11-20 of 58 Results

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally: 10 Ways

Did you know the average 75-year-old Okinawan male has much higher levels of testosterone than the average American male who is 30 years younger, and today, low testosterone in males is rapidly growing? There are a few factors, including lifestyle, body weight and not eating enough foods that boost testosterone. Maintaining the right level of…

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Benefits and How to Increase Naturally

If you're a sports fan, you've probably heard of human growth hormone — more commonly known as HGH — and associate it with cheating and steroid use. However, did you know that HGH is a natural testosterone booster that's produced on its own and provides many important benefits? It's true. Is human growth hormone good…

What Is Chronic Stress? Learn How to Overcome Naturally

Stress. It’s an awful word and a worse feeling, isn’t it? It's particularly awful when talking chronic stress. The thing is, stress isn’t all bad. Without it, we wouldn’t be motivated to take steps to protect ourselves, plan for the future or perform. A certain level of stress (especially "good" eustress) helps us adapt to our…

Best Thermogenic Ingredients to Burn Fat — or Are They Too Risky?

You’ve likely seen the bottles for thermogenic supplements at the drugstore. They feature trim, slim men and women, flexing in bathing suits. The labels and advertisements are usually similar: lose pounds in days, build muscle quickly or other drastic results with these fat burners. During a weight-loss plateau, you might even have been tempted to…

Saw Palmetto Benefits for the Prostate and Hair Loss

Saw palmetto benefits have been known for a long time. In fact, the saw palmetto plant was used for medicine by the Native Americans of the Southeastern U.S., and in the early 20th century, men used the berries to treat urinary tract problems and increase sperm production — in addition to maintaining prostate health. Today,…

Nitric Oxide Benefits & How to Increase Levels Naturally

It was only a few decades ago that people started paying attention to nitric oxide. Named molecule of the year in 1992, it previously had been a pretty undervalued aspect of human health. Several years later, in 1998, three scientists were given a Nobel Prize for their discovery that nitric oxide is a key molecule in…

How to Prevent Arteriosclerosis: Eat More (Good) Fat & Fiber

Different forms of arteriosclerosis are the primary causes of heart disease and strokes. It's a disease that progresses slowly and can start as early as childhood. Thanks to numerous studies and advancements in technology, we now have a clearer understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms that lead to arterial and coronary heart diseases. Strong evidence…

Diabetes Symptoms to Be Aware Of (and 6 Natural Ways to Control)

In the U.S., diabetes — or diabetes mellitus (DM) — is full-blown epidemic, and that’s not hyperbole. According to the CDC, an estimated 29 million Americans have some form of diabetes, nearly 9 percent of the population, and even more alarming, the average American has a one in three chance of developing diabetes symptoms at…

Niacin Benefits: 9 Reasons You Need Vitamin B3

Niacin is an incredibly important water-soluble vitamin that plays a role in many aspects of health, from brain function to heart health and beyond. Although associated with a number of potential niacin side effects, it's also one of the few micronutrients frequently prescribed by physicians to treat health concerns like high cholesterol, skin conditions, schizophrenia…

Fenugreek Benefits for the Gut, Testosterone Levels & More

Never heard of fenugreek? This medicinal herb helps reduce both internal and external inflammation, and it includes many health benefits when used regularly. As noted in the book "Essential Oils in Food Preservation, Flavor and Safety," fenugreek extract and oil are known to possess antimicrobial, antioxidant, antidiabetic and antitumorigenic activities. Learn more about what fenugreek…