Nomophobia Symptoms, Causes, Effects and Treatments - Dr. Axe

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Nomophobia: How Fear of Being Without Your Phone Harms Health (& What to Do About It)


Nomophobia - Dr. Axe

In today’s hyper-connected world, many people experience anxiety when they are without their smartphones. This condition, known as nomophobia, has become increasingly common.

What exactly is nomophobia, and how can you recognize and address it?

Does the “ding” of your phone have you dropping whatever you’re doing to see who “liked” your latest Facebook status?

Are you answering work emails before rubbing the sleep from your eyes?

Does a low battery icon leave you quivering in fear?

You, my friend, are likely suffering from nomophobia. Thankfully, there are ways to treat this condition to help address your smartphone addiction.

What Is Nomophobia?

Nomophobia, short for “no-mobile-phone phobia,” is the fear of being without a mobile phone or being unable to use it.

The term originated from a 2008 study commissioned by the U.K. Post Office to examine the anxieties mobile phone users experience. The study found that nearly 53 percent of mobile phone users in the U.K. tend to feel anxious when they “lose their mobile phone, run out of battery or credit, or have no network coverage.”

More simply put, nomophobia is having a smartphone addiction, and it’s a “first world problem” that’s showing no signs of slowing down, regardless of age.

While it might sound silly — can you really be addicted to a handheld device? — the implications are real.

About half of U.S. adults are checking their phones at least several times an hour, with 11 percent tapping their screens awake every few minutes. No space is safe from the rush of a new tweet, either.

Almost one in 10 Americans has admitted to using her phone during sex, and among young adults ages 18 to 34, the number is even higher: One in five has engaged with his smartphone when being intimate.

Is it a surprise, then, that 12 percent think that smartphones are detrimental to relationships?

When you combine nomophobia with cars, things get even scarier. Among American adult drivers, more than 27 percent have sent or read texts while driving.

Among young adults, that number shoots up to 34 percent.

What’s the harm in interacting with your phone at a red light or when traffic is heavy? Consider the fact that text messaging while driving makes a crash 23 times more likely.



While there is no set criteria to diagnose this condition, experts believe nomophobia is a smartphone addiction and/or dependence.

Recognizing the signs of nomophobia is the first step toward addressing it. Common symptoms include:

  • Panic or anxiety when separated from your phone
  • Checking your phone repeatedly without receiving notifications
  • Doomscrolling
  • Avoiding places or situations where phone use is restricted
  • Feeling uneasy when your phone is out of sight
  • Excessive time spent on your phone, impacting daily life
  • Respiratory alterations
  • Trembling
  • Perspiration
  • Agitation
  • Disorientation
  • Tachycardia
  • Inability to turn off your smartphone
  • Taking the phone everywhere
  • Fear of being without phone access (no internet connection or cell signal)
  • Fear of not being able to use phone in case of emergency
  • Stressing about neglecting your online persona
  • Socially isolating and skipping activities to spend more time on your smartphone
  • Increased heart rate

According to research, some signs that someone may have nomophobia can include the fear of:

  • Feeling disconnected
  • Not have immediate access to information
  • Giving up the convenience of your mobile device
  • Not being able to contact and communicate with others


Several factors contribute to the development of nomophobia:

  • Social connectivity: Fear of missing out (FOMO) on social interactions and updates.
  • Dependence on technology: Increasing reliance on smartphones for various daily tasks.
  • Instant gratification: The immediate access to information and entertainment that phones provide.
  • Psychological factors: Underlying anxiety disorders or personality traits.

Other possible causes that research has unearthed include:

Damage Nomophobia Does

Even for those of us who don’t text and drive, nomophobia has serious consequences.

It can have several adverse effects on an individual’s well-being, such as:

Furthermore, research on nomophobia in adolescents and young adults published in 2021 in Frontier in Psychiatry concluded that “excessive smartphone use is associated with psychiatric, cognitive, emotional, medical and brain changes that should be considered by health and education professionals.”

The authors revealed that “excessive smartphone use is associated with difficulties in cognitive-emotion regulation, impulsivity, impaired cognitive function, addiction to social networking, shyness and low self-esteem. Medical problems include sleep problems, reduced physical fitness, unhealthy eating habits, pain and migraines, reduced cognitive control and changes in the brain’s gray matter volume.”

Here’s more on the negative effects of smartphone addiction:

1. You’re wasting time

While many of us are convinced that multitasking allows us to get more done, multitasking doesn’t really work. Not only are our brains unequipped to handle two dissimilar tasks at once, but trying to accomplish several things at once ends up wasting more time than saving any.

Think about it: How well do you retain information when someone’s talking to you as you’re scrolling through emails or watching the latest cat video your friend posted? Even if your body is in a room, it’s easy to miss important information when your brain is somewhere else completely.

Plus, let’s face it: No one likes talking to someone who’s “listening” with her face buried in a screen.

2. You’re more anxious

Not having your phone around can increase anxiety. One British study found that 51 percent of participants suffer “extreme tech anxiety” when separated from their smartphones.

Some of that stems from feeling that, if we’re apart from our phones, we won’t be included when friends make plans or won’t know what the latest Facebook meme is.

Even our bodies are starting to recognize when our phones aren’t around. A University of Missouri study discovered that iPhone users who parted with their devices during situations that require a significant amount of attention, like taking a test or completing a work assignment, could result in poorer performance.

