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How to Get Rid of Period Cramps: 22 Natural Remedies
February 19, 2025

Ever wonder how to get rid of period cramps?
While many women suffer from PMS symptoms each month, period cramps are the most commonly reported menstrual disorder, with up to 84 percent of young women experiencing some level of menstrual pain at some point during their lives. Up to 43 percent even have reported that pain occurred during every period.
For nearly 10 percent of women, the level of pain and discomfort during their menstrual cycles as well as co-occurring symptoms are temporarily disabling, according to some estimates. This extreme form of period pain is called dysmenorrhea.
Given these statistics, it’s no wonder there are so many women wondering how to get rid of period cramps. The good news is there are several potential natural remedies for period cramps.
What are period cramps?
Period cramps occur just before and during the menstrual cycle. Dysmenorrhea is the medical term used for painful menstrual cramps.
What causes period cramps? During menstruation, the uterus contracts as it gets rid of the lining; that’s what the blood is.
The contractions are what cause the cramping. That’s normal cramping, anyway.
Other conditions, like endometriosis and adenomyosis, can also trigger period cramps.
The cramps typically start a couple of days before the period begins and continue for two to three days during the period. The painful sensation is caused when the uterus physically contracts to aid in the expelling of the uterine lining.
Pain varies widely from woman to woman and can range from minor discomfort to temporarily debilitating. The severity of cramps tends to lessen as women age and the level of prostaglandins naturally decreases.
This type of cramping during the menstrual cycle is called primary dysmenorrhea.
Primary dysmenorrhea occurs in healthy women as the uterus contracts. It’s often described as a cramping or constant ache in the lower belly and lower back, and it can even radiate through the thighs and down the legs.
The intensity varies. Some women don’t experience cramps or they’re very mild, while for other women, period cramps can be painful enough that normal day-to-day activities are affected.
Additional period pain side effects can include nausea, vomiting, fatigue and diarrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea generally becomes less painful as women age, and it may stop entirely after giving birth.
When there is an underlying reproductive disorder or disease contributing to or causing the cramping during a menstrual cycle, it is called secondary dysmenorrhea. For women with secondary dysmenorrhea, the pain tends to arrive earlier in the cycle and last longer.
However, unlike those with primary dysmenorrhea, the discomfort is typically not accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fatigue or diarrhea.
While dysmenorrhea is generally not a cause for alarm, seek emergency medical attention immediately if you experience:
- Cramping along with excessive bleeding
- Tissue passing in the menstrual flow
- Fever or chills
- Pain that suddenly appears or worsens
- Fainting or become dizzy
- If you might be pregnant
For a proper diagnosis, and to rule out any underlying conditions, your healthcare provider will do a full examination, including a pelvic exam. If there are any abnormalities that cause concern, your doctor may order an ultrasound, CT scan, MRI or laparoscopy.
What relieves period cramps? How to get rid of period cramps depends on the woman.
Over-the-counter medications can help, as can birth control pills (but the latter come with their own potentially serious side effects and issues). Warm compresses applied directly on the abdomen can help, but ultimately, many women just wind up grimacing and bearing the pain each month.
While cramps can be painful, and even debilitating, physicians normally recommend over-the-counter painkillers to treat the discomfort. However, there are many natural remedies that have been shown to reduce common PMS symptoms and cramps.
How to get rid of period cramps
1. Calcium
Long-heralded in the treatment of PMS symptoms, including fatigue, moodiness and bloating, more recent research indicated that 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day is effective for reducing menstrual pain intensity.
In a small, randomized, double-blind trial, participants who were given 1,000 milligrams of calcium from the 15th day of their cycles until pain disappeared, for three full menstrual cycles, reported a significant decrease in pain levels.
During your period, increasing your intake of calcium-rich foods like whey protein, sardines, goat milk kefir, raw milk and white beans may help reduce symptoms in addition to supporting strong bones, healthy blood pressure levels, and proper muscle and nerve function.
2. Vitamin D
With research indicating that perhaps as many as a billion people worldwide are vitamin D deficient, boosting levels through supplementation and diet changes is common. Research has shown a weekly dose of 50,000 international units (IU) of oral vitamin D significantly decreases the severity of pain for those with primary dysmenorrhea.
The randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial published in the peer-reviewed journal Gynecological Endocrinology found that women with primary dysmenorrhea given the dosage weekly for eight weeks experienced less pain, and even one month after treatment had stopped, pain levels were better than before treatment.
