91-100 of 404 Results

What Causes Blood in Stool? (+ 5 Natural Remedies)

Seeing bright red blood in stool is no laughing matter, especially when it’s your own poop. Sometimes it can mean something serious is going on. Other times it may be minor and nothing to lose sleep over. Either way, bloody stool can be quite alarming, and most experts agree it’s not something to just ignore.…

12 Cilantro Benefits, Nutrition and Recipes

Cilantro benefits are impressive, but it can be a pretty polarizing ingredient. While some love its refreshing flavor, others find that it leaves a soapy, unpleasant aftertaste. Regardless of which end of the spectrum you fall on, there's no doubting that it is packed with micronutrients, antioxidants and other medicinal compounds that can have a…

GERD Diet Plan: Best & Worst Foods + Natural Remedies

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) causes daily persistent heartburn, also called acid reflux, in nearly one in five American adults. This chronic condition, caused by inflammation and dysfunctions of the stomach, leads to tissue damage that erodes the esophagus. The good news is following a GERD diet can help treat GERD symptoms, along with lifestyle changes.…

Egg Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits Explain Why It’s a Superior Food

We all know that eggs are delicious, but did you know they can also reduce your risk of a laundry list of diseases, protect your skin and eyes from UV damage, and improve liver and brain function? It’s true, and these are just a few of the amazing potential benefits of egg nutrition. Eggs are…

How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids (4+ Natural Remedies)

Hemorrhoids are a very common anorectal condition that affects millions of people around the world. More than half of all people will develop symptomatic hemorrhoids at some point, so it's common to wonder how to get rid of hemorrhoids. Most patients are able to get rid of hemorrhoids with a high-fiber diet, herbal supplements and non-surgical medical…

Alopecia Areata Causes & 9 Natural Remedies

Alopecia areata affects 2 percent of the worldwide population. And although it doesn't cause physical pain or make you feel sick, it can be a psychologically devastating disease. This autoimmune disease involves the loss of hair around the scalp, face and parts of the body. It can come on at any time, without warning. Alopecia…

Natural Blood Thinners You Already May Have in Your Kitchen

Anticoagulant medications have been implicated in serious adverse reactions, with countless case reports indicating the use of these drugs can lead to hospital admission from issues like excessive bleeding. Because of their potential for harm, being aware of natural blood thinners as potential alternatives is critical. Blood clots are among the most preventable types of…

Dr. Axe’s Healing Foods Diet (What to Eat & What to Avoid)

What you grab at the grocery store can have a huge impact on overall health. In fact, while loading your cart up with refined grains, sugary drinks and processed foods can increase inflammation and tank energy levels, filling up on healthy, healing foods can help keep you feeling your best and protect against chronic disease.…

What Is Candida Die Off? 6 Ways to Manage Symptoms

If you recently cleaned up your diet, gave up alcohol or went gluten-free and now you unexpectedly find yourself feeling worse than you did before, then you might be experiencing symptoms of "candida die off."  Many people describe candida die off symptoms — which can include headaches, brain fog, nausea and more — as being…

Probiotics: Top Benefits, Foods and Supplements

Whether you’re looking to help your immune function, decrease disease risk or simply improve your overall health, probiotics can make a worthy addition to your daily routine. Not only that, but some people — including billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates — even believe that probiotics could hold the key to ending malnutrition across the globe someday.…