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Top 10 Essential Oils for Depression
December 19, 2024

Unfortunately, depression is incredibly common, and the signs of depression — such as fatigue, sadness, moodiness, low sex drive, low self-esteem, loss of appetite, feelings that the tough days will never end, and never accepting invitations to go out with friends or get involved in activities — can be debilitating. This leads many to look for natural remedies for depression, including using certain essential oils for depression — similar to the way you can use essential oils for anxiety.
So what are the best essential oils for depression, and do these essential oils for depression actually work? Read on to find out!
Do essential oils for depression work?
It’s important to note that essential oils have not been shown to cure depression or even work as replacements for medications. However, research has confirmed that using essential oils for depression can be effective complementary tools for treating this condition alongside antidepressant medications and behavioral therapy.
For instance, in clinical trials, essential oils have been proven to elevate mood.
You may be wondering how essential oils work. Because smells are carried directly to the brain, they serve as emotional triggers.
The limbic system evaluates the sensory stimuli, registering pleasure, pain, danger or safety. This then creates and ultimately directs our emotional response, which can include feelings of fear, anger, depression and attraction.
Our basic emotions and hormonal balance are in response to the most basic smells. This makes scents very powerful in our day-to-day lives because they’re a direct pathway to memory and emotion — which is why they can help fight depression and anxiety.
A 2008 study with 58 hospice patients presented some interesting conclusions regarding the effectiveness of essential oils for depression. The hospice patients were given hand massages once a day for one week with an essential oil blend in 1.5 percent dilution with sweet almond oil.
The essential oil blend consisted of these essential oils for depression in equal ratios:
- bergamot oil
- frankincense oil
- lavender oil
All patients who received the aromatherapy hand massage reported less pain and depression with the conclusion that aromatherapy massage with this essential oil blend is more effective for pain and depression management than massage alone.
Top essential oils for depression
Here are some of the top essential oils for depression:
1. Bergamot
Bergamot oil can work similarly to an antidepressant because it’s very stimulating. Bergamot can create a feeling of joy, freshness and energy by improving the circulation of your blood.
A 2011 study hypothesized that applying a blended essential oil that includes bergamot to participants could help treat depression. The blended essential oil mixed bergamot with lavender essential oil, and participants were analyzed based on their blood pressure, pulse rates, breathing rates and skin temperature.
In addition, subjects had to rate their emotional conditions in terms of relaxation, vigor, calmness, attentiveness, mood and alertness in order to assess behavioral changes.
Compared with the placebo, the blended essential oil caused significant decreases of pulse rate and blood pressure. At the emotional level, subjects in the blended essential oil group rated themselves as “more calm” and “more relaxed” than subjects in the control group.
The investigation demonstrated the relaxing effect of a mixture of lavender and bergamot oils, and it provided evidence for its use in helping treat depression or anxiety symptoms in humans.
More recent research has confirmed these findings. A 2022 randomized, controlled trial conducted on postpartum women revealed that, compared to the control group, women who inhaled bergamot oil for 15 minutes each day reported significantly lower depressive mood feelings.
Meanwhile, a 2023 study in which researchers wanted to examine the effects of bergamot essential oil for improving sleep quality and relieving psychological stress in university students found surprising results. Not only did the group that used bergamot aromatherapy before bedtime improve sleep and mood, but the researchers revealed that “a significant improvement was observed in depression, anxiety, and stress.”
You can use bergamot oil by rubbing two to three drops into your hands, and cupping your mouth and nose. Breathe in the oil slowly.
Try rubbing the oil on your feet and stomach, too.
2. Lavender
Lavender oil benefits mood and has long been used to help battle depression, and research appears to show it is, in fact, among the top essential oils for depression.
A study published by the International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice reported that 80-milligram capsules of lavender essential oil can help alleviate anxiety and depression.
The study also showed that there were no adverse side effects from using lavender oil to treat anxiety and depression. This is great news since we know that synthetic medications, psychotropic drugs and antidepressants often have negative side effects.
A 2012 study published in Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice evaluated 28 women at high risk for postpartum depression and found that by diffusing lavender in their homes, they had a significant reduction of postnatal depression and reduced anxiety disorder after a four-week treatment plan of lavender aromatherapy.
Yet another study showcasing that lavender aromatherapy can improve mood was done on people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can result in depression. Lavender had amazing results, showing signs of enhanced moods.
The results revealed that the lavender oil, when used daily, helped decrease depression by 32.7 percent and dramatically decreased sleep disturbances, moodiness and overall health status in 47 people suffering from PTSD.
To relieve stress and improve sleep, put a diffuser by your bed and diffuse essential oils for depression while you sleep at night or in the family room while you’re reading or winding down in the evening.
Also, lavender oil can be rubbed topically behind your ears for the same benefits.

3. Roman chamomile
Chamomile is one the best medicinal herbs for fighting stress and promoting relaxation. This is why you see chamomile as a popular ingredient in candles and other aromatherapy products, whether in tea, tincture or essential oil form.
Chamomile benefits your emotions by providing soothing qualities to help with depression.
According to research from Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine and Pharmacognosy Review, inhaling chamomile vapors using chamomile oil is often recommended as a natural remedy for anxiety and general depression, and it’s been found to be effective.
4. Ylang ylang
Ylang ylang may have an unconventional-sounding name, but it has amazing benefits for helping stave off depression and negative emotions associated with depression. Inhaling ylang ylang can have immediate, positive effects on your mood and act like a mild remedy for depression.
In fact, research has shown it can help release negative emotions, such as anger, low self-esteem and even jealousy.
Ylang ylang works because of its mild sedative effects, which can lower stress responses to help you relax. To enhance confidence, mood and self-love, try diffusing the oil in your home or massaging it into your skin.