In addition to supplementation, boost your vitamin D intake by spending more time in the sun without sunscreen. Sunshine is the No.1 way to easily and safely increase your vitamin D levels, and just 10 to 20 minutes a day is all you need.
For extra enhancement, add vitamin D-rich foods including wild-caught fish like halibut, mackerel, salmon and swordfish, as well as mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet light, to your diet.
3. Vitamin E
This fat-soluble vitamin is well-known for its power to help balance cholesterol, promote healthy skin and hair, improve vision, and even balance hormones. In addition, research has revealed that 500 IU of vitamin E two days before your period starts, and continued for three days after your period begins, may reduce menstrual cramping.
In this randomized, placebo-controlled trial of students with primary dysmenorrhea, half were given a placebo and the other half were given vitamin E for two consecutive menstrual cycles. While both groups showed improvement in symptoms, the group that received the vitamin E experienced greater effects and relief.
That said, vitamin E supplementation isn’t appropriate for everyone. If you are on blood thinners, have heart disease, diabetes, retinitis pigmentosa, or cancer of the head, neck or prostate, you should avoid high doses of vitamin E.
Instead, increase levels by including vitamin E-rich foods into your diet, like almonds, spinach, sweet potatoes and avocado.
4. B vitamins
Vitamin B1 has shown promise for reducing pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea. In a review of clinical trials, researchers found in one large randomized, controlled trial that women given 100 milligrams of vitamin B1 daily experienced less pain than women who were given a placebo.
To support general wellness and help alleviate a wide range of symptoms during your period, take a high-quality B vitamin complex supplement that gets its nutrients from real food sources.
5. Omega-3 fatty acids
Our bodies don’t produce omega-3 fatty acids, so we have to get them from foods and high-quality supplements. Known for supporting heart health and brain health, reducing inflammation, and much more, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the journal Reproductive Health found that one to two grams of fatty acids daily may help reduce period cramps and other PMS symptoms.
While a small trial, the findings were significant. One group received one gram of omega-3 fatty acids daily while another group received two grams of omega-3 fatty acids daily.
Both groups reported a significant reduction in pain at three months, but the group that received the two-gram dosage experienced even more significant results.
As a supplement, using just one tablespoon of a high-quality fish oil provides just over 4.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to a high-quality supplement, add wild mackerel, walnuts, chia seeds, Alaskan salmon and flaxseeds to your diet.
6. Extra-virgin olive oil
If you’re wondering how to get rid of period cramps, olive oil might help fight period pain symptoms. In a 2015 study, 60 female students who suffered from moderate to severe menstrual cramps were separated into two groups.
The women were all between the ages of 17 and 30 and received one of two pain treatments over the course of four menstruation cycles. One group took 25 mL, or 5 teaspoons, of extra virgin olive oil daily for two months, starting two weeks before the start of their cycles, and then 400 milligrams of ibuprofen three times a day in the first three days of their next two menstrual cycles, when pain is most heightened.
The second group was essentially the same, except the women received the ibuprofen for the first two months and the extra virgin olive oil in the last two months. In both cases, the pain was significantly reduced for the women in the olive oil group, and as they continued taking the olive oil, their pain continued declining.
This is likely because extra virgin olive oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
If you’re wondering how to get rid of period cramps with olive oil, it’s easy. Try it with your salad or, as the researchers suggested, as a food supplement.
7. Yoga and meditation
Known for reducing stress and anxiety as well as improving balance and coordination, research also has relayed that practicing yoga daily along with meditating can relieve pain associated with the menstrual cycle.
In a study of 113 medical students diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea, those who completed a three-month program of practicing yoga 40 minutes every day, along with pranayama and meditation for 10 minutes every day, experienced a significant decrease in pain.
A 2019 study also investigated the impact of yoga on menstrual pain in primary dysmenorrhea. Four trials with 230 participants were conducted, and yoga was found to be an effective intervention.
A 2023 narrative review included 10 studies and examined the impact of a varied set of 39 asanas, five pranayamas and yoga nidra on dysmenorrhea. The studies found that those who practiced this yoga “set” experienced both improved pain tolerance and reduced stress levels.
8. Acupuncture
Used for a wide range of ailments, including headaches, seasonal allergies, mood disorders, chronic pain and addiction, studies also have shown support for acupuncture for dysmenorrhea patients.
