A Guide to the Best Essential Oils for Winter & Fall - Dr. Axe

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Best Essential Oils for Colds, Flu & Beyond


Best essential oils for cold - Dr. Axe

With all of the viruses and ailments circulating this winter, it’s no wonder people are searching for the best essential oils for colds. And the flu. And dry skin and sore throats. Cooler months bring a unique set of health challenges. When this time of year sets in, I like to use essential oils as part of my first line of defense.

Whether you’re completely new to essential oils or looking to expand your comfort level with new oils, this list identifies some of the go-to oils for common winter and fall issues. As always, essential oils safety is important to understand, too. Not all oils are safe to ingest or apply to your skin. Your age, medications and pets in the house will also play into which oils are best for your household.

Best Essential Oils for Colds 

Thyme oil may be best known for its antibacterial properties, but it packs a potent antiviral punch, too. In fact, its germ-killing qualities are so effective, you’ll find thyme oil as the active ingredient in many commercial green cleaning products.

Warming ginger essential oil also comes in handy during cold season, thanks to its mucus-clearing properties.

Essential oils for colds - Dr. Axe

Best Essential Oils for the Flu

When flu season is in full swing, you may be looking for more natural ways to ease symptoms. As always, if your symptoms become severe or do not improve, check in with your healthcare provider. But many people are able to support their bodies and use essential oils and other flu natural remedies to get through a flu episode.

Essential oils for colds and flu - Dr. Axe

Essential Oils for Dry Skin

Humidity levels typically drop in late fall and winter, leaving our skin parched, flaky and sometimes even cracked. So many lotions and moisturizers on the market contain really harmful synthetic scents. I opt for natural oils to keep my skin feeling smooth and less damaged.

Essential oils for colds and dry skin - Dr. Axe

Essential Oils for Sore Throat 

If you find yourself searching for essential oils for sore throat issues this winter, you’re not alone. Viruses like the flu and common cold often the cause of irritating sore throats.

Essential oils for colds and sore throats - Dr. Axe

Essential Oils for Arthritis

If you’re living with arthritis, you know the transition to cold weather can be brutal. Add to that the wild fluctuations in temperature and humidity we’ve experienced this season, and it’s easy to see how people’s joints are feeling the effects.

Essential oils for colds and arthritis - Dr. Axe

Essential Oils for Sinusitis

Clogged sinuses can last for weeks or even months. In fact, about 35 million Americans suffer from sinus infections or sinusitis annually. These are the oils I turn to when I feel sinus issues starting to crop up.

Essential oils for colds and sinusitis - Dr. Axe

Essential Oils for Cool Weather Allergies

Thankfully, brutal ragweed and other pollen-related allergies aren’t in full-swing in the winter. But that doesn’t mean a break from all allergies. If you’re irritated by cold-weather allergies, you may want to look into these essential oils for some relief.

Essential oils for colds and allergies - Dr. Axe

More Essential Oils