261-270 of 404 Results

Sumac Spice: The Heart-Healthy, Bone-Supporting Antioxidant Herb

With its tangy, lemon-like flavor and vibrant red hue, sumac spice is a superstar ingredient that deserves a spot in every spice cabinet. Besides adding a zip of flavor and color to dishes, this powerful spice has also been associated with an extensive set of benefits. Thanks to its rich content of polyphenols and flavonoids,…

Vitamin B: Top 6 Benefits and How to Get More in Your Diet

According to the Harvard School of Public Health, only a fraction of U.S. adults currently gets the recommended daily intake of all B vitamins from their diets alone. (1) What does vitamin B do to your body, and why is it risky to be deficient in one or more of them? "Vitamin B" actually refers…

Optic Neuritis Symptoms and 5 Natural Remedies

Optic neuritis is a condition of the eyes that can affect both adults and children — especially anyone who has an autoimmune disease or history of a viral infection that causes their immune system to attack the nerves in their eyes. If eye conditions like optic neuritis are not treated, they can become serious and…

AIP Diet: Benefits of the Autoimmune Protocol

At just 38 years old, Sandra Dorst was diagnosed with antisynthetase syndrome, a rare autoimmune condition that affects the connective tissue. A few years after her diagnosis, she had made major strides in terms of her health thanks to the help of modern medicine but was still left with debilitating autoimmune disease symptoms like daily…

Worse Than Gingivitis: Periodontitis Causes & Symptoms (+ 5 Natural Remedies)

Periodontitis is an infection or inflammation (swelling) of the bones and ligaments that support your teeth. It happens with gum swelling or infection, also known as gingivitis, goes untreated. The problem spreads from the gums into the support structures of your teeth. It can cause your teeth to loosen and even fall out. The condition…

Toenail Fungus Treatment: 3 Steps to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Fast!

Fungal infections that appear on the skin are one of the most common infections in humans. Many people are curious about natural toenail fungus treatment, as this is an issue that many folks struggle with. Few are aware that toenail fungus symptoms can actually be a sign of candida virus or yeast within your system.…

7 Natural Remedies for Reactive Arthritis Symptoms

If you experience pain and swelling in your joints after an infection, you may have reactive arthritis. This form of arthritis causes inflammation and sometimes severe pain in the knees, ankles and feet, but it can also affect the heels, toes, back and fingers. According to the American College of Rheumatology, reactive arthritis typically occurs as…

Phlebitis: 5 Natural Ways to Improve Swollen Vein Symptoms

Phlebitis — a swollen or inflamed vein — is a fairly common condition that can range from mild to deadly, depending on its location and cause. Early treatment is important to help prevent complications. In most cases, phlebitis can be effectively treated with conventional medicine. In addition, many people can take steps to naturally lower…

Do You Have an Enlarged Spleen? Warning Signs and 5 Treatments

Did you know you could have an enlarged spleen and not even realize it? It's true. In fact, most people don't experience any noticeable symptoms of an enlarged spleen at all! Another surprise? Research shows that around 3 percent of healthy first-year college students have enlarged spleens. In some cases, people have genetically enlarged spleens, but it…