1491-1500 of 1638 Results

Paleo vs. Vegan Diet — the Pros and Cons

[Below is my transcript of my video about the Paleo vs. vegan diet, along with supplemental information on the topic.] In this video, I'm going to settle the debate of Paleo vs. vegan diet, and really go over all the benefits of going Paleo and maybe some of the cons. While I don't eat a Paleo…

Dairy-Free Diet Benefits (and 6 Dairy Alternatives)

Did you know that the first adverse reaction to cow's milk was actually detailed 2,000 years ago? Hippocrates described the first adverse reaction to cow's milk as skin and gastrointestinal symptoms after consumption. Today, cow's milk is among the first foods introduced into an infant's diet, and accordingly, it's one of the first and most common…

What Causes Receding Gums? + 10 Home Remedies

Did you know there is a direct correlation between your dental health and your overall health? In fact, the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, a part of the NIH, concludes that the mouth is a mirror of health and disease. Because of this, the mouth can act as an early warning system for…

Raw Food Diet: Benefits, Risks and How to Follow

Despite what you might have heard, a raw food diet is not another "fad diet" as we normally think of one. In fact, some experts on raw diets say that they're essentially the opposite: "anti-diets" and more like a lifestyle that simply promotes eating more real foods in their natural state. A raw food diet,…

What Is Butyric Acid? 6 Benefits You Need to Know About

You may not have realized it, but chances are you've consumed something called butyric acid before, and believe it or not, your body produces it as well. It's true — butyric acid, also known as butanoic acid or BTA, is a saturated short-chain fatty acid found in butter, ghee, raw milk, animal fats and plant oils. It's also formed in…

Amylase: The Anti-Diabetes Digestive Enzyme that Boosts Energy

It's a lesser known fact that a growing number of health problems can be linked to nutrient malabsorption due to a lack of digestive enzymes. (Amylase, protease and lipase are the three main and most vital enzymes your body utilizes to digest food. Amylase has the responsibility of helping your body process carbohydrates into simple sugars while protease breaks…

Gluten-Free Beer + Other “Healthy” Beer Options

You've heard about the health benefits of red wine before, but you may be wondering about beer nutrition facts as well. For those of you who think that beer is bad for you, you'll be surprised to find out that many studies suggest that light-to-moderate consumption of beer can boost your heart health, reduce your risk…

Cat’s Claw Benefits for Immunity, Digestion and Chronic Disease

I've previously written about cat's claw as one of the best antiviral herbs to boost the immune system and fight infection. This powerful herb is not only antiviral — it also has anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and antioxidant properties. These health-promoting attributes may make cat's claw helpful as a natural treatment for arthritis, allergies, asthma, diabetes, chronic…

Sea Buckthorn Oil: The Ancient Greek Oil that Fights Major Diseases

Despite its name, you don't find sea buckthorn oil in the sea, but you may want to consider making this oddly named wonder oil part of your daily supplementation. Sea buckthorn oil is extracted from the berries and seeds of the sea buckthorn plant, and both the berries and seeds are great for the skin and…

9 Charts That Show Why America is Fat, Sick & Tired

Why America Is Sick The health of our nation is at risk. While obesity reaches near epidemic proportions, the rate of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer continues to rise. What is the cause? The way we eat. Sadly, today, many Americans choose convenience over health. Fast-food restaurants and convenience foods continue to make up…