliner and mascara became popular during this time. Tutankhamun’s tomb was discovered in 1922. This discovery led to an interest in wearing eyeliner because of the images of ancient Egyptians with lined eyes decorating the tomb. (2)
But it was the 1960s that popularized the use of liquid eyeliner. Have you heard of Twiggy? Still alive today, she was a London “mod” supermodel during that era who was quite famous for her liquid eyeliner-rimmed eyes. (3)
How to Make Liquid Eyeliner
Many store-bought makeup products — even those claiming to be natural — are loaded with lots of unhealthy toxic ingredients. You can check out specific ingredient information on products at the EWG (Environmental Working Group) website. Luckily, you have the option to make your own natural eyeliner, and other beauty supplies, for a natural skin care routine without the health risks of commercial products.
How to make liquid eyeliner on your own? It’s easier than you might think. You’ll blend activated charcoal, beeswax, coconut oil and water together. With just these few ingredients, you can make an all-natural eye liner.
Activated charcoal is not the same charcoal that you use on the grill. You can find activated charcoal health food stores. It’s best when it contains natural ingredients such as coconut shells. It is a form of carbon that has been used for a very long time to help detox the body and skin. You can purchase the capsules and simply twist the capsule apart. Empty the contents of your capsules into a small bowl. (5) (6)
Next, add the beeswax and coconut oil. Beeswax is a great option to help give your eyeliner a thick consistency, while coconut oil helps it go on nice and smooth. Both have healing properties and are antibacterial, making them a great addition to your liquid eyeliner. Once you have blended those ingredients, add the water. If you want a thicker consistency, add less water. For a thinner consistency, add more.
Regardless, make sure you use distilled water to prevent bacteria. Also, I suggest putting a dab of the eyeliner in a small dish with a clean utensil each time you use it instead of double-dipping. This, too, helps prevent bacteria from forming. It is best to clean your brush frequently, allowing it to dry before the next use.
How to Apply Liquid Eyeliner
How do you put on liquid eyeliner? Apply your liquid eyeliner to both the upper and lower lids close to the lashes. While it may seem easier to put it on in one fell swoop, you will get better results if you take your time and do it in small strokes. When you are ready to remove the eyeliner, you can use a cotton swab and coconut oil. It is safe and works like a charm! You can also try my homemade makeup remover.
You can also try combining this liquid eyeliner with my homemade mascara and homemade eyeshadow — then you will have all a complete look, produced entirely at home with natural ingredients!
These ingredients are safe to use; however, everyone is different. If you experience any allergic reactions such as tightness of the chest, swelling, rash, hives or any unusual results, get medical attention right away. Do not get the eyeliner or its ingredients in your eyes.
How to Make Liquid Eyeliner
- 2 activated charcoal capsules
- 1/8 teaspoon of grated beeswax
- 1/8 teaspoon organic coconut oil
- 1/8 teaspoon distilled water
- small container
- Empty the contents of the charcoal capsules into a small bowl.
- Next, add the beeswax and coconut oil
- Blend the charcoal, beeswax and coconut oil.
- Add the water. Add more or less water depending on the consistency you want.
- Store the final product in a small container.
Please keep comments under 200 characters.
What allows the water and oil to mix without separating? Wouldn’t this recipie require cetyl alcohol added to the beeswax and coconut oil melting phase to keep the water and oil from separating when you add the water? And… a preservative if you wish to ensure it maintains a shelf life free from bacteria water will cause? Just asking.
I don’t have capsules. What is the equivalent amount in powder?
how could i add color?
I think you could use mica powder/eyeshadow instead of charcoal powder since the charcoal powder is where the eyeliner gets it’s black color from.✨
We have no evidence eyeliner was used in 10,000 BCE. Also, without knowing what size the capsules of activated charcoal you used we can’t make your recipe accurately.
Ancient Egyptians did use eye liner in 10, 000 BCE…they used charcoal as the recipe calls for.
Actually, they used something similar to charcoal called kajal that you can actually diy at home using cotton balls and mustard oil… There are videos on the internet to show you.
I am so glad to see this recipe because every eyeliner that I bought get hardened over the time and can’t use them anymore and that is so rip off. But can this home made Eyeliner be stored in the room temperature or refrigerate? Because I’m afraid that it may get the bacteria easy I think. Can you please give me an advice me on this? Thank you.
I think the only thing that will spoil here is the water and if there is anything in the water which is why distilled water, so i think your boiling or steam distilling the water should be fine. Albeit distilled water at the store is easy to find and inexpensive (<1$ per gallon)
Can you boil filtered water instead of using distilled water?
I too am wondering about the beeswax & coconut oil ingredients, can you get fractionated beeswax like you can with coconut oil? Or do you shave & melt the beeswax first and if you are doing that, can you also just melt regular coconut oil too or does it have to be mixed with fractionated coconut oil?
You can alternatively use grapeseed or sunflower oil instead of cocnut oil. You melt the oils together at the same time. Also, when adding water to oil, you need something like cetyl alcohol at 0.1% to 0.5% of the total weight that is added in and melted with the oils on a double boiler together. I also see this recipie doesn’t have the distilled water heating in a separate glass bowl so the water and oils are both warm when combined… Interesting simple recipie. I just question the water without a oil water binder. Oil and water always separate without.
Eyeliner has been used in india for millions of years, and time immemorial. It is traditionally called kajal. Even the gods wear it, and even God Himself wears it!! For a cooling effect on the eyes, adda pinch of edilble camphor! See..
Ultimately no one can catch Krishna. But by Krishna!s own will He was captured by His mother’s love. And Krishna was actually crying and the Kajal were mixing with His tears and were making streaks down his cheeks and chest.
You have seen a little child when you pick up a stick when they usually say “You are not going to hit me” you are not very happy they may try to fight you or they may little afraid but we have seen fear like Krishnaa manifested lips queering limbs trembling and tears just to extenuate and he arranged Yasoda to put this kajal, all around his eyes and as he was crying so that everybody could really see that he was really crying, His tears mixed with the black ointment and made black streaks down His face and over His chest and legs and His arms He is crying He was pleading with Yasoda with the flattering voice, “please put down that stick I am so afraid of that stick”.
Humans haven’t existed for millions of years. The Harappan Civilization, the first India civilization began around 3000 BCE.
Do you have to melt the beeswax for it to mix?