71-80 of 318 Results

Is Sparkling Water Good for You? Benefits vs. Risks

While the sparkling water — the carbonated version of water — has gained popularity, people don't exactly know where sparkling water — also commonly called carbonated water, club soda, seltzer, seltzer water, soda water, fizzy water or mineral water — stands in regard to health. Is it similar to alkaline water or something different entirely?…

Resveratrol: the Anti-Aging Antioxidant for the Heart, Brain & Waistline

How do the French eat more fat, sugar and rich foods, plus drink more wine, but still have less heart health issues? The answer to this puzzling question, commonly known as the "french paradox," is believed to be due to a higher intake of a specific phytonutrient called resveratrol, found naturally in "superfoods" like red…

Lipase: The Digestive Enzyme that Helps Fight Major Diseases

Enzymes are substances made of protein that help stimulate chemical reactions. One of these enzymes crucial to human health is called lipase. What is lipase exactly? Lipase is one of our most vital digestive enzymes released mainly by the pancreas into the small intestine to help the body process and absorb fats. By breaking down and helping the…

7 High Cholesterol Foods to Avoid & 3 to Eat

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morality in developed and developing countries. High LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations along with low HDL cholesterol concentrations are associated with elevated cardiovascular disease risk. To ensure that you maintain heart health, it's important that you consume cholesterol-lowering foods and avoid high-cholesterol foods that lead to inflammation and weight…

20 Acai Bowl Recipes — the Superfood Detox Breakfast

Have you had enough kale, or are you over-adding flaxseeds to your breakfast? Do your breakfast smoothies need an upgrade? Then get excited because the acai berry is here — along with amazing acia bowl recipes. This superfood is a hit in its native Brazil, and the trend has reached American shores. It's a good…

Top 25 Insoluble Fiber Foods and Surprising Benefits Beyond Constipation Relief

Why is it so important to to eat high-fiber foods? Insoluble fiber and soluble fiber each have unique benefits. Insoluble fiber is the type that helps to prevent constipation, cleans out the gastrointestinal tract and even helps protect against serious problems like colorectal cancer. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans states that adults should aim to…

GAPS Diet Plan & Protocol for Solving Gut Issues + More

It's undeniable that there is an intricate connection between your gut microbiome and overall health. Made up of trillions of microorganisms, increasing research shows that the health of your gut flora is thought to have a massive influence on health and disease. Improving the composition of your gut microbiome is the main concept behind the…

Boswellia Benefits for Inflammation, Joints, Cancer & Autoimmune

Because it may help turn off reactions of the immune system that drive up inflammation and swelling, boswellia is a potential natural treatment for cancer , capable of helping to fight pain in addition to inflammation. Boswellia serrata extract is so powerful that today it's considered comparable to NSAID pain relievers (the leading type of chemical anti-inflammatory medications).…

12 Bentonite Clay Benefits — for the Skin, Gut and More

While bentonite clay has been used for centuries around the world to promote better health and ward off diseases, those living in the U.S. and Europe have, for the most part, only recently become familiar with this product. What is bentonite clay used for? Bentonite clay (BC), also called calcium bentonite clay or Montmorillonite clay, is now taking…

Glycine: The Muscle-Building, Brain-Boosting Amino Acid

While you may not be familiar with the term specifically, you probably already rely on glycine every day to strengthen your body and, frankly, allow it to work properly. What is glycine used for? This amino acid is essential for many different muscle, cognitive and metabolic functions. It helps break down and transport nutrients like glycogen and…