101-110 of 205 Results

Bulgur Wheat: The Better Wheat for Your Belly & More

As a staple of Indian, Turkish and Middle Eastern cuisines for centuries, bulgur wheat tends to be most well-known around the world as the main ingredient used in tabbouleh. There are load of other ways to use this fast-cooking, versatile grain too: in soups, over salads and in whole grain bread, for example. Compared to refined carbohydrate foods…

Lyme Disease Treatment (Natural vs. Conventional) and Prevention Tips

Lyme disease is a complicated infection that is caused by bacteria that's transmitted from a tick or insect bite. The majority of cases of Lyme are due to a bite from a type of deer tick known as the black-legged tick, which can carry and pass on bacteria known as borrelia burgdorferi. According to the Michigan…

Best Bone Broth Sources & How to Use Them

Bone broth is a power-packed ingredient that is often touted for its multitude of health benefits. In fact, research suggests that bone broth and its components may help improve skin elasticity, support gut health, reduce joint pain and more. And although traditional bone broth requires hours upon hours of preparation, adding one of the best…

Processed Foods Dominate the American Diet — Healthy Swaps to the Rescue!

Processed foods have become a pantry staple in households across the globe. Dig a little deeper into nearly any kitchen and you're sure to find a jar of tomato sauce, some canned vegetables and a few frozen foods lurking in the freezer. But with a slew of recent studies showing that these common ingredients may…

Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides: the Superior Collagen Supplement

Collagen has become a popular ingredient that is now commonly found in sports supplements, skin serums and anti-aging formulations alike. However, a quick stroll through the supplement section of your favorite health store to pick up some collagen powder can easily leave you feeling confused and overwhelmed. From gelatin to hydrolyzed collagen to collagen peptides,…

Benzoic Acid Side Effects: Is This Preservative Good or Bad for You?

Flip over just about any of the products in your pantry and there's a pretty good chance you just may spot benzoic acid on the list of ingredients. This common preservative is naturally present in many types of foods and is also sometimes added to processed foods, cosmetics and ointments as well. Not only can…

Natural Treatment Plan for Celiac Disease Symptoms

According to the Celiac Disease Foundation, around 1 in 100 people worldwide have celiac disease and in the U.S. alone, 2.5 million people are currently undiagnosed and at risk for long-term health complications. (1) Celiac disease was first described over 8,000 years ago by a Greek physician who had no idea that this disorder was a…

Detox with Chelation Therapy — Help Your Heart & Brain

Chelation therapy is considered an alternative medicine that has the purpose of removing “heavy metals” and toxins from the body. Why would someone experience heavy metal toxicity in the first place? Although it might sound like something only tied to rare circumstances of accidental poisoning, heavy metals are more common than you think. If you…

Bitter Foods: Do These 20 Bitter Foods Really Boost Health?

Most people experience cravings for sweet foods or salty snacks from time to time, regardless of whether they're in the form of chocolates, chips or cheese. However, typically very few people find themselves seeking something bitter in the midst of midnight snacking. In fact, despite the multitude of benefits associated with bitter foods, their flavor…

Coumarin: Inflammation Fighter or Toxic Danger?

Despite its sweet flavor and pleasant aroma, coumarin is a chemical that can have serious effects on health when consumed in high amounts. In fact, high doses have been linked to liver damage, impaired cognitive development and even cancer formation in both animal and human studies. However, coumarin is found distributed throughout the food supply…