5. Sweet orange
Sweet orange essential oil has been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression by reducing anxiety and improving mood.
A 2024 study found that sweet orange aromatherapy reduced anxiety and pain in women during labor, indicating its mood-enhancing properties.
Its bright, citrusy aroma may promote a sense of calm and well-being.
6. Yuzu
Yuzu essential oil, derived from the Japanese citrus fruit, has demonstrated its efficacy in reducing stress and negative emotions.
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine revealed that inhalation of yuzu aroma reduced tension and increased positive emotions in women, making it a promising option for managing depressive symptoms.
Another study conducted on women during their menstrual cycles found that 10 minutes of inhaling yuzu oil could be effective in alleviating “negative emotional stress, which, at least in part, would contribute to the improvement of parasympathetic nervous system activity.”
7 Rosemary
Rosemary essential oil is known for its ability to enhance mental clarity and reduce stress, and research has determined rosemary oil has antidepressant effects.
A 2020 study published in Nutrients investigated the effects of continuous intake of rosemary extracts on mental health in healthy Japanese men, focusing on men with higher mood disturbance scores that indicated depression incidences. The group who used rosemary extracts saw decreased total mood disturbance and other symptoms significantly decrease, and many improvements were only seen in the rosemary group.
A 2022 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial tested the effects of rosemary as an adjunct therapy in people with major depression. The patients were randomly assigned into a rosemary group or control group, receiving either a rosemary extract capsule or placebo twice a day for eight weeks.
Anxiety and depression scores significantly decreased in the rosemary group after treatment. This led the study authors to conclude that as an adjunctive therapy, rosemary “could improve the symptoms of anxiety and depression in people with major depression.”
8. Clary sage
Sage essential oil, particularly clary sage, has mood-stabilizing properties. Its herbaceous aroma has grounding and calming effects.
A 2014 study published in Phytotherapy Research found that clary sage essential oil reduced cortisol levels and improved mood in menopausal women, suggesting its effectiveness in managing depressive symptoms.
Other clinical studies have relayed similar findings, noting it has anti-stress, anti-depression and analgesic properties, and clary sage oil inhalation has been shown to help women relax during stressful situations.
9. Rose
Rose essential oil is renowned for its ability to uplift the spirit and calm the mind. In fact, research published in 2009 found that rose oil has a relaxing effect on humans and that rose oil aromatherapy may help relieve depression in humans.
Several studies have confirmed rose’s place among the best essential oils for depression, as a comprehensive review of clinical evidence published in the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine shared.
For instance, rose oil was shown to improve the symptoms of depression in 60 male patients who suffered from major depressive disorder. Further research has shown rose oil can boost the release of “feel-good hormones,” such as dopamine and norepinephrine.
10. Neroli
Neroli essential oil, extracted from bitter orange blossoms, has been shown to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression. Its delicate and calming aroma helps promote emotional balance.
A 2014 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that neroli aromatherapy significantly reduced anxiety and improved the quality of life in menopausal women. In addition, researchers believe neroli oil can work as a supportive treatment for depression.
How to use
There are several ways you can use essential oils for depression.
To relieve stress while improving sleep, put a diffuser by your bed, and diffuse oils while you sleep at night. You can also rub essential oils for depression topically behind your ears, on the back of the neck, your tummy and bottoms of the feet.
The right oils can make a great massage oil, whether you have a full body massage or just use self-massage techniques. Below is a great recipe that you can try!
Lavender and chamomile massage blend for depression
- 20–30 drops pure lavender essential oil
- 20–30 drops pure chamomile essential oil
- 2 ounces grapeseed oil
- Blend all ingredients well into a glass jar.
- Massage into your entire body, or take it to your masseuse and ask him or her to use it, 2–3 times per month.
- You can also use hand and neck massage oil daily or even massage into the bottoms of your feet at night before going to bed.
Risks and side effects
Use any essential oils sparingly, whether internally or topically. High levels might cause reactions and sensitivity, so be sure to do a skin patch check before using on a regular basis.
You also want to use caution if you take blood pressure medications or have an existing heart condition. Always talk to your doctor before beginning any new treatment.
It’s important to make sure that any essential oils you choose are 100 percent pure.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, check with your doctor first. While most oils are safe for children, please do proper research and review with your physician.
Frequently asked questions
What essential oils are good for depression?
Certain essential oils may help alleviate symptoms of depression by promoting relaxation and uplifting mood. Research and anecdotal evidence have suggested the following essential oils may be beneficial:
- lavender
- bergamot
- ylang ylang
- Roman chamomile
- sweet orange
- yuzu
- rosemary
- clary sage
- rose
- neroli
What essential oils release serotonin and dopamine?
Some essential oils are believed to influence neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, promoting feelings of well-being and happiness, including:
- Lavender: May influence serotonin production by reducing stress and anxiety.
- Clary sage: Contains compounds that may positively affect mood-regulating hormones.
- Bergamot: Has been shown in studies to potentially increase dopamine release.
- Rose: May enhance serotonin levels, supporting relaxation and mood improvement.
Which essential oil makes you feel happy?
Bergamot, orange, lemon and grapefruit essential oils are known for their mood-lifting properties. These citrus oils can promote happiness and energize the mind by stimulating the brain’s reward centers.
- Depression affects tens of millions of people around the world and is the most common mental disorder in the U.S.
- There are many ways to naturally treat depression, particularly with essential oils.
- The top four essential oils for depression are bergamot, lavender, chamomile and ylang ylang.
- Some of the other top essential oils for depression include sweet orange, yuzu, rosemary, clary sage, rose and neroli oils.
- You can use essential oils for depression topically or aromatically, usually as a cream or in a diffuser.
- If you use these essential oils for depression, you’re sure to help lower your stress levels and anxiety, helping reverse feelings of depression.