101-110 of 1111 Results

Mugwort: the Herb that Fights Joint Pain?

What exactly is mugwort? Well, outside of sounding like it should be in the pages of the "Harry Potter" series, it’s a root-based perennial plant that goes by many different names. Most importantly, it's a remedy that's been used to help fight serious diseases and maladies. You may often hear mugwort referred to by other…

How to Recognize Mono Symptoms + 12 Natural Treatments

Mono is called the "kissing disease" because it spreads by contact with bodily fluids, especially saliva. Mono symptoms are most common in teens and young adults. Symptoms in children are usually too mild to notice, and older adults typically have immunity to the virus. But when you do have active mono, you'll know something's wrong. The most…

Is Coffee Good or Bad for You? Coffee Nutrition Facts vs. Fiction

Hundreds of millions of people drink coffee on a nearly daily basis — it's a big part of the Swedish tradition of fika — and coffee drinkers commonly ask, “Is coffee good for you?" The answer, unsurprisingly, is yes and no. However, the potential benefits of coffee have been extensively studied in recent years as…

8 Best Anti-Inflammatory Drinks

Chronic inflammatory diseases are now considered the most significant cause of death worldwide. What is the fastest way to reduce inflammation in the body? Many experts believe the answer is improving your diet, specifically by including a wide variety of anti-inflammatory foods and anti-inflammatory drinks. Anti-inflammatory drinks — such as teas, coffee and bone broth…

IBS Diet Plan, Including What Foods to Avoid

According to a clinical review published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects between 7 percent to 21 percent of the general population. The amount of people who now struggle with some form of IBS is estimated to be a shocking 60 million people in the U.S. alone (roughly…

Help Reduce Depression & Inflammation with Patchouli Oil

The strong scent of patchouli oil has been used for centuries in perfumes. More recently it's been used in incense, insect repellents and alternative medicines. It's also commonly used for skin care because of its ability to help alleviate skin issues, and it's considered one of best home remedies for acne, eczema, inflammation, and cracked,…

Don’t Shave Too Close! (6 Folliculitis Natural Treatments)

Folliculitis is a common skin disorder where the hair follicles become inflamed and sometimes infected. Dermatological conditions that also fall in the folliculitis category include hot tub rash, barber’s itch and razor burn. With more than 5 million hairs on the average human body, folliculitis can occur anywhere. It affects all ages and results in…

Avocado Benefits: The Most Nutrition-Packed Food on the Planet?

Avocado has snagged a spot as one of the world's healthiest superfoods — and for good reason. In addition to being delicious and easy to enjoy, avocados also contain a hearty dose of important nutrients, such as fiber, good fats, potassium and vitamin K. That's why there are several avocado benefits, with research suggesting that…

What Is Brown Noise? Benefits + How to Use It for Better Sleep

Given how common sleep-related issues like insomnia are, it's no wonder that the use of sound machines and sleep apps is on the rise. With a number of options available — including white, pink and brown noise—  what "color" noise is best for sleeping? The truth is, there isn't one specific type of sound that…

Poop: What’s Normal, What’s NOT + 7 Steps to Healthy Pooping

Wondering if your poop is considered "normal"? Most of us have asked ourselves this question at some point. When you're not regularly having normal bowel movements, or your feces is an unusual color and/or consistency, this can definitely indicate that something isn’t quite right. There are many reasons why you might not be pooping regularly…