DIY Anti-Itch Cream with Bentonite Clay & Calendula - Dr. Axe

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DIY Anti-Itch Cream with Bentonite Clay



DIY Anti-Itch Cream - Dr. Axe
Itchy skin can be so annoying, with inflammation to include swelling, heat, redness and even pain. If continued scratching occurs, it can make problems worse and cause infection. When summer is around the corner, anything from insect bites from those pesky mosquitoes, poison ivy, poison oak and irritation from the chlorine in pools can cause dry itchy skin, especially for the kids! And we are all familiar with that sunburn itch.

So while it’s best to prevent sunburn all together by using sunscreen, this DIY anti-itch cream can provide some effective itch relief.

And while there are many hydrocortisone creams and antihistamines on the shelves, I recommend avoiding unnecessary chemicals, especially when there is an easy home remedy for itching at  your fingertips. Also, some of these products can have side effects such as sleepiness, fatigue, dizziness, headache and dry mouth.

So let’s get our ingredients together and make our very own DIY anti-itch cream. Using a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl that can sit in a pot with about 2 inches of water, melt the coconut oil and shea butter over low to medium heat. Then add the dried calendula. Place a lid on top allowing the heat to infuse the calendula for about 20 minutes.

Coconut oil has amazing antibacterial properties while providing moisturization to the irritated skin. Shea butter simply can’t be beat for its ability to repair the skin with it’s high nutrient-dense vitamin E and vitamin A content. Calendula is a pretty phenomenal herb that helps speed up recovery of wounds and irritated skin by increasing blood flow and oxygen to the infected area. 

It’s time to separate the herbs from the oil. Simply strain the oil using a fine mesh sieve like a cheesecloth and discard the calendula. Next, wipe down the double boiler so that you can use it again by placing the infused oil back into it. Return the heat to low/medium and add the honey or beeswax. Honey or beeswax are great additions helping to inhibit the growth of bacteria. Stir until well blended.


Remove from heat and add the baking soda, bentonite clay, witch hazel and apple cider vinegar to the mixture. Continue stirring. It will start to resemble mud. These four ingredients are important because they help draw out the impurities. Bentonite clay benefits your body by helping to expel many of these toxins (thus as part of a heavy metal detox) and can increase immunity and reduce inflammation. (1

Apple cider vinegar contains minerals, such as potassium, that can help reduce swelling and inflammation caused from skin irritation like poison ivy. The great news is that apple cider vinegar, along with these other ingredients, helps pull the poison out of your skin more quickly.

Now add the peppermint, tea tree oil and chamomile. Blend well. Peppermint provides a nice cooling sensation and helps stop the itch pretty fast due to the pain relief it provides. Not only that, it’s an antiseptic and an anti-inflammatory, and is great for poison ivy and poison oak. Tea tree oil is also an antiseptic in addition to being an antifungal and antibacterial which helps heal rashes associated with itchy skin. Let’s not overlook the amazing chamomile! Chamomile is not great as a tea calming you from a hard day, but it calms itchy skin, too. Chamomile is a soothing floral herb and a great solution to add to this recipe.

Allow it to cool for just a few seconds, then pour or spoon the cream into a jar with a tight-fitting lid. As it continues to cool, the cream will solidify into a spreadable lotion.

Now you are ready to use your DIY anti-itch cream! Just spread the cream over itchy skin irritations 2–3 times a day. One important note, however: Baking soda can cause irritation and pain to open wounds. It may be best to avoid use on open wounds.

