Hydrating Lavender and Rose Water Toner - Dr. Axe

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Hydrating Lavender and Rose Water Toner


Rose water toner - Dr. Axe

Skin and facial toners are very helpful in a healthy, natural skin care regimen because they can balance the skin’s pH and help it heal, largely from beneficial ingredients such as antioxidants and humectants that it may contain. I have developed an awesome DIY hydrating lavender and rose water toner that you are going to love.

Rose water is made from rose petals and a by-product of the production of rose essential oil, which is different from rosehip oil; however, one of the biggest reasons you want to make your own is because most toners on the market today contain skin-damaging alcohol and preservatives. Making your own will not only help you have healthier skin, but it will save you money, too! 

But enough about why it is good, let’s get into making it right at home so that you can apply it to your face today. Let’s start by grabbing a small bowl and a small whisk or spoon.

Rose water is our star ingredient acting as an anti-inflammatory. It soothes skins and has a rich source of antioxidants, which can help strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissue. It’s also a great choice for sensitive skin. Place the rose water in the bowl.

Now, let’s add the witch hazel. Witch hazel may have a funny name, but it includes natural astringent properties and can help tighten the skin, providing a more youthful appearance. Look for an alcohol-free version since alcohol can dry out the skin.


Apple cider vinegar is up next. Apple cider vinegar helps remove bacteria-forming dead skin due to the malic acid it contains, which is a natural exfoliant. It also contains natural antibacterial properties, making it great at keeping skin clear and clean.

Meanwhile, rosehip oil is running a close race with the amazing coconut oil containing anti-aging benefits that make it a true winner and give it a place on the shelf of my bathroom closet. It contains essential fatty acids, and when those fatty acids, also known as vitamin F, are absorbed through the skin, they greatly benefit the cellular membrane and tissue regeneration. Let’s go ahead and add this to the mixture and stir.

Tea tree essential oil is great for helping reduce acne and scarring. Add 5 drops to the mixture and blend. Now, let’s add a relaxing or refreshing scent. I have chosen lavender oil for its relaxing properties and its ability to help with acne, but orange oil is another option if you want to go with a refreshing citrus scent.

Once you have added these final ingredients, blend one last time, then transfer to a small glass spray bottle. You can find these bottles most anywhere, and they are perfect for spraying the face with your natural lavender and rose water toner.

To apply, cleanse the face well, perhaps using a pure cleanser like Castile soap. Then, eyes closed, spray the toner onto the face. You can rub it around if you like or just let it air dry. It should feel refreshing. Add your favorite facial moisturizer for dry skin, such jojoba oil or a little shea butter, and apply makeup as usual. This is also perfect before going to bed.

Hydrating Lavender and Rose Water Toner

Total Time: 5 minutes
Serves: 20–30 sprays


  • 4 tablespoons rose water
  • 2 tablespoons witch hazel
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 5–10 drops rosehip oil
  • 5 drops tea tree oil
  • 5 drops lavender oil or your favorite essential oil scent


  1. Get a small bowl and a small whisk or spoon.
  2. Place the rose water, witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, rosehip oil, tea tree oil and lavender oil in the bowl. Mix well.
  3. Transfer to a small glass spray bottle.
  4. To apply, cleanse the face well, then, eyes closed, spray the toner onto the face. Add your favorite natural facial moisturizer.

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  1. Diane on

    Great recipe similar to my grandmother’s recipe that lived to be 100 years old (she died 1995, believed in holistic saw a lot of changes in her lifetime).

  2. Carmen on

    In Dr Axe toner recipe. The rosehip oil he mentiones. Is it rosehip essential oil or rosehip seed carrier oil?… not specified. Thanks x

  3. Sally on

    I was wondering if there was a way to print your recipe only, without all the other pages? Not trying to be rude, I do love all the info that comes with the recipes. But I like to keep all recipes organized.

  4. Mercedes polk on

    Hi, how are you? I spoke with u many years ago as u encouraged me to go 100 percent natural with my hair and skin. Since then , which was about 11 years ago, I’ve been 100 percent natural. Whomp whomp! Lol anyway, on the first step it says mix rise water with witch hazel. But how do u mix the rose water when u never stated how to make it. Please tell me how to make it. Thanks so much xoxoxo god bless

    • Celeste Renteria on


      4 tablespoons rose water
      2 tablespoons witch hazel
      1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
      5–10 drops rosehip oil
      5 drops tea tree oil
      5 drops lavender oil or your favorite essential oil scent

  5. Judy Bernes on

    Tip from an essential oil guru that I follow….oil doesn’t mix with water, so rather than have it stick to the sides of your bottle, add a tsp of plain carbonated water and voila it “absorbs and mixes” the oils!

  6. Teah Amstutz on

    What is the longevity of this toner after you make it? Should it be refrigerated? And how long until I need to make a new batch?

    • Judy Bernes on

      Used daily, it will be used before you need to be concerned! I’m making my 3rd batch today…..see a few of my earlier comments since January….I now apply my moisturizer when still wet and my skin feels like silk! If you use the acv(I don’t) it is a preservative on its own too.

