11-20 of 27 Results

Paleo Diet Beginner’s Guide, Including Best vs. Worst Foods

In the past few decades, our diets have changed dramatically. Highly processed foods are more common than fruits and vegetables, as Americans opt for convenient choices that fit in to their busy lifestyles. Enter the Paleo diet plan, which seeks to ditch processed options in favor of the foods eaten by our ancestors. The Paleo…

Top 22 Cooling Foods & Herbs (Plus Benefits)

If you were to ask a practitioner of traditional medicine, "How can I reduce my body heat?" they're likely to recommend adding more cooling foods and herbs to your diet in order to bring things into balance. What are cooling foods, and how do they work? A variety of fruits, veggies, herbs and other foods…

Cherimoya Fruit for Digestion, Eye Health & More

A story has it that Mark Twain called the cherimoya "the most delicious fruit known to man." He described the fruit as "deliciousness itself." That's pretty high praise for a fruit that's up against mangoes, peaches, cherries and many more. These pricey fruits aren't very common in American households, but they are touted for their…

Noni Juice: The Superfruit Beverage that Boosts Immunity

While lesser known than "superfruits" like acai berry or pomegranate, noni is a fruit that’s earned its name as a superfood due to its many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. More specifically, noni juice has demonstrated a range of potentially beneficial effects as an anti-inflammatory drink in research studies, although leaves and seeds from the fruit…

Longan: the Asian Fruit with Therapeutic and Culinary Benefits!

If you've ever visited Vietnam, Thailand or China, you may have come across the fruit called longan, a relative of lychee. Longan is a white-fleshed, juicy fruit with yellow-brown skin that grows in hanging clusters. Each small fruit is about the size of a large olive and is sometimes called a "berry" (although it's not…

Parsley Benefits for Immunity, Digestion & More

You probably recognize parsley as a familiar fresh or dried herb, but you may not know that it can prove to be a boon to your health. Many cultures use it not only to add flavor to dishes, but also for the high nutrient value and the number of parsley benefits. What are the health…

Juuling (Vaping): Increasing Regulation Due to Its Dangers

In 2003, the first commercially successful electronic cigarette debuted in China. Today, millions of consumers regularly use ENDS, especially, e-cigarettes. Juul e-cigarettes, apparently created to help adult smokers quit smoking more easily, are now the most popular "vaping device" among teens and young adults. While the vast majority of adults can't identify a Juul and report…

Tips for Beating Cancer: Activate Your Body’s 5 Health Defense Systems

Tips for beating cancer should always include dietary components, but all too often, this part of cancer treatment is ignored. We turned to William Li, MD, world-renowned doctor and author of the New York Times bestseller Eat to Beat Disease: The New Science of How Your Body Can Heal Itself to learn more about his thoughts…

Walnuts Nutrition Helps Both Your Heart & Mood

Ever notice that a walnut looks just like the human brain? According to ancient wisdom, this is more than just a coincidence. Considering one of the biggest benefits of walnuts nutrition is the ability to support your most important organ — the brain — walnuts are scientifically proven to be a true “brain food” and…

Renal Diet Foods List and Eating Plan for Kidney Disease

What diet is best for kidney disease? According to the American Society for Nutrition, "The renal diet is commonly recommended for those with late stages of chronic kidney disease and end-stage kidney disease." Many people with these kidney conditions are undergoing renal replacement therapy, also called hemodialysis, but additionally require dietary changes in order to avoid…