In an analysis from a large randomized, controlled trial published in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, acupuncture was given at points Spleen 6, GB39 or a non-acupoint. All three groups reported a significant decrease in pain.
In a clinical trial conducted by the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, acupuncture plus vitamin K injections were tested in women with primary dysmenorrhea. Those who received a vitamin K1 injection at Spleen 6 at the start of menstruation had a significant decrease in the intensity of pain and a decrease in duration of other menstrual symptoms.
Of note, 80 percent of those in the trial reported wanting to continue monthly treatments.
9. Water aerobics/aquatic exercise
While exercise is generally recommended to reduce PMS symptoms, including cramping, vigorous exercise is often too much for those experiencing significant discomfort.
However, a small study of nonathletic young women with primary dysmenorrhea found that the severity and the duration of the pain decreased significantly after 12 weeks of aquatic exercises. Researchers didn’t specify exercises conducted, but lap swimming and water aerobics may be beneficial in reducing pain.
10. Sleep
It’s not your imagination: You may be more tired during your period. Hormonal changes during your cycle are to blame.
So what do you do when all you want is to crawl in bed and sleep for period cramp relief, but you find yourself suffering insomnia instead? If you know that you regularly have trouble sleeping during your cycle, you can take steps ahead of time to prepare.
For example, your body temperature can rise over the course of your cycle, so make sure your room is cool enough to make sleeping comfortable.
If anxiety or depression brought on by your period is making it difficult to unwind, try meditation, journaling or reading in bed. Skip the electronics though, which can tell your brain it’s time to stay awake.
Using a heating pad or rearranging pillows around your back can help with period pain while in bed, too.
11. Kinesiology tape
You may have seen runners with brightly colored tape around their calves or thighs. It’s not a new fashion statement; it’s kinesiology tape used to alleviate aches and pain through a workout by increasing circulation and improving range of motion.
Kinesiology tape’s benefits aren’t just for athletes though. A 2017 study suggested that using kinesiology tape around your pelvis before and during your period can relieve cramps and other menstrual pain by eliminating muscle tension in the area.
Try it by grabbing a roll of kinesiology tape at any sports retailer and cutting off two pieces, then applying them horizontally and vertically in the pelvic region, focusing on where you have the most pain.
12. Have an orgasm
Some women find that they’re more easily turned on in the bedroom during their periods than at other times. That could be because progesterone, a hormone that’s linked to a lower libido, is at its lowest point during this time.
That quality time between the sheets (with a lover or yourself) could actually help you feel better.
A 2020 study of nearly 500 women has found that masturbation can help address period cramps. The so-called “menstrubation” study took place over six months. Impressively, 90 percent of those surveyed would recommend masturbation (and orgasms) as pain relief to others.
Aside from the fact that sex just feels good, there are a few other things at play. Masturbating and sex increase blood flow, which can ease any period pains you’re having. Vaginal stimulation also increases a woman’s pain tolerance.
It may be a surprising way for how to get rid of period cramps, but the science confirms it can help for some women at least.
More tips
Here are more options for how to get rid of period cramps that have been found to be effective for some women:
- 13. Drink more water. Staying hydrated can help reduce bloating, which may alleviate some discomfort associated with menstrual cramps.
- 14. Consume herbal tea. Certain herbal teas, such as chamomile, have been found to reduce menstrual pain.
- 15. Eat anti-inflammatory foods. Incorporating foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties, like ginger, into your diet may help reduce the severity of menstrual cramps.
- 16. Avoid high sugar and junk foods. Reducing the intake of high-sugar foods may help manage menstrual discomfort, as excessive sugar can lead to inflammation and exacerbate pain.
- 17. Drink decaf coffee. Opting for decaffeinated coffee may help prevent caffeine-induced vasoconstriction, which may reduce menstrual pain.
- 18. Use a heating pad. Applying heat to the lower abdomen has been shown to be effective in reducing menstrual pain.
- 19. Massage with essential oils. Massaging the abdominal area with essential oils may help alleviate period pain.
- 20. Acupressure. Applying pressure to specific points on the body has been found to help reduce menstrual cramps.
- 21. Warm bath. Taking a warm bath or foot bath can help relax muscles and reduce pain from period cramps.
- 22. Move your body. Engaging in regular physical activity has been shown to be effective as a way for how to get rid of period cramps.