461-470 of 1044 Results

Horse Chestnut Benefits Include Phlebitis Relief (+ Precautions)

You may not be able to roast it on an open fire, but you might be interested to know that horse chestnut is an effective dietary supplement that’s been used for hundreds of years to treat a number of conditions. Traditionally, horse chestnut was taken by people hoping to naturally cure joint pain, bladder and…

How a Food Writer Healed Her Digestion Woes Naturally 

I had been a professional food writer — as in, it was literally my job to eat my way around the world, reporting on the most delicious foods for magazines — for half a decade, and a bona fide food lover for 25 years before my “iron stomach” began to fail me. It started with…

Popular Acid Reflux Medication Linked to Chronic Liver Disease

Proton-pump inhibitors, or PPIs, are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in the world. In fact, one study estimates Americans spend $11 billion on PPIs each year. (1) These popular pills are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of acid-relation conditions like acid reflux. But you may or may not be surprised to learn that…

Is There Such a Thing as Healing Prayer?

If you've read many of the articles on this site, something you're probably already aware of is that I believe in focusing on your spiritual health and the power of prayer. Have you ever heard someone say that "prayer can heal you?" You may think that this is just hype, exaggerated hope or a bit of…

Nutritionist Belief Systems, Roles and Training

A nutritionist is someone who studies nutrition or who is an "expert" in the field. Depending on where you live in the world, nutritionists in your area might refer to themselves as different titles, which can include dietitian-nutritionist, nutrition scientist, registered nutritionist, clinical nutritionist, sports nutritionist, certified nutritionist, nutrition therapist and others. (1) Nutritionists and…

The Science Behind ‘Food is Medicine’ & ‘Medicinal Foods’

Hippocrates was to thank for the famous quote, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" — which we translated to "food is medicine" and use as our motto. Still to this day medical doctors and historians consider Hippocrates to be the founder of medicine as a "rational science." Considered to be one…

Top 50 Functional and Integrative Medical Doctors

Raise your hand if you've ever gone to the doctor, weren't seen on time and then spent just a few minutes with your doctor before being ushered out? Or perhaps your health care provider sent you home with a few new prescriptions and no real explanation as to why your health was suffering? Welcome to…

What Is the Wheat Belly Diet Plan?

According to research conducted by the the United States Department of Agriculture, people in the U.S. consume about 500 more calories today than they did 40 years ago — and a whopping 92 percent of the increased per capita caloric intake is attributable to processed grains, oils and other fats dominating most Americans' diets. Surveys show…

How Fermented Foods Reduce Social Anxiety

According to Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 15 million adults in the U.S. have social anxiety disorder. Onset typically occurs at 13 years old, and over one-third of people suffer with the symptoms for 10 years or more before seeking help. Social anxiety disorder causes extreme fear in social situations where judgment and being…

Avoid the Deadly Powassan Virus: 9 Ways to Prevent Tick Bites

Before you venture outdoors this summer, be sure to protect yourself against ticks. Due to recent unusually warm winters in the U.S., which allowed insects to better survive, tick populations are up — and so is the risk of contracting a nasty tick-borne illness. In addition to the usual suspects, like Lyme disease, a rarer…