101-110 of 406 Results

Rosemary Oil Uses and Benefits for Hair Growth and More

Rosemary is much more than an aromatic herb that tastes great on potatoes and roasted lamb. Rosemary oil is actually one of the most powerful herbs and essential oils on the planet! Having an antioxidant ORAC value of 11,070, rosemary has the same incredible free radical-fighting power as goji berries. This wooded evergreen native to…

Why Am I Always Tired? 11 Reasons (Plus Natural Remedies for Each)

Do you ask yourself, “Why am I so tired, and why am I always tired?” Do you feel like no matter how much sleep you get, you’re still tired all the time? Getting a good night’s sleep is important for having plenty of energy, but there’s more to the story than just sleeping well. If you’re…

Sandalwood Essential Oil Benefits for the Brain & Body

Are you looking for an increase in a sense of calmness and greater mental clarity in your day-to-day life? Many of us are simply stressed out and overwhelmed with so many daily demands. To have just a moment of peace and harmony would really help improve our lives, and sandalwood essential oil can help. Sandalwood…

Migraine Relief: 10 Home Remedies for Common Symptoms

Have you ever had a migraine headache? If you have, you know how painful one can be, and if you haven't, chances are someone you know has. Given how debilitating migraine symptoms can be, anyone affected wants to know how to get rid of a migraine. Studied indicate that migraines affect more than 10 percent of people…

15 Detox Bath Recipes to Remove Toxins & Feel Refreshed

Carving out alone time to de-stress, unwind and meditate in our busy schedule can be tough. Balancing family, work and relationship obligations leaves little time to “indulge” — enter the detox bath. Allowing our bodies (and minds!) time to rest and rid themselves of toxins is essential to staying healthy. After all, if you’re not…

7 Natural Treatments for a Heel Spur (Plus Symptoms & Causes)

A heel spur is caused by the displacement of calcium on the bone that forms on the underside of the heel. It may be one small bony protrusion or a collection of tiny, irregularly shaped growths on the bone of the heel, which is called the calcaneum. Heel spurs are sometimes painful — described as…

The 7 Best Essential Oils for Hair Growth & More

When it comes to using essential oils for hair, there are plenty of beneficial choices. Whether you are looking to thicken your hair, treat dandruff and dry scalp, give your hair strength and shine, or lighten your hair naturally, essential oils are much safer and just as effective as conventional hair care products. They are also…

Natural Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis, Including 5 Key Stretches

Roughly 11 to 15 percent of the adult population suffers from the type of heel pain known as plantar fasciitis, also known as plantar heel pain (PHP) or fasciopathy. Plantar fasciitis is caused by inflammation of the thick fascia tissues of the heels. It's a common running injury and usually triggered due to overuse of…

Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair Growth (and More)

Castor oil has been used for centuries in traditional beauty treatments for hair because of its beneficial fatty acids and vitamin E content. Today, it’s used in over 700 cosmetic products and remains popular as a natural remedy for various hair issues, including castor oil for hair dryness, breakage and castor oil for hair growth.…

Cystic Acne Treatment that Includes Dietary Changes

Have you ever had large, red, painful breakouts? These breakouts can affect both men and women as young as 8 or as old 50. The face is the most common and concerning area of occurrence, but other problem areas can include the chest, back, upper arms and shoulders. We're talking about cystic acne, which is…