  7. Maggie on

    I just made this toner. Check out my review here https://liveyourlifezestfully.wordpress.com/2018/01/30/testing-out-a-facial-toner-recipe/

  8. Kiara on

    Would brewing some rosehip tea and adding that in when its cooled work instead of the oil? Additionally to make rosehip and rosewater together could I brew the rosehip tea leaves and the rose petals together? Since I already have the tea and some rose bushes I’d like to know If i can do this to save some money instead of buying both of these thank you

    • Coleen Goree on

      There are so many recipes to make rose hydrosol. My favorite is to invert a bowl in a 4+quart pan surround it with rose petals, even whole roses, and put about 2 cups of water. Then put a bowl on top of the inverted bowl and place the lid on it upside down. Place on medium low heat and once there is steem put ice cubes on the inverted lid. The bowl on top should collect the rose hydrosol. Make sure everything is really clean befor you begin.

  9. Susan on

    I have Thayer’s Rose-scented Witch Hazel. I’m wondering – could this be used as a substitute for the rose water & witch hazel? And what amount? Thanks.

  10. pbckuwait.com on

    Thanks for Sharing awesome post i really searching for rose water recipe. Finally i found here lots of information that really work. i will try to create my own rose water and i make successfully today by the help of your article.
    Thanks for sharing relevant information. Keep it up… i am daily visitor now:

  11. Monika on

    Love this recipe, but missing the part about how to make the rose water..? I have Rose Essential Oil. I also often have roses in the house. I am super ready to try out this recipe! Thank you for sharing! :)

    • Daphne Dawn Herbert on

      Rose water can be made by bringing water to a boil(spring water is best but not needed) and then turning off the heat and adding organic dried roses that have been rinsed(like you do with veggies). I don’t have an exact recipe because I feel that it depends on the type and smell of the rose. So I’ll add more roses until it smells nice and then once they have lost as much color as possible, strain out. Use coffee filter if needed at end. Once cooled naturally to room temperature, you have rose water!

  12. Maureen on

    Help, I’m so interested in all these natural ingredients for the face. One issue is there are no amounts of how much to use. When the toner calls for apple cider vinegar there is no amount?

    • Monika on

      There is down below:


      4 tablespoons rose water
      2 tablespoons witch hazel
      1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
      5–10 drops rosehip oil
      5 drops tea tree oil
      5 drops lavender oil or your favorite essential oil scent

  13. Lynne on

    Please list the ingredients along with the measurements to make this Lavender and Rose Water Toner. The explanation above does not give this. Do you buy Rose Water or do you make Rose Water from Rose essential oil? If you must make it please give recipe for that as well. Thank you!

      • Monika on


        4 tablespoons rose water
        2 tablespoons witch hazel
        1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
        5–10 drops rosehip oil
        5 drops tea tree oil
        5 drops lavender oil or your favorite essential oil scent

    • Monika on


      4 tablespoons rose water
      2 tablespoons witch hazel
      1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
      5–10 drops rosehip oil
      5 drops tea tree oil
      5 drops lavender oil or your favorite essential oil scent

    • Ladyk on

      4 tablespoons rose water
      2 tablespoons witch hazel
      1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
      5–10 drops rosehip oil
      5 drops tea tree oil
      5 drops lavender oil or your favorite essential oil scent

      The quantities are listed.

  14. Marissa on

    Where on earth do you find witch hazel without alcohol? I’ve been looking for a long time, can’t find it in stores, or any of my online sundries sites, some help would be much appreciated on where I could order this online.

    • Susan on

      The brand Thayer’s has alcohol-free witch hazel. They have different scents, including rose (which I’m wondering if I can substitute that for the rose water & the witch hazel). I found Thayer’s on different sites, but bought mine at Whole Foods.

    • Judy Bernes on

      Thayers! Online …Google it or have your local healthfood store order it in…..get the unscented or Original……beautiful difference!!!

    • Judy Bernes on

      I made it for the second time and have eliminated the acv and tea tree oil. In this lovely combination the acv over rides everything :( the essential oils were a blur.. I don’t need it nor the tea tree (also overpowering) for any reason so cut them both out. The rose water with witch hazel, rosehip seed oil (shake well before each use!)with essential oils of lavender and sweet orange are amazing. I love misting till moist and letting it air dry prior to applying my skin cream ( homemade of course).

  15. Michele Bauer on

    so far I have bin getting my oils from Young Living and Rocky Mountain Oils if ur interested in learning more bout Young Living catch me on facebook @ Michele Bauer and Private Message me. Blessings

    • Barbara on

      Rosehip seed oil does not have a long shelf life, and deteriorates unless refrigerated. I love rosehip seed oil and use it a lot in my own skin care recipes. I keep my rosehip seed oil refrigerated and any recipes I make with it also. Or just mix enough to use in a short period of time.This recipe is not very much, so I think you would use it up rather quickly.

    • monica on

      Hi, is the rose water you are speaking of…………rose essential rose oil put into purified water…..is that what you mean by rose water??? if not where do you buy rose water,and who provides the best rose water . thank you , monica.

      • Michele Bauer on

        I know they sell Rose water on amazon, an I have an bought Rosehip Oil so I think they r 2 dif things. I also know that Rose oil is very expensive. I have bin getting my Essential Oils from Young Living, so I wander if I can ger rose petals an boil them to make my own rose water????

      • Judy Bernes on

        Any middle eastern/Mediterranean store carries it as it’s used in baking. Or look in your international aisle in your super art. It’s beautiful as a skin softener when mixed half and half with glycerine too!

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