That’s because, when participants were separated from their phones and then asked to complete simple word search puzzles, their heart rates and blood pressure increased — as did their feelings of anxiety and unpleasantness.

3. You’re not sleeping as well

“Check email one last time, make sure no friends posted anything interesting, one last glance of Instagram … oh wait, a new work email came in. Darn it, that afternoon meeting got pushed up. Did I prep enough for it? Should I review things one more time? Wait, it’s late already. I guess I’ll just think about it for the next half-hour while I toss and turn trying to fall asleep.”

Sound familiar?

Being inundated with stimulating information right before bed often means you can’t sleep well, particularly when we’re presented with situations beyond our control. And most of us are sleeping with our phones.

In almost every age group, at least 40 percent of Americans sleep with their phones within reach. For those 25 to 29 years old, the number’s even higher: Almost 80 percent are snuggling up to their devices.

The danger isn’t only that each beep overnight has the potential to wake us up. Smartphones also emit a blue light, signaling to the brain that it’s time to wake up.

Blue lights suppress melatonin, the hormone that dictates our sleep rhythms. Yes, the struggle to sleep with your phone is real.

4. Your children are picking up your naughty habits

“Do as I say, not as I do” is all too real when it comes to smartphone time. Even as parents ask children and teens to lay off Snapchat or put their phones down during dinner, they’re checking calendars, answering texts or indulging in one last game of Candy Crush.

It stands to reason then that in almost every study of smartphone use, young adults have the highest usage rates. Children are learning that always being connected is normal — and missing out on the importance of human-to-human interaction.

Are You Addicted to Your Smartphone?

If any of these apply to you, all signs point to a smartphone addiction:

  • You reach for your smartphone upon waking up and right before bed.
  • It’s not uncommon for you to catch up on emails or the latest in the news while you’re eating.
  • When your phone is out of reach, low on battery or (gasp) completely turned off, you feel anxious or stressed out.
  • Being out of cell phone signal makes you feel like you might be missing something.
  • You live for that next Instagrammable moment.
  • Pavlov’s dogs have nothing on you: When you hear that familiar text sound, you perk up.
  • You’ve checked your phone at least once while reading this article!


Addressing nomophobia involves a combination of strategies:

In addition, follow these steps to enjoy a life that’s complemented, not ruled, by your smartphone:

1. Turn off your cell phone at least an hour before bed

Give your brain a chance to unwind and commit to turning off your phone an hour before bedtime. That means off, not just on silent.

Those vibrations and blinking lights are still harmful, as is knowing that you’re just one reach away from seeing the latest.

Remember, nomophobia never sleeps, and neither will you. No wonder so many of us are always tired, huh?

If you have a legitimate reason for keeping your phone on — your daughter is out with friends or your parents are elderly and you don’t have a landline — turn your phone on “do not disturb,” and place your phone on the other side of the room. In this mode, your phone will silence all notifications but allow you to enable exceptions, such as a phone call from a specific number.

Remember: Seeing how many “likes” your last Instagram post received is not a legitimate reason.

“But I use my phone as my alarm clock,” you say. “I need it nearby!”

To that I respond …

2. Stop shacking up with your phone

Get a real alarm clock. (Yes, you can still find these Stone Age relics.)

Not only will this allow you to turn off your phone completely overnight (again, unless you need to stay on alert for a family member and don’t have a landline), but instead of waking up with the temptation to see what you missed overnight, you can spend the first moments of the morning stretching, thinking about what’s on schedule for the day or basically doing anything other than checking your phone.

For extra credit, I challenge you not to turn your phone on again until your morning routine is finished: You’ve exercised, showered, dressed, eaten breakfast, maybe even read the paper (remember that pastime!) and pushed the kids out the door.

3. Set certain times to check your phone

Do you really need to look at every single email the second it’s received? Save your sanity and simultaneously help your productivity by designating certain times to glance at your smartphone.

For instance, you might want to do a five-minute sweep of your social networks and email right before sitting down at your desk to do work, then hide your phone away for the next hour, checking it when you take a five-minute break.

Structuring your working hours around short breaks helps you settle in to your task without distractions for a period of time, while knowing that a “break” is just around the corner.

Additionally, once the work day is over, give yourself a set length of time that you’re allowed to check anything work-related. Maybe after dinner (and well before bedtime!) you allow yourself 10 minutes to review any messages that might have come in or need your attention.

And this is the time to be discerning: If it’s not something that requires your attention right this second (i.e., a million-dollar deal will fall through if you don’t answer that email), it can wait until morning.

4. Establish phone-free zones

I know I can’t be the only one who’s horrified that smartphones are disrupting people during intimate moments. With that said, designating certain places and times as phone-free zones is a great way to tackle nomophobia.

Mealtimes are a good place to start: Instead of scrolling and chewing, you can practice mindful eating and engaging conversation.

It’s also a prime opportunity to set an example for children. They’ll see you value conversation and good food over responding to your phone’s every ring.

And please, just say no to phones in bed.

5. Engage in real human contact

Finally, instead of “connecting” with friends and family over social media, try spending some real time with them. Instead of “liking” your cousin’s status, call him up to hear the story firsthand (gasp!).

Set up a coffee date to catch up with friends instead of that group text. Send a thoughtful card to a faraway friend.

We’re social creatures who thrive on real human interaction. That’s something a smartphone just can’t replicate.

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