DIY Anti-Itch Cream with Bentonite Clay

Total Time: 15 minutes
Serves: Makes 4-5 ounces


  • 2 tablespoons shea butter
  • 1 tablespoons coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoons dried calendula
  • 1 tablespoons honey or 1–2 beeswax pellets
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons baking soda
  • 2 ½ tablespoons bentonite clay
  • 1 teaspoons witch hazel
  • 1 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 5 drops tea tree oil
  • 5 drops chamomile


  1. Using a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl that can sit in a pot with about 2 inches of water, melt the coconut oil and shea butter over low to medium heat.
  2. Add the dried calendula. Place a lid on top allowing the heat to infuse the calendula for about 20 minutes.
  3. Using a fine mesh sieve like a cheesecloth, strain the oil and discard the calendula.
  4. Wipe down the double boiler so that you can use it again. Pour the infused oil back into it.
  5. Return the heat to low/medium and add the honey or beeswax.
  6. Remove from heat and add the baking soda, bentonite clay, witch hazel and apple cider vinegar to the mixture. Continue stirring. It will start to resemble mud.
  7. Add the peppermint, tea tree oil and chamomile. Blend well.
  8. Allow it to cool for just a few seconds.
  9. Pour or spoon the cream into a jar with a tight-fitting lid. As it continues to cool, the cream will solidify into a spreadable lotion.

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  1. Sharee on

    I am making this today, my arms are always itchy and I am so tired of trying different creams and lotions! Thank you Dr Axe!

  2. Janice on

    Jewelweed stops poison ivy. It grows near the poison vine. Looks like an orange impatient when blooming. I gather it every year. You can squeeze the stem juice out and apply fresh on the rash. OR Chop it and boil in water to create a tincture. Strain the juices out and discard the plant. It can be frozen to use the next spring. I put it in a spray bottle and spray liberally if I have been exposed or even prior to walking in a wooded area. Some folks add alcohol and a few drops of tea tree oil to the tincture. I never have but I am sure it would be fine.

    I live in the woods and spent 20 years suffering all summer long from poison ivy. A little old lady gave me a bottle of jewelweed juice she had made. I’ve never suffered from poison since. The juice stops the rash in its tracks. There are YouTube videos explaining how to make it. Or go to Etsy as people sell it there. It works. It is natural.

  3. Patty Vogel on

    I am reading this with a current outbreak of poison ivy on my arms. How timely! I am highly allergic to poison ivy, oak & sumac so this post was very helpful to me. I did go to the doctor and start the steroid treatment. However, now I will make this healthy remedy to have on hand for future use. Thanks Dr. Axe

  4. Toni on

    I am broken out all over my body and it looks like spiders had a field day. This whole article is timely and I will follow many suggestions and make an anti-itch cream. Thank you!

  5. Maxine on

    Just whipped up a batch today for a client who had a detox reaction rash all over his body.
    It was very creamy, a little too oily, and he liked the peppermint cooling factor.
    Next time I make it, I’m going to slowly pour the melted coconut oil into the rest of the mixture as it’s mixing in my blender so as to emulsify it. That’s how I make mayonnaise and it really keeps the oil from separating from the rest of the mixture.

    • Pam on

      Just remember that since this formula contains calcium bentonite clay, you must be careful NOT to expose it to any metal while making or using it (that would include metal in a blender via the blades, or on a metal spoon, or a metal bowl).

      Whenever I use bentonite clay I am sure to use only glass bowls and hand mix it myself with my bamboo spoons only. Sadly, I cannot use my Vitamix as it has metal blades to make any DIY recipes that include bentonite clay, but I don’t mind because it’s so worth including it in many of the health and detox formulas. 😇💜

  6. Tarablee on

    Read the comments and see that people are having trouble applying. I placed some in a small cup and added a bit of water. Stirred with a soft haired paint brush. This seems to activate the clay like a mask. I then applied with the brush. Worked very well!

  7. Allecia on

    Hello, I was hoping Someone, anyone knows how long the shelf life is???? I have scrolled down all the comments and there is no reply for this question!?!?
    Thank you

    • Tarablee on

      The shelf life is as old as the least shelf life ingredient. If you keep it in the refrigerator it lasts longer. Use your nose, that’s what it’s there for.

    • Maxine on

      Sure why not?? It may not have all the healing properties as the full recipe but in an emergency if that’s all you have then do it. The clay is wonderful and the peppermint cools the rash.
      I was going to do that but I had time to go to the store to get the other ingredients. The only one I’m having trouble finding is the Calendula leaves.

