1031-1040 of 1054 Results

Improve Your Homocysteine Levels to Protect Your Heart

Never heard of homocysteine before and wondering what causes someone to have elevated homocysteine levels? Homocysteine is a specific type of amino acid that's created in the body during metabolic processes, as opposed to consumed in food. It's produced in the body as a byproduct of methylation, the process of producing an essential protein called…

Breakthrough Study: Fungus May Trigger Crohn’s Disease

A fungus may trigger Crohn's disease, a devastating inflammatory bowel disease that often requires heavy-duty drugs, surgery or a combination of both to keep at bay. The new finding, published in the September 2016 edition journal mBio, opens the door to more probiotic-based treatment options that could more gently treat and possibly even cure the digestive disease Crohn's…

FDA Bans Triclosan & 18 Other Antibacterial Soap Ingredients

With mountains of data suggesting the antibacterial soap chemical triclosan is a toxic ripoff and completely unnecessary for everyday use, the Food and Drug Administration finally announced it's banning the ingredient in consumer hand and body washes. As the FDA bans triclosan and related antibacterial soap chemicals, manufacturers have one year to remove it and 18…

DIY Blackhead Removal Mask with Turmeric, Peppermint & Frankincense

Everyone wants to get rid of blackheads. Not only are they unsightly, but they could be an indication of a food allergy or some other problem like leaky gut. What are blackheads exactly? The American Academy of Dermatology tells us that oil that collects on the surface of the skin combined with dead skin cells and…

Celiac Disease Diet: Foods, Tips & Products to Avoid

Estimates show that rates of celiac disease diagnoses have risen by nearly 400 percent since the 1960s, and many health authorities speculate that there still may be a significant percentage of people living with undiagnosed celiac disease or similar problems.(1) In the U.S. and most other industrialized nations, slightly less than 1 percent of all adults have…

Paleo Protein Pancakes Recipe

Are you ready to make one of the most powerful breakfasts ever in just minutes? It's time to try my Paleo Protein Pancakes. If you enjoy pancakes — or even if you don't, for that matter — you're going to love this morning meal. These pancakes are made from coconut flour, so they're perfect for…

Gastritis Symptoms: 4 Natural Treatments for This ‘Sick Tummy’ Problem

Symptoms of this uncomfortable condition account for more than 2 million visits to the doctor each year in the U.S. alone. This is because gastritis symptoms can wreak all kinds of havoc on people’s digestive tracts, leaving them in all sorts of pain and discomfort. What is gastritis, you ask? It's an uncomfortable digestive problem caused by…

Natural Approach to Managing Manic Depression (Bipolar Disorder)

Do you or someone you know experience extreme mood swings with any type of recurring frequency? I'm talking about things like manic "high" period of increased energy in rotation with very "low" periods of depression. If so, it may a sign of manic depression. Although many people live with manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder,…

Are Your Favorite Eco-Cleaners Toxic?

There's nothing better than opening the door and stepping into a tidy house after a long day's work. But our quest for cleanliness — I call it living in the Age of Oversanitation — is doing a real number on our health, introducing chemicals that can cause cancer, asthma and grueling allergic skin reactions. A Spring 2016 Environmental Working…

Most Common IBS Symptoms & What You Can Do About Them

Wondering if your recurring digestive issues might mean you have irritable bowl syndrome (IBS)? As you'll learn, IBS symptoms vary a lot from person to person and tend to come and go with stress and other lifestyle changes. Each person's experience with IBS is a bit different, and certain symptoms often seem to be stronger or…