  8. Marie on

    You mention chamomile at the end of this recipe; not sure if you mean the dired flowers, the chamomile essential oil, or plain chamomile tea… For the other ingredients you specify “oil”, can you please clarify? And is it absolutely required for the efficacy of this cream?

  9. Lisa J Alexander on

    This seems like a good recipe, but before I go and buy all the ingredients, could you answer the questions? Specifically, the question where it asks how you actually make the cream, and how to keep it from separating or being too hard to spread. It seems like people try to make this, but it turned out horribly. There are no directions. We appreciate the ingredient list but please tell us how to mix it properly. Thank you. P.S. I am a person who bought and read your book.

  10. Sandra Million on

    Thank you for the anti itch cream recipe. I had been working out in my yard and that evening I started itching my legs were covered with chiggers bites. I applied your anti-itch cream. WOW! IT SOOTHED THE ITCHING. THANK YOU!

  11. Holly Stone on

    This is a great anti-itch cream. My husband has been having skin irritation on his arms, scratching himself bloody at night and this helped to settle his urge to itch down. I also used it when I was in the pool and it was overchlorinated. I broke out badly on my back and this soothed the itch and made the rash go away. I didn’t have any trouble making the salve. It is a little gritty and solidifies when cool, but will spread (thickly) on arms. If you think it seems too thick, just add some more oil. I used dried calendula blossoms but I’m sure the oil would work too. It’s wonderful, although you may want to be careful about getting it on your good clothes as the clay shows up a bit. I did not use a great deal of beeswax and it was still very thick. Dr Axe knows his stuff!

  12. Joanie on

    I have many of the same questions as the comments below but there doesn’t seem to be any response.
    What are the directions to make the itch cream? Mine turned out horrible. The dry ingredients and the wet ingredients are like oil and water in a sense. The oil stays on my skin but the dry ingredients just roll into balls and fall off. It will not spread on the skin at all. Frustrating and not cheap with the chamomile oil.

  13. nikki on

    so i am allergic to essential oils and beeswax according to my recent patch test through cleveland clinic, can i make this without those ingredients or are there appropriate substitute. thank you for your time

    • Diana smuck on

      skip the essential oils and use an oil infusion of chamomile and canendula. rice bran oil or grape seed is nice. when the oils are cooled add arrowroot powder (flour for a thickener)don’t add while hot or it may get to thick

  14. Karen Clark on

    I am undergoing a treatment protocol that uses a fair number of homeopathic with with peppermint is contraindicated. I will be on-going for a number of months. Is there another oil I can use in lieu of the peppermint?

    Side Note: I noticed a grammatical error which alters the meaning of the sentence.
    “Chamomile is not great as a tea calming you from a hard day, but it calms itchy skin, too.”
    Should read: “Chamomile is not ONLY great as a tea calming you. . . . . . .”
    Add the word ONLY.

    Also: Though it is not clearly specified, I am assuming that you intend us to use SIFTED calendula and not the powdered. Am I correct?

    Thank you for these marvelous recipes. Greatly appreciated.

    I looked at your Emu site. However, as a lacto-vegetarian I cannot use the Emu oil. I am plagued from time to time with eczema and though the Emu oil sounds beneficial, I cannot use it. Will this cream help with the awful itch and hard scaley skin also?

    Thanks, Karen Clark

  15. Florence on

    Please can wide yam capsule contain the same quality effect as the eating or liquid can it course sleeping problems or be addicted to

  16. Heather on

    Can this be used if you’re pregnant! Doctor prescribed hydrocotisone and I’m not crazy about that idea. I already make my own coconut oil/shea body butter, but my skin has been extra itchy lately and driving me crazy. TIA

  17. Gail on

    I’m about to make my second batch! This is great for stings as well as bites. I don’t have chamomile, but I put in aloe gel.

  18. Beverly Spoerhase on

    Dr. Axe:

    Thank you for your freedom and joyous manner in presenting your products.

    I just ordered your Bone Broth Protein.

    What Blender do you use? it seems a good one on your youtube talks.

  19. Jeanie Roberts on

    What type of Witch Hazel? With or without alcohol. I’ve never used it so I’m a little confused. Help!


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